I was rewatching some of the debates with Sarg'n and Vee, and both were saying that life ultimately has no meaning and that the altright was trying to take away their "fun" (porn, weed, gaming) and it made me realize something, that they hated the world, thought it was hopeless, became apathetic and just try to distract themselves.
Gaming has only grown with games like CSGO, Dota 2, league of legends, CoD, fortnite etc. because those games appeal to the male mindset. Men aren't allowed to be men, especially not white men who will be ridiculed in school. I knew many cat lady teachers who I got into arguments with and had to go to the principal's office. So the males are redirecting their natural anger and aggression into another environment.
That's the whole point, angry competition where you can call people you don't like nigger or faggot. Battle royale appeals to the kids going through puberty because they can play with friends (comradery and brotherhood) and have a survival competition. Men who are supposed to call out the jews and their pervertedness aren't allowed to ridicule faggots in public. Instead they have to act castrated and can't say how they really feel.
I'm seriously addicted to gaming. It's preventing me from fixing my life. It's funneling all my natural desires for accomplishment, adventure and conquest into a pixelated world where in the end who gives a fuck how many achievements I unlock.
There should be fucking support groups for this. I wish I never owned a computer.
Julian Parker
Dude, you're not thinking straight with this shit. Sargoy and VeeJay have no purpose by choice. Don't fall into the same hopeless recluse.
Christian Peterson
This is true, it's not the best hobby but it's better than smoking meth and shit.
Luis Wood
And it pays out more than every single non-mainstream professional sport.
Adrian Robinson
Just take out your GPU for a month or two.
Anthony Clark
This is probably true and I am also willing to bet the only reason that "toxic gamers" ever came about was because women came into it and couldn't handle the bantz, betas came to the rescue, now we get bullshit like bullyhunters
Joshua Cooper
>now we get bullshit like bullyhunters
That shit was hilarious though
Caleb Walker
Dominic White
i m notr whiote and none of jhapoanese are white
Caleb Lee
Reminder pos 3 is the most redpilled and if you aren't at least 5k then you need to git gud
Eli Fisher
Then destroy your computer. I'm honestly surprised anybody can even stand to play that fucking garbage.
Lincoln Roberts
Mate, that's like telling an alcoholic to just throw away his alcohol. Addiction is bad because the person chooses it.
What I need help with is breaking the desire.
Nathaniel Flores
> be 16+ years old > playing video games
pick one.
real men don't waste time with that faggoty faggot stuff. this is for cattle and the limp wristed. the beta cucks.
you're better than that.
don't let the ZOG win.
David Cox
My pc broke down yesterday evening and i didn't have much to do besides laying on bed looking at my ceiling. Life is so pointless.
Jaxon Hall
shrooms/lsd; meditate same time on how the desire is holding you back and WHY you want change.
Luis Roberts
should be nice walking weather in the Netherlands rn?
Justin Brown
Robert Jenkins
There's a lot of demonisation of games on Jow Forums recently. Gaming is only a problem if a person does it in lieu of actual work and self-improvement; if it becomes their sole activity. Everybody needs some down-time and doing nothing but work or obsessing over politics will lead to madness and just make you less effective at achieving your goals. You're supposed to fight for what you believe is right but don't forget to at least enjoy yourself every now and then.
I'll go a step further and say that games (not all, obviously) are essential for many male's development in this day and age. Without them I'd likely be a liberal pussy like my other male cousins who don't touch them. I played Age of Empires 1 and 2 obsessively as a child and that made me interested in history, which lead to wanting to understand politics. The violence in video games helped me not be a completely sheltered sissy faggot who'd faint at gore or violence (obviously nothing prepares you for the real thing) and the ubiquity of military shooters made me interested in firearms and understanding the necessity of gun rights. There's a reason Gamer Gate was seen as right-wing movement that directly opposed SJW faggotry.
