Do you agree with him Jow Forums is Iran a big threat? Given the tension between Iran and America escalating recently it's worth thinking about.
Iran is 'big threat' to the USA?
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Bolton is a piece of shit and is wrong. But I'm sure he's a great source of information for our president to manipulate. Bolton and his handlers are about to be BTFO again just like he was in North Korea.
Based and redpilled
he's not wrong.
How exactly is Iran a threat to the US?
They're posting an interview with Bolton from BEFORE he worked at the White House.
China is the biggest threat to the USA
Not Russia
Not Iran
Correct, but he has repeated this statement many times more recently too. Plus it's a good question to discuss since we're still being told Iran is a big threat.
No, not really. Iran is something to be careful about for various reasons, but I don't see why relations need to descend into conflict.
So hopefully Bolton keeps mouthing off in part because the strategy is to over-threaten in order to be able to walk that back as part of renormalizing a relationship without having to give up too much. It's all so tiresome coming from a hardcore neocon though.
It’s theatrics. You are posting this to discredit Q. Now take the meme flag off you gigantic fucking faggot.
Best I can figure is that it isnt. It is however a big threat to the kikes living in the USA and elsewhere since if Iran actually does permanently enrich Israel they won't have anywhere to flee to once their crimes are exposed.
Specific Israelis/Sayanim involved in 9/11
Daniel Lewin (AAF11) (Sayeret Matkal captain)
Edmund Glazer (AAF11) (Lewin's seat mate)
Oded Ellner (arrested) (Urban Moving Systems)
Omer Marmari (arrested) (UMS)
Yaron Shmuel (arrested) (UMS)
Paul Kurzberg (arrested) (UMS)
Sivan Kurzberg (arrested) (UMS)
Dominik Suter (UMS boss/owner) (fled to Israel with wife, abandoning UMS offices in NJ and selling house, after one round of FBI questioning; multiple PCs seized by FBI from UMS remain classified)
Dov Zakheim (head of Pentagon, certified practicing rabbi) (formerly of SPC Systems, which specialized in advanced confidential automated/remote milcraft flight technology)
Michael Chertoff (ordered deportation of five arrested UMS Israelis and dropped FBI investigation, after pressure from Jewish state) (initiated surveillance/security state, reaping millions in profit from scanners etc, now owns Chertoff Group, which lobbies for new scanner tech to US Gov)
Larry Silverstein (his role/foreknowledge is exaggerated; he was a billionaire sayanim who looked the other way and was rewarded) (then new owner of WTC)
These names/people are the strings we yank to unravel the Israeli plot that was 9/11. While there were likely some Saudi hijackers aboard the aircraft, they were completely shadowed by Israeli operatives, as seen with the "Israeli art students" in Hollywood FL. Speculation: Some of the identified hijackers were professionally stolen identities used by Sayeret Matkal operatives who casually dressed as Muslims on 9/11.
A very interesting detail: in an official 9/11 FBI report, Anne Lewin, the Jewish wife of Daniel Lewin, confided that when he boarded AAF11 on 9/11, he was wearing a metal "Swatch watch." In 2000, Lewin was photographed wearing this watch at his company office by photog Jason Grow. The watch is a retrodated match for the Hijacker model in the Irony Collection seen on Swatch's website
>A history of terrorism:
Menachem Begin, Stern Gang, Lavon Affair, USS Liberty, Isser Harel, Avraham Shalom Bendor
Oded Yinon, "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties"
PNAC, pro Israel thinktanks, wished for a new Pearl Harbor, worked for Bush
Benjamin Netanyahu called the Attacks very good for Israel and is the author of several books which call for a global "War on Terror"
Ehud Barak, was at the BBC headquarter as it happens, names Osama bin Laden before the towers fell
Philip Zelikow, 1998 "imagining the transforming event", 2003 Executive Director of the Commission
Kenneth Feinberg, Shila Birnbaum, Alvin K. Hellerstein, Michael B. Mukasey: litigation of Larry Silverstein, avoided real trials from 9-11 victims, compensation fund, etc.
