Why isn't college free in America?
A 150 years ago there was no widespread, free, mandatory secondary education. Lets bring the nation into the 21st century with free college.
Why isn't college free in America?
A 150 years ago there was no widespread, free, mandatory secondary education. Lets bring the nation into the 21st century with free college.
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Shut up gook, free college would make degrees more worthless than they already are.
Nothing is free.
> let's bring the nation
> dogeater flag
You certainly need an education.
You can apply for the federal pell grant which will get you to an associates easy with no debt. By buying books cheap and used or digitally you'll likely bring in cash rather than owe it.
If you don't have a career started by the time you want a bachelor's or better that can pay for your college then you've already fucked up.
*t. boomers
Listen up you old fags, when you went to college in the '70s the greatest generation subsidized your asses.
Now, you want to charge 20x the tuition and say
>oh shit, dat b fair
Major shouldn't even matter. College doesn't provide training for the job market. It's finishing for the curious mind.
TL;DR Fuck off you ignorant nigger
*t. boomer who drives to work everyday on free roads
let's get some toll roads in this bitch
fuck you, pay for my education
Nothing is free and college debt got outbof hand the second time the government started giving loans to everyone that were illegal to default on. Gee maybe we should have MORE government involvement in financial aid, what could go wrong?
>free roads
Ah, it's retarded. Makes sense
Recently, research has counterintuitively indicated a need to scale back the financial aid we offer prospective students since such policies have thus far made higher education LESS affordable. [1]
In response, there has been one main criticism to that research: "How in the world could increased college assistance have come BEFORE increased tuition costs?" "Go ahead," exclaim the skeptics, "look at the historic record. Tuition increases came first! They were not CAUSED by expansions in financial aid!"
We decided to fact check this critique by doing precisely what was asked; looking at the historic record.
[The following dollar figures have all been adjusted for inflation.] From 1971 to 1981, annual tuition and fees for higher education only rose $2 for a public two year facility. [2] You read that correctly. ONLY two dollars. For a public, four year state school, in state tuition and fees had actually DECREASED $190. For the same period of time, a private four year institution, ALSO decreased by $304. [2] This is very important to note. It means that the cost of higher education was NOT rising at an alarming rate at this point in history. Rather, it had actually decreased or, at most, broken even. (depending on the circumstance) Since that time, however, tuition unfortunately inclined sharply.
So then, what is the record on financial aid for higher education? Unlike the claims from the critics, expansions in financial aid programs DID come BEFORE the start of the tuition crisis. Federal financial aid had its start in 1958, with the National Defense Student Loan Program for low-income students, the precursor to the Perkins Loan Program, and soon after with the Health Professions Educational Assistance Act of 1963 [a]. Note, however, these were relatively small programs and therefore didn't necessarily distort the market in any impactful way. They truly were helping low income individuals, and thus were not wide-scale programs.
It wasn't until later, in 1965, 1972, and 1978, when the financial aid that we recognize today began to take hold. In 1965, for instance, the precursors to the Pell Grant and Stafford Loans were created as part of the Higher Education Act. [3] At that time, a key change occurred in the way federal tuition loan programs were financed. "Instead of using government money directly, the loans would be made by bankers. But if students defaulted, the government guaranteed that IT would cover the tab." [4] Think about this perverse incentive for a moment. It meant that capital could be offered in the form of student loans under the presumption that profit from said loans could be kept privately, but if and when losses arose, banks and investors wouldn't have to lose their money since TAXPAYERS would foot the bill. Effectively, this was socializing losses while privatizing gains. It would take years for this perverse incentive to grow into a large scale problem, but it eventually did.
In '72, the precursor to the Pell Grant was created, but more importantly, Sallie Mae was created by Nixon and the Congress. Sallie Mae was a firm that received help from the treasury to buy student loans off of banks, freeing the banks to then offer even MORE federally insured loans. [4] From that point forward, banks had nothing to lose by offering loans since they - quite literally - could ONLY profit from the exchange. That meant a bank's sound underwriting reasoning, which typically would lead them to decline risky or unreasonable loan requests, was no longer present. If that weren't bad enough, the most important change came in 1978 with the Middle Income Student Assistance Act, which expanded federal student assistance programs to include middle-income students in addition to low-income students. [3] This is where everything changed. From this point forward, most of these financial aid programs were no longer limited to a minority of low income applicants, but instead became the norm for nearly the entire populace. Under this arrangement, loans would eventually be made to nearly everyone regardless of the requested price of tuition, and tuition would therefore be free to rise unchecked since no financial institution was saying "no." It should be no surprise, then, that this was the last decade our nation enjoyed relatively affordable tuition. Since that 1978 expansion, the cost of higher education increased more than 13 fold; about 1,225 percent. [5] To put that into perspective, in the same time period, ordinary inflation (CPI) had only increased 279 percent. [5]
NO, massive and alarming increases in tuition did not occur PRIOR to expansions in financial aid. The expansions in financial aid occurred PRIOR to the tuition crisis. We have a legitimate problem on our hands, and it's important that it be properly diagnosed if we are ever to fix it.
*largest military on earth
Hurr durr durr nothing be free praise fag obama and military veterans need discounts fuck my wife army man so masculine hurr hurr hurr
Then when college is free
>why isnt post grad free?
Then when post grad is free
>Why arent Masters free
It never ends. Earn it yourself join the military
College is pretty affordable actually. Except people are retarded and go to private universities and out of state public universities for the "college experience". I'm going to my local Cal State, living with my parents, paying zero rent, and with the grants I get, I'm left with about $1000 dollars after my tuition is paid for
>Why isn't college free in America?
