SWEDEN get it together holy shit

SWEDEN get it together holy shit

Attached: sweden.png (567x255, 33K)

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This sounds like a cartoon

Thieves just need to give them some of jewelry to refugees and say they stole from privileged whites for poor and oppressed and police will free them of charges

What are those crown jewels?
Gilded dildos?

Attached: images[1].png (205x245, 4K)

Golden cuckold horns

This sounds like the plot of an episode of fucking Lupin the 3rd....

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Sam Hyde at it again

the house bull of the queen no less.

Gelded dildo.


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How the fuck do you steal from a heavily guarded royal family?

it was just a matter of time before sand niggers took Sweden's family jewels. it's not like they need them any more anyways, cucks don't fuck.

two crowns, and one egg, objects from year 1600~.

Attached: CrownsStolen.jpg (980x588, 113K)

they stole it from some bum fuck nowhere church, no idea why those jewels was there.

Solid gold cock chastity sleeve and an obsidian dildo with ruby balls.

They probably let their guard down since they were peaceful refugees seeking a better life away from Somalia and didnt expect such betrayal from what are otherwise such good people!

By being Harry Flashman.

Attached: flashman.jpg (326x499, 41K)

Varg is raiding the church

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Who cares, it's not like they deserve zhose cultural symbols anymore. It was fate.

What's important is that we prevent Islamophobia from increasing because of this crime that had nothing to do with Islam or immigration you racist bigot

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Badass. Go Thieves go!

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Stop making Twitter threads
Stop hunting for (you) using the liberal alliances platform

The cops caught them. But some women stood up and protested, so they let them go.

so they stole pic related?

Attached: swedish_crown_jewels.jpg (1500x1026, 158K)

Jesus that headline
we're living in a meme world

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Twitter posts directly from political figures is politics related, believe it or not.


based muslims
any livestreams?

underrated post


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>any livestreams?
imagine the absolute state of a Swedish livestreamer having to bleach pixelate the thieving muzzie as it's happening

Well those crosses are pretty racist so muslims would be in their right to steal them according to Swedish law.

It's just going back to Poland where it belongs since it was stolen from there in the first place.

Wasn't there some refugee that was hired by the swedish royal family and ended up stealing some jewels few years ago?

Or this

Attached: Sex-Toys-of-the-Rich-Famous-10-rotator-web.jpg (2568x1660, 125K)

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Lol strängnäs, I went to school there.

>Swedes will still console themselves into saying "it's great up here. It's an isolated incident. All matters of immigration are exaggerated"

C'mon... Please wake up.

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Kek if i recall correctly this isnt the first time this has happened in swedenstan

>always wanted to get fucked in the ass by thanos

now I can

not tanned enough you bigot

>implying that any organization with authority learns anything the first, second, third or even fourth time something happens
it’s not that kind of operation

This already happened once before.
And a Somalian refugee the Royal Family had adopted did it -

Sage these slide threads.

damnit where is the link to the ongoing boat chase?

>mudshits steal sweden's balls

>Sage these slide threads.
This is the most interesting story of the day

>a Somalian refugee
Somalians are the fucking worst, well hatians might be on par. Glad my tax dollars are putting them up in hotels!

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thread theme

Sweden has lost its crown jewels?
That must be painful.


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I actually thought we were the only ones with this expression.

However this can't be mudshits though, they don't know how to boat, they are stupid landcrabs

>thread theme
for sweden this might be more appropriate

Attached: kebobs.jpg (370x491, 70K)


Attached: okaythisisgoinginmyepiccompilation.png (692x498, 541K)

Can any swedenbros give us an update on the chase?

5+ dead 40+ injured, Olof Palme's grave also got robbed.

This is the area, they could go either east or west here. I am not sure what kind of boats the swedish police have on their lakes, but I bet they have really fast ones on the see outside by stockholm there in part. There are tons of small islands there called skjærgården. By the article it sounded like the thieves have some fast going small boat. I am not known to this area, it's probably easier to get away if they go west though. I can just imagine the boats are waiting for them outside stockholm there.

You will at least have really problems with out running the police here on boat. They are pretty fast I don't how many knots the maximum speed is but it's a lot.

Fake news

with one thrust I can eradicate your anus

Forgot pic

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Trudeau please

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I doubt it's refugees because I doubt they could pull it off, but I will laugh my ass off it was.

Damn, its nighttime in yurepoor, so they're going down streams in pitch black. Fucking cool.