Bernard Kerik, denied explosives in the vans, got money from Eitan Wertheimer two weeks before
The complicit jewish owned media
>Saudi tanker gets attacked
>everyone says they 'don't know who did it'
China buys like 25% of Iran oil. If we take Iran we hurt China.
Nailed it. Cut Israel's umbilical cord worth $3,000,000,000,000 of dollars already and see how these parasites will do. Even *if* they'll survive somehow, they'll immediatelly stop being a bully in the middle east which will solve both Europe's and USA's problems in an instant.
>Click here
Iran is literally all over south & central America, and running drugs into our country
Did you know the Jews fired a missile at the USS Cole and blamed it on pirates?
I wonder who attacked the oil ship. Surely it's not Israel! They are pure and tender souls!
You're either a kike or an useful idiot if you think siding with Israel to destroy the chinks will solve our problems...
Yeah, from what I understand they're up to a lot of no good or potential no good, but I think it would be better for the US gov to be a little clearer about what the threats of concern are rather than the same old vague axis of evil regime change nao line.
How many sleeper cell agents have Iran pushed into Europe via the mass flow of invaders from the Middle East and Africa? Thanks to Merkel and the EU mass immigration policy Iran and anyone looking to get agents into Europe can it easy.
Good goy Bolton is flapping his rabbi cock broom again. Very disrespectful.
Show me on the map of the US where the mean Iranian hurt you, flaggot.
Iran is only a threat to Israel and her puppet-States. Bolton, like Trump, is a Zionist Jew working on behalf of the Jewish State.
The US would have 0 (zero) enemies if they just minded their own business. But nooo, gotta do the ol' power projection shuffle. A mindset still stuck in the Cold War.
Schlomo jones here chi coms and iran biggest threat to America israel is a diverse place ill pretend jared kushner isnt best buddies with shoe salesman bibi
>'big threat'
Not even a little bit.
You either destroy the chinks or say goodbye to your living standards. There's no third choice.
Never trust anyone with a mustache
You almost had quints brah. Also, stop blaming the us - you're helping the kikes with adding your stone to their divide and conquer strategy. Just know that those who push for the
>good ol' power projection shuffle
are the kikes most often than not. Sad but true.
>Nailed it. Cut Israel's umbilical cord worth $3,000,000,000,000 of dollars already and see how these parasites will do
Why do we have to "pay for friends" in the middle east anyways?
Iran now still works as a kike magnet for israel. In a way Israel can't do without Iran. The moment Iran is no longer a threat is the moment israel strats to empty, mass movement to usa and eu because they are no longer needed in israel. No rich kikes lives in israel. King kike rothschild doesnt live there. it only sounds nice in the book.
Just like iraq right?
how about stoping spending money to people that contributed nothing to the world in 1000 years ?
how about lowering removing GIBS and lowering taxes to make industries invest in western countries ?
how about saying teh chinese can't invest anymore within the country ?
there is five thousands solution available just with words and papers but you choose war, go be a kike shill somewhere else
Because kikes have their fangs very deeply ingrained into your soil. Read the "International Jew" if you haven't already; very eye-opening to the mess that you - and as a result we all - have to endure.
iran is a threat for israel and saudis, so iran is a big threat for usa indirectly
>You almost had quints brah
kurrrrrrrwy jebane
The kikes are cowards, they will never attck Iran as long as they have WMD. Saddam Hussein and gaddafi were too dumb to understand their regime had been tolerated for so long only because they had chemical weapons, and the kikes in tel Aviv were terrified they could use it in their last stand. These idiot swallowed jew lies and dismantled their weapons. Only then, the jews invaded their countries. It will never happen to iranians because they're smart and they will never destory their defense. therefore the jews will keep trying to make sanctions and shit like that but they can't attack someone that can defend.
