Do you agree with the Swedish Defense Force...

Do you agree with the Swedish Defense Force? And to those who claim this is making a political statement and thus shouldn't be done by the armed forces of a country: Nope - it's about human dignity, not politics.

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>inb4 norwegians suffering from inferiority complex want to make fun of Sweden
We're dealing with the exact same thing here, just check Forsvaret in social media.

i just imagine this soldiers showing up my street and i get deported for being conservative....

>do you agree
>nope you cant disagree

In every field

Nothing makes us more scared to annex a country than an army of angry gays

imagine a whole SA like troop with this rainbow faces ...

don't forget women, with their new perspectives and scientifically proven abilities to perform at least as good as - and in some areas better than - men.

The end cannot come fast enough

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in my platoon we laugh at faggots and most guys in here are pretty racist or at the very least hate islam/muslims (duh, they're the ones we're fighting)
We also had a sergent that had alot of funny jew jokes
like how do you fit 50 jews into a car? You just put them in the ashtray
How do you pick up a jewish girl from a bar? You us a dustpan

My, those jokes are old.

They only have to declare something a 'human right' and it becomes beyond discussion. It's a slick tactic.

Same experience from my days in the military her på bjerget, more or less. But in both cases that is somewhat rare and would - without any doubt - be dealt with if upper ups were to know about it

Well at least their survival changes after being captured by Russians go up since they are willing to do anal.

I had never heard them before so..
People seemed to like them

oh yeah certainly, our platoon leader told us to tone it down because our careers could be ended just like that if the wrong people heard it..

Imagine dawning the uniform and literally fighting for faggotry.

They will ruin the military just like they ruined the Catholic Church. You end up with homo subcultures and secret societies who often don't have the same goals as the rest of society.

Well maybe not Swedish society, but American society certainly.

>swedish military posters in english
well would you look at that. swedish moral high ground virtue signaling.

What is the best way to torture a Jew?

Divide his money.

You're asking to be invaded.

A gay secret police force would be very useful in a totalitarian society. If the gay stasi kidnapped me and threatened my butt I would probably tell them everything

this as well, so much, but that ain't even problematic in this globalist world anymore. God I wish Germany won

when the invaders begin their genocide of non swedes in rinkby malmo and elsewhere these are the rainbow warriors who are going to go up against ISIS killers
the swedes will go down as a footnote in history, a warning of how not to welcome in, subsidize and then kowtow to your sworn enemy
i have no pity for the swedes
they brought this coming massacre on themselves

Jewish piano?

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>soldier boy puts on his gaymoflage
>burger instantly wants to 'invade'
are you sure that came out right?

The Swedish army should issue parachutes to their soldiers. Pic related.

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Shouldn't that be mince straight.

Asking? They already have been.

accelerationism levels off the charts

Serious question: Why is Sweden so ridiculously gay?

Fun Torben

This makes me want to declare war on Sweden.

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I only agree If they’re giving the boi pussy up. I remember how horny I was in the military where there was nowhere to jerk off in peace and you’re around angry dudes that wanna fight all day. I would have loved to have some sissy boi pussy in the military.

Why are swedes using the south korean method of using camo paint? you'd think they'd use the brit method.

>it's about human dignity
Nope. It's about advocating faggotry, not dignity.

>wage slaving, serving food at a party
>offer a guest some shrimp d'oeuvre
>guest says (((no thanks, I'm Jewish)))
>I say, no-no, it's OK, they are free

We've been dealing with the same issue in Norway and in both cases people who aren't all buying it and those who claim that its a political statement are met with that bullshit.

It ain't like swedes would actually fight even. Everybody knows that Finland will be the one doing the actual fighting if northern europe gets attacked. Swedes probably are too scared and will want to stay neutral if WW3 would start.

human dignity is politics.

Jews and women.

Whats Holy dust ? A rabbi in a conentration camp.

>fuck me if I can put the faggotry aside to save my own country
I bet almost nobody would have a problem with LBGQWERTY people if they didn't push this shit down our throats 24/7.

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We haven't asked that question in hundred years. We just accepted the fact and discarded it by telling them 'painu vittuun, HOMO'.

Nuke us now please.

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Facing an army of potential rapists wanting to cause literal butthurt in the opponents men should actually be more intimidating.

It's like the Maori doing their tongue thing to say they're gonna eat you, instead we paint our faces to say we're gonna buttfuck you.

I say put these very capable soldiers on the front line

tfw no qt swedish militant feminist lesbian as spoil of war from the annexation of northern sweden to give strong testosterone filled babies

Seriously tho. The people making these posters are not the 'real' military, fucking low test faggots the very reason they are not infantry. You know what I'm talking about, you have all seen them during service. Fucking s*yboy glasses with their cameras, worst of the worst. Look at the clerks, they were beta as fuck and weird but they still were good guys none a less.
Why this faggotry gets published? Because there are virtue signaling faggot officers and most of the all the fucking civilian department.

jesus fuckk

how do you associate "dignity" with sticking your cock into another man's shitepipe, or wearing a spandex suit covered in dildos?

No its about politics, you could be stating the same thing about "dignity" for people with beastiality, pedo desires
What does sexuality have to do with defence of your nation? Absolutely nothing

eg har aldri hatt sex...

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