Brit/pol/ - Clais Fhearnaig Edition

Go outside you obese cunts.

>Tom Watson accuses NEC member of being a 'loud-mouthed bully'

>No 10 deny plan for Army role in 'no deal' Brexit

>Jeremy Hunt gaffe: 'My wife is Japanese'

>Supreme Court backs agreed end-of-life decisions

>Removal vans spotted at Boris Johnson's official residence

>Northern: Cancelled services resume after timetable chaos

>Prime ministers and their holiday snaps

>Tories delete 'Love Island' bottles promotion

>Steven Agnew to step down as leader of Green Party in NI

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Other urls found in this thread:

Jeremy Hunt is nearly as retarded as those Anons from last thread.

Fucking retards.

Shimmy wham wham you duck fucking milk boat wranglers

Third for Brexit is a historic mistake.

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why do you want to use force against me

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>Steven agnew

Oh no not Steve

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I thought in the UK you have the right not to incriminate yourself?

The world building in Episode 1 was epic. Probably better than any other SW movie.


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Filter and do not reply to !!A0xG2rcMkbq
Do not let trips run rampant again

I've done a number on you.

That's it kid. "Fun and games" is over. It didn't have to be this way. You crossed the line when you insulted my girlfriend. I will make this quick.

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Looks like I win again

This. We need Israel as an example of a racially pure nation.
>White people
>in PIGS
they lost their majority White status centuries ago.

The mistake is that we aren't leaving, we're staying but in worse conditions.

Actually leaving would be a good thing, the EU was a historic mistake.

Yeah, that's right. I knew you didn't have it in you. You bit off a little more than you could chew. *holsters dueling pistols*

Watch yourself out there kid.

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I’m going to write utterly shit dystopian sci-fi about post brexit Britain and rake in the cash from all the corbynite londoners and there’s nothing you can do to stop me

I want my wee-wee's mummy and I want them NOW

I thought police could get a warrant to get data from FB



Why do we have to copy the Americans with everything?
University staff are not competent to investigate and punish crime

The dude with the graphs should include famous white Britons from that area to highlight the loss of culture

When's the next war for Israel and what is it.

He needs to do a doom graph then a crime graph correlated with it.

Re posting my country ball chat room idea.

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Most likely under this exception

The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000[16] s.49 and s.53 make it a criminal offence (with a penalty of two years in prison, or five years with regards to child sex offences) to fail to disclose when requested the key to any encrypted information.

Muh novichock will be the justification, they will change the narrative to the novichock not being from the Russians but given to Russians to Assad who then sold it on

And there's another country I've heard of long ago,
Most dear to them that love her, most great to them that know....

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England is an Islamic caliphate, that hates White immigration from the EU, preferring instead to import pakis, poos and muslims en mass.

Perhaps, that would be profitable. I think that the next chemical attack could be justification instead.

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When this will be in power one day

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Why did he punch the roastie?


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That would be the ultimate accelerationism.

>says the EU

It's just a meme flag used to hide shitty ones.

>OY VEY! You're not allowed to even use the words 'cultural marxism' now, goy!

I live in Belfast and can confirm this is exactly what England appears to the rest of the UK to be doing

Will you faggots learn how to keep a general up ffs?

The term "cultural bolshevism" was used by pretty much all right-wing groups in Weimar Germany and the Reich.

>How dare you criticise the Frankfurt School
>It's antisemitic because, erm, they were mainly Jews

>had to use the Google screen sharing thing because I needed AdWords support
>Indian on the other end saw brit/pol/
>was a bit awkward

>Digits confirm not a larp
What did he say, user?

Not with Southern Europe and France in the union. Destabilisation of the EU here we go
Come to Glasgow and you will be astonished with the sheer number of polish and Italian subhumans

TBF it is like that round Armagh, Portadown and Dungannon with Europoors and around the Ormeau Road in Belfast with """Syrians"""

Dublin is also unrecognisably vibrant

will you?

'errr, okay'
I knew he saw it and he was being professional by not saying anything but it was still pretty awkward having him see what is pretty overt talk of racial differences.

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I can't allow myself to succumb to making your general for you.

thats not what im asking you utter spastic

You're right, no.

I command you, American, to leave my general.