Outside Russia and China, I wouldn't call any nation a big threat, at least not militarily.
Iran doesn't have WMDs. Just like Iraq didn't. Israelis are weak pussies and they can't fight their own battles. That's why they need to fear monger and false flag to pull us into wars. Because they're weak.
>a threat for israel and saudis
So as close as "good guys" as that part of This Toilet Earth can come?
cuckservatives need to fucking go
Trump's offer to meet with Iran pretty much shuts down the war push for now. Smart move.
No Bolton is a massive faggot. I really hope Trump hired him to play bad cop and doesn't actually listen to his advice.
They always were, and always will be weak - what they "surpass" us with though, is their willingness to use our empathy against us without feeling a slightest bit of remorse for doing so. They're literal rats, and I'm not saying that to discredit them; I'm literally just naming the jew here.
By WMD I mean chemical weapons, they don't really qualify as WMD which is only used for nuclear weapons, but the kikes wanted to make ppl believe they had nukes. The kikes know they don't have nukes but they are scared of chemical weapons.
Nobody believes your bullshit. Nobody is going to war with Iran. Or North Korea. Or Russia. or China.
Israel is doomed so just sit back, shut the fuck up, and accept your fate.
Iran has been made a big threat.
I personally hope Bolton is arrested for something.
Nobody likes him. He's like a mcdonalds hitler, he wants to be a facist so bad but comes off as the kid who bombs your sandcastle because you took too much leg room.
Legit i dont know hardly any conservatives that like him, let alone many who even know who he is.
He is a warmonger and a risk to our nation itself. He's the dumb kid beating the beehive with a stick when people tell him to leave it alone, but nooooo Bolton wants the honey inside, so he'll continue beating the beehive until it stings him back.
Idk how people like him live a norma life. I get war makes money, but this dude is off the walls blood hungry.
I wouldn't be surprised if he's a pedophile
No. Iran is retarded and Israel is a worse threat. I was really hoping that by now the 2 countries had wiped each other out for a best case scenario.
more like "Bolton is big threat to Iran!"
give it a fucking rest you war mongering neocons/neoprog fucks.
sure iran chants DEATH TO AMERICA, but because we have been planning to attack them laid out in the 'new middle east plan' decades ago specifically designed to topple all the regimes in the middle east and prop up israeli land expansion. they toppled all the smaller countries with iran, the largest, saved for last. the plan is common knowledge, iran would be dumb as fuck to not wish to stop it after seeing how we have destabilized iraq, kuwait, afghanistan, libya, yemen, etc.
should just let them have their dooms day battle with the israelis and just 'humanitarianly' bomb whoever is survives that.
All iran has to do is make a peace treaty with Israel and america.
Then we will make the pain go away.
But for some reason they want to make it hard on themselves.
iran is a threat to the (((USA)))
Bolton is part of the kabuki. Those of you who don't get it yet don't realize this is theater. Trump will sit down with Iran's leader within six months.
Hes just distracting MSM
I like how this guy wants an iranian regime change but is backed by the Mujahideen E Khalq, a marxist Islamist group, who, had khomeini not come in control, would've turned Iran into another Venezuela but with theocratic elements
>I like how this guy wants an iranian regime change but is backed by the Mujahideen E Khalq, a marxist Islamist group, who, had khomeini not come in control, would've turned Iran into another Venezuela but with theocratic elements
hey atleast Venezuela is in no position to be a threat to anybody :^) lol
John Bolton thinks everyone and everything is a big threat to America, and he wants wars to fight these threats. Typical armchair warrior, loves war as long as there is absolutely no chance that he will have to do any of the fighting.
Remember the last time Jews threatened to wipe Iran off the map and they dared to say they will retatliate against Jewish terrorist attack? And that time Iran kept cleansing ISIS terrorists and ignored Jewish demands to leave them alone?
That just tipped the scale.