Which one are you?
You are white, aren't you?
Which one are you?
You are white, aren't you?
Very stupid image desu, not one of these people are representative of the subraces they are supposedly representing. Could only have been made by a mutt
All three unironically
Boy sure are a lot of kike shills out today aren’t there?
A mix between alpine and Mediterranean.
>t. North Italian
this was made by someone who could only be part white
there's even a error here: the redhead should be celtic and nordics and alpines are practically the same
The thing that killed Jow Forums was newfags coming in at a rate faster than we were able to redpill them
>nordics and alpines are practically the same
Implying that brown hair isn't white, what a fucking loser
none of those are white
Same, not even a mutt
I look Med but not white. Much darker.
Nope, ethnically Mexican
I have the blue eyes of the Nord, the brown hair of the med, and the facial structure of The Alpine.
kek same here
are you me?
That's too easy...here's a harder one.
Do any of you look like Hellenic/Roman original euros ? or do you have an 86% facial morphology ?
>nordic forehead
>apline features
>med hair
what am I then
who the fuck takes the time to make this stuff?
well my mom, sister, and grandmother have the aquiline nose and my mother's dna results have her at 52% Iberian and 48% italian, so maybe I am descended from Rome?
This, also life isn't an RPG character selector screen.
Are the hellenic the effeminate and gay looking ones?
we are not white
We know Mohammed
OP doesn't
well op is not white either hes a mutt so what would he know about it?
>who the fuck takes the time to make this stuff?
What i'm wondering is where does the 86% meme comes from ? I know 56%, but 86%?
Who wants to be wh*Te anyway it's all about being Hyperborean
"white" isn't real
Inb4 jungle fever Estonian starts posting in this thread.
she thicc
I'm the fire crotch or I use to be. My hair got darker as I got older. My beard is still a bit red.
I hath bvcome Rvman, for I hath lived with them. Now to pick a quote from one of Hadrian's poems...
Real mutt percentages there, boyo.
Do not ever reply to me again barbarian, at least not if you value thy life
3 parts Mediterranean, one part Spic. However, this thread allows me to bring something to light. I have no Jewish relatives in my heritage (DNA checked), however I have a huge, bulbous nose.
Did my parents catch a Jewish pathogen before my birth?
>3 parts Mediterranean, one part Spic
>56 part nigger
>40 part jewish
>100 part mutt
Black master race here
Glorious Alpine Celt Masterace
I'm closer to Alpine than the others. I have brown hair, and green eyes, And My hair is a little more wavy than the alpine in the picture.
shut the fuck up you roman filth, back to your public baths to fill it up with your loser tears.
>Are the hellenic the effeminate and gay looking ones?
No generally, pronounced brow-ridge, deep eye sockets, angle of the nose is placed at a specific angle relative to the brow-ridge. Such as this example
Closest to middle, desu
Thats breddy cool bro but ill have you know that finno-ugrics are the original europeans
All 3 lmfao!
Why Indonesian flag?
Same except eyes are bright green, like piercingly bright. People compliment them a lot.
Alpine with some Mediterranean and Nordic admixture I suppose.
I'm KARA BOGA steppe nomad.
Nobody cares, who was the first. Only who will be the last. That will be Finns, too, though.
>ywn be a pagan warrior fighting off romans or raiding the christcucks in britain and frankia and eve mudslimes in the mediterranean
Why even live?
Dark, dirty blonde "brown" hair (it's more like a dark greenish w/e, was blonde at birth), wavy af
Hazel eyes (brown outer, green splash inner)
Great-grandparents from Germany/Netherlands/Austria/Czechoslovakia/Italy/England/hint of Native American
Is that Pewdiepie
whoa, MAMA
Im a mutt pretending to be germanic and the other guy is germanic pretending to be roman. But I agree with the sentiment.
because you are anatolid. Meaning you have significant armenoid in you, meaning you are a fucking roach. out of my face
No, that's me.
Alpine with the Keltic sub-phenotype. On the mountains north of my city has been found a rock on top of a mountain pass where inscriptions dedicated to Poeninus were written in Keltic.
I am a proud
What category does this phenotype in pic fall into?
>Hazel eyes (brown outer, green splash inner)
Thats the first time I hear about this. Usually its the reverse like mine lol.
If you haven't done a 23and me, you might find that the native american isn't real, unless you have definitive proof already that is. I was told my entire life that we wuz on the trail of tears, but earlier this year I found out it's BS.
Anyone who thinks that black girl is attractive is a closet homo. That thing is more masculine that most black premiership footballers but it has pigtails.
Look closely. Look at each feature individually. Then look at it as a whole. Tell me you think its still a woman.
albanian white
armenian? in me ? fuck outta here?
Looks like Alpine with Med influence. I'm not sure where the Celtic darkness comes from but it's probably Med.
Who is niggress on left?
Looks Argentinian.
Why do people who will never get laid anyways shill so much against black women?