Why haven't you fags formed and industry/energy alliance yet?

Sweden can bring the other Nordic countries into a coalition that can oppose Russia and maintain local stability after we leave NATO. Might want to get moving on that...

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>ca. 1600
time to try again

Some bad stuff happened and we killed 33% of their population. We're not really friends anymore, but they still sent fire trucks here this month because of the forest fires. Very nice

Swedes wanted to have fun once. 10 million Poles died.

Well both countries are outside the Eurozone, would be valuable military partners, and will have resources/services the other will want once the US exits stage left.

>10 mln poles
you imbecile

less than 6 mln people live in UK, less than 9 mln people lived in Poland and less than 15 mln people lived in Russia back then

Why does every Swed on Jow Forums think that we still care about the deluge?
Most people here have no idea what happened back then
We dislike you because your country, your government and your people are constantly shilling and shittalking us

making Poland look like a poor, neonazi shithole full of horrible people etc.

Wait until the September election, user. Swedish and Polish relations will improve drastically, be it a good thing or a bad thing.

>Why does every Swed on Jow Forums think that we still care about the deluge?
I don't even think most Swedes are aware of the deluge desu. However, you mention it in your national anthem so I guess it must be of some significance still.

>making Poland look like a poor, neonazi shithole full of horrible people etc.
Poles are quite statistically overrepresented in crime here, especially when it comes to burglary and car/boat theft. In Sweden and Norway, "polack" has become a common slang for someone who steals. I realize that these are not the best of your people coming here, but it is simply the only explanation I have. As for me personally, I have nothing against Poles, they seem like nice people.