If someone told you years ago Donald Trump would be running for reelection in 2020 against Oprah would you believe them?

If someone told you years ago Donald Trump would be running for reelection in 2020 against Oprah would you believe them?

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Yes. Politics became the celebrity gossip and/or vanity fair years ago. Merit doesn't matter. Only flashes. That's why the real politics is made eslewhere.

Oprah's not gonna run. Don't get me wrong, she'd like to be president and all, but as it stands she has a largely universally beloved legacy as a successful businesswoman and talk show host, a "self-made" black woman and basically the first.

She isn't going to risk that on the chance she wins the presidency, which is largely a side-grade at best and would render her hated by half the population.

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Oprah won't run because she is too smart to get into a race she cannot win.

Are you referring to imageboards?