why can't these kikes just leave us alone
Cortez Is Soros Puppet
Nobody fucking cares. She has good policies. The only thing that matters is that she tries to carry them out.
Oh lawd, I just now saw that was a fucking tweet from Sarah Brainlet. HAHAHAHAHA
Nah. You guys are trying to take down cortez cus she's critical of Israel. Not that I support her policies but it's painfully obvious what you're doing.
Get a load of this shill.
Do you think AOC got #MeToo'd for her shot in he public eye?
KYS that bait was awful
>Sarah Palin
>the one kike puppet that's for israel 100%
>having a problem with a jew supporting a political candidate
wow it's almost as if she's pandering to a bunch of ignorant morons that don't know the word "hypocrisy"
>Being this scared of a Mexican female.
Okay, but why she? Why not Hillary again?
Anybody got this plebbit redpill about Soros. It was really good for plebbit tier
as if there was any doubt from day 1
So what does all this mean? Was it her turn? Did we fuck up? Should we bring back hilary clinton in 2020?
>She has good policies
>Lol ummm lets just give everyone money haha what where are we going to get the money? Haha lol I dunno
>She has good policies
big suprise
Wtf? Ive never seen that one
So is Trump.
nah she's an obvious soros shill otherwise she woudnt even be invited on stuff like Trevor Noah's show.
The strategy is pretty simple
>Be soros
>Continue treason and controlling politicians
>Lose your ass in 2016
>butt hurt
>buy up a dumb young socialist
>dumb socialist shows how dumb socialism is / the progressive bernie wing of the left
>Soros crosses his fingers more people will vote for his "senisible establishment controlled" Politicians in future elections.
>she has good policies
Not just good, the best policies.
I like the one where she doesn't even understand how unemployment is calculated.
Well, well, well, no wonder shills on pol tried so damn hard to sell her!
>so is trump
>links to a fake news picture/article of someone else entirely.
Woooo lawd. Trump derangement got you.
Yep, she is controlled opposition for Hernie Bros. She is NOT supposed to do much but look like a moron.
and? a woman has the right to do whatever she wants with her body!
The establishment media hated and now she's suddenly loved by them? She's obama 2.0. Also latino to encourage hispanics to vote.
God ameritards are dumb
*Hated bernie
The absolute state of Jow Forums shills
Pat Little 2020
You commies need to be locked up for good.
The article wasn't that good. Was hoping for a better connection...
I knew they would try this at some point.
she has a good heart unlike (You) and (You) know it.
oh looky looky
In other news, the secret link between water and wetness has also been exposed.
Hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha oh wow thank you user for the great laugh.
>why can't these kikes just leave us alone
because we keep letting them try over and over
White man is gonna have to take that final redpill someday .
sooner the better.
Hillary was a failure, and has far too much dirty laundry. Better to pick someone obscure (and relatively powerless) who can be easily manipulated. Kind of like how Obama pretty much came out of nowhere, and was promoted by the media as the Democrats' rising star at the 2004 Dem convention. There's nothing organic about this woman's campaign, she is just another puppet
>She has good policies
> illegal immigrant with no American citizenship
> good policies
Manson looks less scary, imo
stop posting the creepy face for fucks sake
no sane person makes these facial expression
its probably not even human
Imagine my shock.
This is how a woman thinks. Now you know.