A lot of Hispanics who aren't brown brown enough to hang out with really dark Mexicans but look too Italian to join the Klan don't know what side they are on the race war so they waste their lives with degenerate acts
White Hispanic Insecurity Crisis
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The thing that killed Jow Forums was newfags coming in at a rate faster than we were able to redpill them
Latinas are so fucking hot, sometimes I wish there was more here
Imagine all of my almonds, this is my reality.
>Too dark to be considered white
>Too white to be considered Hispanic and I don't espeaken espanish.
>Too autistic to go on dates
>but look too Italian to join the Klan
She took a nude photo where you can see her asshole.
I mean Italian Americans, aka, the soprano looking ones
You're the man. Make the rules, and have a plan. Never leave the ball in her court.
>90 IQ subhumans rooting and rutting aimlessly.
imagine my shock.
I'm sort of in this boat. I'm half Colombian, but nobody knows it until I tell them. My Colombian half is pretty much white looking, but I'm still technically 50% mystery meat.
My IQ is 130-135.
Damn I fugged up already. Hopefully i get a chance to redeem myself, luckily her self esteem is low enough I can still pull a save from this.
Girls never like to be asked what they want to do on dates; they always expect the man to decide for them. It's sort of like a shit test. They want to know if you're assured enough to know what you want out of life, and they also want to gauge your taste.
Honestly just wear a rebel flag shirt/hat and Whites will think you're legit.
I mean I was talking about straight up spanish spics but Castizos are cool too
I know I know. I've gone on over 100 failed dates lol trust me I know. It's like watching myself thru someone else's eyes at this point, I've disassociated completely
They honestly look like they should be better at rugby than they really are
Even if that's true, your children will likely regress to the mean. There's a reason every place on this Earth where white's aren't the majority is a massive shithole.
truth. so the hot ones beg for my cock.
t italian clan member in socal
My kids will be 1/4 unknown, and that unknown is at least 50% white by itself. I'm just not going to tell them they're Colombian and they'll probably never find out.
demi lovotomy is such a gross low class pussy
part of that whole lowered expectations obama talked about
upper crust high content white Hispanics are always the most vocal Sjws in my experience, similar to mullatos and quadroons being the most into black power
then what's the point?
the whole thing is stupid
don't waste yourself
Oh but dude, that's wrong because reasons.
You should kill yourself.
Even here in Mexico brown=low class
Being tan or white = higher class
How's a soprano Italian?
Why would anyone pretend to be something they're not?
He means Southern Italians. The Soprano family itself were Napolitan and looked very White, the mother was even blonde haired and blue eyed.
They just need to find another pale Latino to breed with in hopes of continuously climbing the white genetic ladder.
Eh... They have passion but the Rugby it is of the Anglo mastery...
Oh I see, but still, even Southern Italian look whiter than south americans. You even said it yourself.
But if that's what they want to do they should aim to get the Whitest person they can find.
Stop spamming this everywhere. Reported.
Why would you want to be White?
Oy vey! shut it down!
I think we should get them on our side, most Mexicans are only here because of money, but they hate it. If there's a race war we can get them to fight on our side (they hate niggers probably more than what we do) in return we help them clean their country from kikes, resulting in the US being for white Americans and Mexico for Mexicans
B-Because we are Europeans!
I agree
Why would you want to be anything other than yourself?
She looks like a Castiza if you ask me.
What do you mean? I am myself of course :D
Southern Europeans have a distinct look, she looks mixed with something else.
If they side with the non-whites then they'll be the aristocracy according to the unspoken caste rules. If they side with the whites they'll be able to live stable lives, and not have to flee the country every few years when a Maduro or Castro takes power. I think the choice is pretty much up to them.
She's from Uruguay, funnily enough. What do you mix with up there?
for the brown person yes, that would be benefitial. but we are thinking here from the pov of white societies that will lose out on a genetic downgrade.
I mean White is such an ambiguous term, i'm guessing the most accepted definition of White is North-Western Europan which excludes Southern Europeans and Slavs. Italians (all Italians, not just Northerners) are not White by that definition. Also probably the Southern French as well. If you ask me that definition is bullshit but that seems to be what most people go by here.
Mestizos and Mulattoes. Anything else that may have immigrated recently.
Who's "we"?
She's not white, this is a white Latino.
This is me.
>Go to Mexico, people there think I'm Mexican
>Go to Italy, people there think I'm Italian
>Both Italian-Americans and Mexican-Americans hate niggers equally, so everything works out.
He looks like a Castizo as well.
> mean White is such an ambiguous term,
sure there is some ambiguousity but historically it wasnt a problem in practice. when the USA had a white only policy they literally accepted the groups you mention but rejected arabs. So there is that. Then there is measureable genetic distance, which europeans don't see that far apart compared to the distance they have to arabs, chinese let alone niggers.
the people with a white nationalist position.
