Could a candidate to presidency get away with pic related and even get more votes in your country?
Cooper Cook
William Cruz
Sadly no.
Angel Watson
Godspeed, Huehues. South America needs a new empire
Aaron Ramirez
brazil could very easily be made great again if you just get rid of all the taxes and get the right to defend yourselves. women can't even carry pepper spray yet all the favela monkies have automatic weapons, pretty fucked up if you ask me desu
Jace Thompson
He's ascending. But I still think he needs to attack more people.
Leo Collins
This created some butthurt kek
>be me
>Italian ancestry
>family never owned slaves, so no (((debt)))
Feels pretty great, desu.
Kevin Young
Hail Bolsonaro!
Hunter Allen
Luis Morales
How big is monarchism there? Im a monarchist myself
Levi Rogers
>Italian ancestry