How did "based" become a Jow Forums thing? It was invented by lil b the based god, who is a black rapper...

How did "based" become a Jow Forums thing? It was invented by lil b the based god, who is a black rapper? I thought this was a white board?

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We colonized the word nigga

kinda sounds like you let hip-hop influence you

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and yet lil b is more successful than sam will ever be

Same thing with pepe, he looks black, like a literal black person turned into a frog. The altright needs a proper mascot that properly represents whites men

just call him a newfag and move along boys

Americans love niggers. They are obsessed with them like pathetic cucks and try to hide it.

Everything american is black.


I always liked lil b desu

france is the blackest non-african country besides the USA though....

t. mohammad

reddit started it

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le based cuckpill xP


i love the absolute 180 white have been pulling on nigger culture. you people are truly pathetic and deserve to be led into slaughter

except they are the lowest and society and not in the media.
In the us they are actors, musicians, PRESIDENTS GODS seen as a pretty accessory

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try not to get offended and you will realise he's right

Correct OP
Only wiggers, nogs and Jow ForumsDonald users say such stupid shit like woke and based. Add ‘real talk though’ to the list.
Any thread with such words is an immediate shill thread.
Inb4 whiney wigger jews tell me otherwise

>post ID "niG"

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strong autism right here

dont forget "thot" and "senpai"

Top kek that's like saying Chloe Kardashian is more successful than him. What, because some degenerate made more money means they're more successful? Kike

based god was a Jow Forums meme in the beginning, but why would I expect you to know that 12 year old reddit newfag

wrong based first came off from this nigga.
but what would you know you autistic virginal magapediepie.

he was a Jow Forums meme, before identity politics was rife and newfags like you knew what this place was

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No it didn’t you stupid faggot, based has been a term before lil b. Just cause some retarded rapper calls himself based doesn’t mean he invented it.

Wojack obviously

Are you implying that Sam Hyde is more successful than the Kardashians? Fuckin' stupid autist.

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Not if i want to hang niggas

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Here's what's really funny about it: Lil B started calling himself based in an attempt to "reclaim" the term from being the insult that it is because it literally means that you're cracked the fuck out - as in freebase. As in you're a rock smoking, cock smoking basehead.

So now every "redpilled" idiot from here to Twatter and back is self-applying this term. I still laugh every time I see it.

Sam Hide was popular like 8 years ago dude stop sucking his cock

because it was stolen from /sp/

and stop acting like its Jow Forums only its on literally every board.

Well that's what happens when you sell your soul

this. he even thanked Jow Forums in an interview

It didn't, based is a slang term that has been used in Berkeley for a few decades. Lil B is from Berkeley and is no doubt the reason the slang term is so popular now.

I actually listen to Lil B.

Lil B is an oldfag.

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It just became a widely used term on Jow Forums in general. I always thought it was pretty gay tho. Never say that shit out loud. It's cringy as fuck.

It was used ironically. That said, lil' b is a character and he's actually right wing.

This. See He's been lurking longer than 90% of you.

I remember when he was first being shilled here.

is he doing ok? Does he still drop mixtapes?

Because nothing black people do matters until white people notice it. Fact.

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He puts something out from time-to-time but his output is much slower than it was in 2010. In my best judgement, he's doing alright. I'd be surprised if he's still allowed to interact with whoever he wants on social media. A lot of pedo faggot celebrities and the scum that surrounds that whole clusterfuck were trying to associate themselves with his brand right after he got jumped by those kids from the Bronx ("we must defend the Based God at all costs"). Honestly, I felt that something was really wrong when he started getting invited to give guest lectures at top-tier schools like Stanford and NYU.
Whatever that means for his end, it can't be good. He's in really fucking deep.

Middle English: from Old French, from Latin basis ‘base, pedestal’, from Greek.
Niggers will steal anything.

I should add, just think about the word "based" as if one was "based' somewhere or in something. High pH, low acidity. This would be distinct from a jet-setting Hillary Clinton-type who is from down-home in Arkansas when she was FLOTUS and comes out to the podium with a Yankee cap when she decides she's from New York. That is fake-based incarnate. She is based nowhere.

who the fuck is "we" stupid-ass
the only thing you colonized is your hemorrhaged fractured ass

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Lil B hates jews



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>Baked Alaska™ Retweeted
wew lad

It's a dig on civ nats. If you say someone from a non-white race has any credibility other's will say BASED in a mocking manner. This works because people simply leaning civ nat don't want to look like the people who call themselves civic nationalists but are just as desperate for a token as cuckservatives and democrats.

Kys retard.

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I love Lil B though. He makes fun of the rap game and is generally fucking hilarious. He’s a typical Bernie supporter though, but he’s a good lad.

based is a term going back to shakespeare and before.

meant the opposite of what it means now---though there still remains a sort of ironic connection. "based" meant essentially the same as today's "basic" as in, basic bitch.

-Edmund, King Lear

>ticking every box

It's usage is post-ironic. It's basically: making fun of a retard by acting like said retard but psych im actually being sincere and based. Current humor and meta linguistics is actually retarded.

if anything /mu/ started it. Same with yung lean, its literally post modern music.

I'm white so I can culturally appropriate anything I want, including black catchphrases.

Suck my dick.

i thought that sounded niggerish

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Butthurt hip hop lover right here. Take your wigger speak back to world star hip hop faggot

lil b got started by shilling on /b/. How do you not know this?

me on the right

based and redpilled

jesus what an ass

wasted trips by youre right we love our blackman

>shakespearen word
>black people

i dont use nigger words. i knew by my keen instinct that it was a nigger word. you faggots repeat whatever you hear. bark bark

They took it from me so I'm just taking it back my friend.

Lil b is unironically /our nigga/

>How did "based" become a Jow Forums thing? It was invented by lil b the based god, who is a black rapper? I thought this was a white board?
Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians and Capitalists that don't really care about the existence of the White race are responsible for it. They're trying to justify not doing anything to save the White race and want to "improve" non-Whites instead of deport/exterminate them.

Because they're cowards.

im all for that, user

You guys do realize that Lil b is literally a dogwhistle to /b/ right??????

>what is irony?
the post

This is why World Peace isn’t on tv anymore. Sam just couldn’t chill out on his shit tweeting

lil n influneced hip-hop, not the other way around

Ok nigger.


It's working. pol is breaking apart on Trump, keep at it. Fuck it feels good to see
Does it look good?