Cause the gov has to pay the FED and there isn't any money left.
I would be in favor of making certain majors(stem) free and removing all funding for everything else.
Isn't the average college debt around 46k?
That ain't much for American salaries.
Wow its almost like any industry which requires borrowed money to enter will name their own price year after year
the question isnt "why isnt college free." we know free shit is unamerican. the question is, why is our own govt jewing american kids with predatory, usury loans? i know people who borrowed 7k for school and now owe 30k or more. its fucking outrageous that they're tricking 18 year olds into signing up for these loans
Trust me, it’s better so, in Europe we are tired of paying taxes for “free” things.
No, it's like any industry in which a large portion of the population is guaranteed massive government subsidies to enter and the rest can receive government-guaranteed loans will name their own price year after year.
university is a meme
because maintaining the college and paying all the employees takes money and it makes sense to get that money by selling education to students .
Whoever you know that borrowed 7k and now owes 30k is an absolute retard. Interest on student loans isn't that high, only way it ballooned up to 30k is because he or she didn't make payments on that loan.
Umm Guys, plumbers charge $300 per hour in my area. Trades are kicking ass now.
>Be common sense-halfway intelligent individual. Get into a Trade.
>Don't do drugs or drink too much.
>Get to work and be diligent in your job.
>Make a great fucking living
>pay for my education
So is it free or is it actually really expensive and you just want to force somebody else to pay for it?
Free doesn't exist
instea dof free college maybe we should pass a law that only allows college to raise tuition inly if the hire more facilty, offer more classes, buy nore equipment, ect..
there are already laws about this, but colleges skirt around them by building useless infastructure like soccer fields and gyms. by builder more expensive venues and buildings, they can justify a prive hike even though thise new installments dont offer much to the university
case in point my local college uconn is spending over 80 million on two soccer practice fields and a new gym. we already have a gym and two training facilities and a soccer field. the email said
>dont worry your tuition will only increase when construction is done
its a scam, eliminate this loophole and colleges tuition will actually start to reflect the quality of education rather than how big and shiny it is
About to graduate, but just recently heard HVAC guys make $17/hr starting of as an apprentice and it can go up to $36/hr as they progress through their career. Would definitely go that route if I was a new high school grad, instead of college.
>he or she didn't make payments on that loan.
well duh. loan debt isnt a problem for people who can afford to pay it
but here's the deal: do you want to spend the next 47 years of your life scrubbing toilets and sucking shit out of pipes?
they only make that much money to make up for the half of their soul that died.
Pell grants. LMAO. Won't even pay half. Grants are worthless without loans or other financial backing.
Glad the author labeled everything, would have been hard to guess.
University = Knowledge
Knowledge =/= Intelligence
Knowledge =/= Wisdom
People with degrees think too much of themselfes. Every idiot can make a degree now, if the needed opportuites like a wealthy family were given. "Educated" people seem to forget, that they still are retards as human beings and will just die like anyone else and cease to exist.
yeah man, like nothing totally matters.
Go to college, work psssshhhhhhhhh
Let's just, like, play x-box and eat frozen pizza. Jack off to hentai, who cares man?
median per person is 30k.
millenials median is 20k
46k in debt is 400 a month
Like free public schools are a shining example.
Exactly, high quality public education should be extended to the tertiary realm.
So you're saying they can afford to pay more?
because we offer classes in Beyonce and you sad fucks only get to take music
>Not understanding the difference between responsible and irresponsible acts
Wow, color me surprised.
You are probably the same nutjob like most people who think they are smart, because they studied something at college, yet they lack mental and spiritual qualities and are the worst arrogant and irrational beings one can be arround with.
>Why isn't college free in America?
Trades are a meme. The most you'll make in your career is $25/hr for soul-crushing, back-breaking work... if you're lucky.
>Let's do free college
>translates to:
>White men pay more taxes so niggers and spics can go to free college
Nah I'm good. I wish tuition was higher desu, then the marxist retards wouldn't have anyone to indoctrinate and useless minorities wouldn't be filling seats when they're just going to drop out in 2 semesters anyway. Affordable college is what's turned universities into adult daycares with beer and tits instead of the institutions of higher learning and dedication they used to be.
An educated populace is the last thing multi-national capitalists want.
It's already free. Just serve in the military faggot.
I would unironically support socialized education if we brought back segregated education.
Affordable college created the 50s, the best America has ever been.
You misplaced the problem at the feet of affordability in place of demography.
It's ok though, you're just another dumb mutt.
Because this is communism
>50s were great cuz affordable college
also millennials:
>my retard grandfather didnt even go to college and he got a house and car reeee
hundreds of alternative weekly newspapers in America are literally free to the public.
It's admittedly not much, but fuck your attitude.
You're a fucking retard. The average tuition in the 1950s was hovering around $700-750, in the 1960s it was almost halved to $395-$450. Affordable college happened in the last half of the 60s, you fucking schmuck. The entire "student loan program" that everyone uses today was created and implemented in 1965. How about you shut the fuck up and skip on back to plebbit where you'll be amongst other dumbasses who don't know what the fuck they're talking about?
This right here is why everyone calls you worst Korea. You stupid gooks got mind raped by a moon cult for years and then try to "suggest" shit to other people as if it has any validity
>being a lifelong slave to the jew
>scrubbing toilets to live your own life
the choice is apparent
Opposed to soul sucking desk jockey? Or not even finding a job because you have a meme degree?
>Why isn't college free in America?
Because then FOX news wouldn't have any viewers
Dude, S Korea has mandatory military service for you fucks after high school, what are you some brokedick faggot who couldn't even get into mandatory military service so now you're salty? Kek