Gaming is as good or bad or inherently useless as playing football. Both have a semblance of communication and provide you with no new and essential skills that furthers your own life in any meaningful or professional way.
I think what has happened, simultaneously to men losing their power grip on society, is the end of all male fantasies. The pressure is off and many ideals are no longer susrainable. First and foremost; romantic relationships and conpanionship between a loving couple.
Romance was always a male ideal. Women's iunderstanding Of romance is inherently different and does not motivate men today in any meaningful way.
When I think of myself, the only reason to try harder in life or at work would be to get further away from other people's bs and petty games.
I think what men today need are new, gwnuine and honourable ideals to strive for.
I would agree that becoming proficient at gaming is not a skill to be proud of.
Brandon Young
damn, that hits hard.
computers were just a cage for us all along
Anthony Nguyen
Dota 2 players are hella racist. Most of my matches are Americans and Peruvians raging at each other.
Brandon Rivera
> "I would agree that becoming proficient at gaming is not a skill to be proud of"
It takes some skill and intelligence based on the game but this is largely true; it would be nonsense to prioritise it as the skill you'd want to develop instead of practical skills.
Julian Powell
It's a shitty skinner box like all of them.
1) kids would be better partaking in team or fighting sports than playing video games. 2) kids playing video games aren't the problem (more often than not their parents supervise the hours spent anyway), it's grown ass men like pic related who are LEGIONS and are enablers for most of the current decay
Hence why I said it's bad if video games are the sole activity or taken in lieu of work and self-improvement.
Michael Gomez
It's not ideal that men retreat into playing virtual games, but gaming does offer men a chance to go through normal male development. Trash talking, cultivating skill, working together with your male friends in a competition, all those things are not offered right now in suburban and inner city schools for whites. Some black guy starts harassing you and you joke that he has no dad? You're out of the school. So even in sports males are not allowed to get their normal healthy male development.
That being said, men should not limit themselves to just dota 2. I loved dota 2 when I was younger but I realized that I was channeling all my energies into something that doesn't get me into a better place in life.
Adam Barnes
I learned so many Spanish swear words in that game
Sebastian Parker
This is true.
I use more racial slurs when I play Dota 2 than when I'm on Jow Forums
Lucas Campbell
Rollin rolling rolling
Jace Young
Gaming was the last non-pozzed industry and implicitly masculine endeavor of our time, but now in the wake of gamergate Shlomo's determined to change that.
Drink a 6pack, turn on vidya, retreat from reality, become fat and dull. Think of they take away from us.
Carson Powell
> "Gaming was the last non-pozzed industry and implicitly masculine endeavor of our time"
Sports, user.
Connor Cook
You must be joking. Sports is being used to push diversity harder than anything else. People who obsess over sports are usually extremely unhealthy fat fucks who participate in casual homoerotic nigger worship every day.
Xavier Rivera
Levi Nguyen
I'm not sure what the situation is for british sports, but American pigskin ball is a dying passtime. Too much politics thrown into the thing white men were using as an escape
Have a passive aggressive women tell you that all races are great when you're just trying to watch two teams play american rugby. Pic related, too. Kaepernick is a race mixed mutt born to a white coalburner and the black father ran away. He makes a lot of cash and decides to antagonize whites about the 'violence' that niggers suffer from.
It's good that the ESPN is losing views and millions of dollars though, people aren't putting up with it. Get woke go broke.
Saw a guy who sold his rig on craigslist for cheap to get rid of it all. He got a basic workstation and now finds it much easier to find other things to do when his framerate is so awful.
Jack Robinson
>Gaming has only grown with games like CSGO, Dota 2, league of legends, CoD, fortnite etc. Casual trash.
Leo Torres
British football is getting pozzed but it's still the bastion for right-wing white people. The only problem is they tend to not be very intelligent; the extent of the their right wing ideology is "I 'ate muzzies and darkies". Which is fine, but we need smart people too.