Somebody has to remind you to make them. I am the true leader of brit/pol/

my pubes are itchy

Have you applied for your air conditioner loicenses, britcucks?

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Wash or trim up a bit. My pubes are quite glossy

I shall put you at the back of the queue when we take power.

Homosexuals are hereby illegal and shall not post on Brit/pol/ and will be executed once we take power.

im not asking for advice you gay poof

im making a statement


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>"it could be the lowering of standards for British foods, and it could be bad news for British farmers.” - Nigel Farage

based nige

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Sent a message to the only woman I see on the reg on Sunday morning
>"What a night"
And sent pic related.
Big mistake.
I only meant we'd had a showdown with a security team of five big nobody bullies in front of the local town and won. Wouldn't let the bar shut til 4:30 after that. People had fun. No violence, we just pulled rank.
On everyone/everything. Entertaining is part of my job and it's on expenses and she knows what I'm like (gentlemans clubs... DOH!) and assumed I'd meant to message another grill I'd been with and sent it to her by mistake.
I got the cold shoulder on Sunday, but she was going to pay my credit card off and I have to go to a Mediterranean island (yet again, third this summer) in a couple of weeks, escorting her.
The offices are nearby so someone yokal will have been gossiping until it got up the tree to my one and only boss (my one and only woman when I'm with her too) I've been asleep all day. Missed loads of calls and theres a message saying she's bringing me it in cash tonight.
Better scrub up.
Hey just thunk - aren't I supposed to be a virgin in a cellar?
Better get my casino VIP ratings card destroyed and cut a few inches off my dick, don't want you liberals reading this getting in tears again like you did when I helped got President Trump elected/Brexit won.
Feels good winning.
I just got up. Later (after this woman's gone) I'll be doing VR and pressups until 5am. I get a salary for this. The letters of the job (You) want are P-A. Pet Animal.
It's just so fucking easy I'm listening to this and hitting the coffee and smiling.

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degenerate scum has no place in the neo-empire

disgusting. you are a vile pervert and I will personally ensure your demise.

What are the benefits of Brexit?

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Gay flag user is a larper.

Benefits of Brexit include weight loss through empty supermarkets

Didn't read but I can tell that she was the instigator just from the pic, probably owns a pug and brags about her mortgage Drinks A Lot Of Alcohol

It it the first step to building my neo-British empire

what was the thing that you were bullied for that made you change your tripcode?

>i base my life on japanese cartoons
holy shit the state of people nowadays

>Chillers out of order
Did Juncker destroy them?

didn't pay there Chiller loicence

bullies, heh, don't make me laugh. it's bullies that gave me this hate and this drive to win and when we do I might tell them if they'd just been a bit nicer to me then maybe I wouldn't have this rope around their necks.

i've done a number on you

This isn’t politics. It’s a coping ground for the mentally ill. Newfags leave before you become one of them.


Daily reminder not to reply to trip tumours, even to tell them to fuck off

He's done a number on you

ciamar a tha sibh?


It's pretty clear mate I'm gonna shoot it straight with you the man's done a number

This thread is not American friendly, I suggest you leave.

Tha mise gu math, a charaid

T. Ceap Breatainn

Should we resume discussing the finer points of ingesting ones own semen?

Yes, as it relates to personal survival in the bush. Given the data so far, I'm for it.

Is Ritalin better than Modafinil

Ritalin is an amphetamine it says on wikipedia. I remember one kid at school used to have the teacher give it to him and it would make him more annoying after taking it

Whats the best NHS ADHD drug i'm under pressure to produce results

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Yth esov vy owth assaya dyski Kernewek

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Why don't we call it what it is: protein recycling?

Every single anti-union nationalist party or group is a subversive, communistic agent working against our great kingdom and should be dealt with through force. If you are a member of an anti-unionist party or group you should get the fucking death penalty.

This goes for you too, fag.

looks like I'm going to live in a rehab type place lads. going to be weird as fuck living with other people again

I want MY wee-wee's


Tony Blair will burst into tears, and slimeball Mandelson will have a fit of the vapours.

Greentext your life story as succinctly as possible that has gotten you to this point please.

Còmhla bidh sinn a 'draibheadh na sasannaiche dhan mhuir!
Together we will drive the sasannach into the sea!

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