America originally only accepted Englishmen of "good character", they didn't even consider the Germans White, i'm not kidding. If Whites aren't so different from each other then why all those wars?
That's great, so you're racially equal to Germanics now. Good for you.
Kill yourself.
Threads like this made me realize the 56 percent thing is not just a meme.
Dude, it's like i've just met a famous movie star, i'm a great fan of your work.
lol you dumb slavshit. we don't consider you equal. get the fuck out of here.
“White Hispanics” are just slightly paler mestizos. The white ones in Latin America usually stay in their countries.
>EU flag
fuck off kike
It depends which Germans you're talking about. The view on Germans was more nuanced. If you look at some of the writings of the Founding Fathers, there were distinctions made on different German groups.
Saxons for example were considered equal to the Englishman while other Germans were not. That makes sense since on the eastern side, many Germans have slavshit admixture.
This is really advantageous. A major threat to the US is hispanics acting together. If we can break them into smaller groups and absorb the Castizas it can greatly disrupt the "La Raza" bullshit.
I can relate. I have dark hair but white skin and Burn too easy. I am in Miami now for Holliday and a lot of people look white here but speak Spanish. Qt central mostly Cubans I think
Go ahead and show me your flag.
Racemix and face the black pill or get out of nature's way.
No one is laughing.
My name is Antonio Montana, i'm a political refugee from Cuba. You wanna mess with me? i'll take you all to fucking Hell!
>trade down or else I will be really angry with you stupid goy
Yeah, nah go fuck yourself.
Trust me, this dude/chick/thing called Satan is laughing it's ass off.
>America originally only accepted Englishmen of "good character", they didn't even consider the Germans White, i'm not kidding
proof? remember, that one man is not enough to represent america.
also the good character thing you quote you might have it confused with
where it cleary states a WHITE person of a good character. They also deported a bunch of gooks and indians on the basis that they are not white. But I have yet to read up on a deportation of italians or slavic people. Which clearly shows that "whitness" is a theoretical problem at most, not a pratical one.
>If Whites aren't so different from each other then why all those wars?
thats just a dumb argument.
Fuck dude, family is like so sacred.
Looking at this I guess I am mestizo. I look like that president dude
>If Whites aren't so different from each other then why all those wars?
because "White" is a meme term anyways started by WASPs in a new land meant for Englishmen and later to assimilate incoming European immigrants.
Civic nationalism centered around being "white" only worked because we were on a new land with a new identity.
Yes it is.
You guess? Did you not know your parents?
Listen I do not want to fight but I have blond hair and blue eyes, do you think I am pleased that you allow yourself to create an Italian race and claim that all Italians are as you want ?!
Who is she?
They discriminated against everyone that wasn't English at the very beggining, it was understood that by White they meant English. Even the Irish and Scots were excluded.
>thats just a dumb argument.
Is it? French and English look different, why shouldn't they kill eachother just based on that?
Your white genes are already corrupted basedboy.
Eugenics will be enforced to filter out the weak. Ethnic pride is irrational emotional nonsense that a futuristic empire cannot partake of.
If we continue what nature intended, heterosis will resume helping humanity.
yes germans and poles are the same race but a different ethnicy.
lmao, if you're not me you're my rival/enemy, that's how it works in the real world.
I’m 6th gen American and my family is white cultured. I don’t know much about my past but know way back my family was from Spain with a little Mexican I think
Sucks not knowing your past. Nothing really too feel proud about. Kinda want to move out of the country. Maybe I’ll appricate it then (ie being American)
What's an Italian anyway? you're mutts just like everyone else.
Can I get a translation for this autism
I asked you for a source for your initial claim not for some deflection. I'm not gonna discuss with someone that just spews shit out of his ass. this is pointless.
Join brother.
Try traveling first. Moving is a huge step.
Your personal insecurities are leaking through this post. Keep those insecurities personal and stop projecting them on everyone else.
Race? what do you mean by race? everyone pretty much looks the same everywhere you go, one head two arms two legs and a torso, male or female parts optional. Are they the same race?
Well, what isn't pointless? name me one thing that isn't pointless, you'll find that you can't find one.
>nothing really too feel proud about
Holy shit I know this feel. It didn’t help the World Cup happened without the US. A lot of foreigners were waving their flag feeling proud and shit
>lmao, if you're not me you're my rival/enemy, that's how it works in the real world
Unless you're both on a new land which neither has ethnic ties to
Then it can work
37% native blood (Navajo/Aztec aka mexican)
This is my life. Mexicans/Asians/Blacks think im white, most whites think im mexican. Could be worse though I suppose but the ambiguity can be a nuisance.
I personally dont like Mexicans, at least the ones that have accents and dont integrate.