Brody Fisher
If you have to play 40 minute games with people, then the word banning system can't be too harsh (you will still get muted for X number of games if you keep it up for multiple games).
Ian Perry
i didnt come here for the feels
Jonathan Cook
Ted Kaczynski explains this pretty well. He says that humans normally had to extend effort in order to survive. But with the increase in technology, survival was hardly even a concern. That meant that people didn't have much to do. To cope with this, they created surrogate activities which would allow them to experience effort and victory. If you look at the way young men in particular are treated, it's almost like those videos of factory farms where you see hundreds of animals pent up in some small enclosure where they just eat, defecate, and sit there doing nothing. Young men tend to have the worst position in society; that's why they're the most prone to starting revolutions. Video games fit into this because they're used as a surrogate activity. They allow people to struggle, and experience the emotions that people used to be able to experience in real life. The scary thing is that video game manufacturers know this, and actively design their games around stimulating those good feelings. People sometimes fantasize about virtual reality technology being perfected and people living entire lives hooked up to a computer. They don't realize that this has already happened to millions of people.
Jason Parker
Life has no meaning collectivist. I won against the salt-right, DICK Spencer did not make me mad as fuck. And i did not make a political party that got laughed off the internet, then break down and cry as my spergy followers made death threats to schools and sperg out over trolling from a /cow/ board. I also did UKIP a massive favor and brought in 500 new members. We are going to coup parlemt with them. Then kick out all the commie SJW blue haired feminists because they are the truth threat, not the Islamic terrorists who come here as refugees.
It's still healthier to engage in sports (i.e. physically participate) than it is to play video games.
Gabriel Lee
That's the only good thing about it, unfortunately millions (billions?) of people across the world who love sports don't participate in them. All it tends to do for the average sports fanatic is provide a fake sense of tribalism while they sit on their arse, crack open cold ones with the boys and ignore the real tribal conflicts going on in the world while they obsess over their red versus blue sports tribalism.
Ian Martin
I should have gone pro in Dota instead I finished my university degree feelsbad
Dylan Reyes
you're basically getting your dopamine and serotonin from vidya. The cancer in LoL and csgo made me quit now I play when I feel like it. Change your dopamine/serotonin source and you'll be ok. You could play until you want to vomit and eventually quit like I did or look for professional help. Getting a job helps alot tbqh
Elijah Phillips
Having a job or being in school are vital to keeping the bad away. Idle hands are the devil's playthings is 100% true.
Anthony Rivera
Multyplayer games are the most redpilling thing there is. I became extremely racist against peruvians because of Dota 2
Caleb Ortiz
indeed also I promise I didn't uninstall just now
Dota helped me understand that the manufactured narrative out there is more of a facade. People are more honest if there is a degree of anonymity.
So NOT true. When you play real sports you are physically active and you are taking part in something meaningful and memorable. You are interacting with others -- You'll have friendships that last a lifetime made up of old teammates.
Jackson Robinson
>I was rewatching some of the debates with Sarg'n and Vee, and both were saying that life ultimately has no meaning and that the altright was trying to take away their "fun" (porn, weed, gaming) and it made me realize something, that they hated the world, thought it was hopeless, became apathetic and just try to distract themselves. about vee thats true, but sargon is with all his cancer more normal sane and serious than that
Justin Miller
Why do people specifically mention Peruvians with Dota 2?
Jayden Flores
superiority breeds jealousy
Blake Miller
be a sad end for humanity but I can't see it reversing. People are becoming infantile instead of rebellious
Bruh do what I did, get in your car and just drive. Don't stop until you hit the east or west coast, and just car camp on the beach for a month or two. You'll be right in the head again.
Getting far away from something and removing all access to it is the only way to overcome addiction.
Ryan Torres
Alright boys, it's that time again: Post your DotA 2 hours.
I don't disagree with that statement. The American Football used to be the game the youth could release that aggression. Now the NFL has caved to SJWs and nudered this activity.