Oh no. That sucks.
Oh no. That sucks
womp womp
were they fleeing the country? that would be even funnier
Fucking retarded
No shit... that made me laugh
imagine my shock
This. The Leaf knows what's up
Which one was sentenced for assault, the migrant or the Swede?
Nigger tongue my anus
It's your mother tongue, you retard. How can you not understand it?
I think Urdu is his mother tongue
Yeah, but the headline is written in such a vague way that it could be either of them. That's why proper grammar is important.
No it isn't. Learn to read.
that headline has horrible grammar
The subject is clearly Afghan migrant
Yes, it is, you 'tard.
It could be read as "Hero Swedish student was actually sentenced for assault" or "Migrant was actually sentenced for assault".
Its clear as a nuke burning britain, the afgani was a criminal
No, Afghan migrant is the subject.
Yeah I'll take 2 scoops of womp please.
What level of bogpill am I on if I hate that Swedish cunt more than I hate that Afghan?
Yeah but women like an exciting man who's in touch with his emotions.
The placement of the virtual commas is fucking obvious.
Do Americans know better English than the crumpets now?
>Afghan migrant, whose deportation was thwarted by 'hero' Swedish student, was actually sentenced for assault.
>It's your mother tongue
Or is it?!
That was my first instinct when I read this pathetic story. Can only quote this guy:
>Imagine my shock
What's wrong with her fucking face?
No, man. Read the fucking sentence in one go.
I have never seen a more punchable face than this cunt's
shes jewish
How can it be read as "hero Swedish student was actually arrested for assault"? The sentence clearly states that the student is the one who thwarted the migrant's deportation.
I can only imagine the horror of the “assault”.... those refugees are coddled beyond belief. He probably murder raped a 101 people.
libface syndrome
>It's your mother tongue
OP had no Arabic in it?
"If you only knew how womped things really are" face
Is that a question ?
I really hate her ugly face.
I thought swedish bitches were supposed to be hot
No one is surprised.
Some alternative media reported this of course.
Mainstream media made damn sure they shut up about it.
In Hungarian you'd actually need to put down all those commas. Not unlike with German "relative clauses".
Godammit anons, I hate women so much
How embarrassing for you
le double womper
I wish she got assaulted.
Women need physical violence to happen to them once in their life, it reorganizes their priorities.
Wait, that is a woman? I can barely see her hair.
kek, that would be comedy gold
her face needs some rights...
and lefts
t. frail manlet
I'm 6'3''
Try again.
Stupid people are stupid, they rather help convicted shitskins than natives, for some bullshit higher goal. Actually situation is simple when you break down their brains: they want quick satisfactions, like greedy people stealing money, but working for a person you care for on long term, that's hard. Easier to cry on plane and become an instant attention sensation.
The solution to this seems obvious. Leave the migrant and the virtuous one locked together in a cell for a few days. A bit of cultural enrichment should be very educational.
can anyone makeapp her?
No, it wouldn't make sense to use the word "whose" when referring to the migrant if you weren't going to keep referring to him later in the sentence.
She's crying out of joy that she finally won, if only by making Swedish men obsolete.
just want to point out that this man, in his 50s, wasn't the man she really has planned to help, that man was on another plane. she was on the wrong plane, it also had an immigrant being sent home, probably why the mixup happened. the man she wanted to help in his 20s, had no sentences or convictions, he was imply being rejected.
i'll see myself out.
>Faux News
They should deport this cunt back with them. I hope she ends up like one of Jabba the Hutt's slaves.
She should be forced to share her flat with him. And blocked from being able to use emergency service lines.
50s niggers still rape?
>Wait, that is a woman? I can barely see her hair.
nigga u rare
for here at least
How dare you!
Bullshit. They scan a ticket at the gate and wouldn't let her on the plane if she was at the wrong gate.
Somebody needs to give that pointdexter urkel-looking swedish bitch a wedgie and throw her out a window. Look like the type of bitch to have a pet fish or something in high school.
you're extremely stupid m8
why do they look like that?
I'm tall and I think women deserve a good conk once or twice also
what are you talking about
she was on the plane she intended to enter, but that was the wrong plane.
Relax guys, Ahmed didn't finish his third grade english class yet.
I want to cuddle her and protect her and tell her she did the right thing and she's a beautiful person.
its all so tiresome, dunno if these retards will ever wake up to what they are actually doing
She should be lynched. All sand niggers need to be sent home.
Misogynist and racist. Wow.
Fucking kek
It's a warning sign.
Nothing, she's beautiful.
the question of all questions
keeping scientists around the world awake at night
what sort of a totally threat-free environment allowed blonde women to come into existence?
She's a poor lost soul who needs a prescription of a deep dicking and babies stat.
Do you have some form of mental retardation?
Honest question.
Long winters where life consisted of you cloistered away in their family's farmhouse. A strong farmer father and at least four brothers around to kick the shit out of anyone that tried to touch them.
don't be a nigger
what a fucking ugly troglodyke
Meg incarnate