Which leftists do you listen to unironically? For me it's Jimmy Dore. He's sort of a prick...

Which leftists do you listen to unironically? For me it's Jimmy Dore. He's sort of a prick, but his unrelenting shitting on neocons and corporate dems kinda lured me in.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>He listens to Jimmy Dore.

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I watch Colbert so I might finally fap to the nationwide revelation he is in fact a pedo.

>Jimmy posts ANOTHER thread about himself.
Just buy some ads you cheapskate.

Jimmy Dore is right about everything besides the socially liberal shit which he doesn't even focus on.

"Alt-right" conservatives and real libs (not SJWs) have a lot of shared viewpoints stemming back to "conspiracy theories" about corporations corrupting and controlling everything.

Nice no argument.

he spit on Alex Jones and ran away like a bitch.

>"Alt-right" conservatives and real libs (not SJWs) have a lot of shared viewpoints stemming back to "conspiracy theories" about corporations corrupting and controlling everything

Yeah we do and it had a name, it was called Occupy and it got corrupted and turned into yet another corporate paper doll org that gets danced out to support various narratives.

Unity is the only way to defeat the monster that can buy the very air from your longs and blood from your veins. Political schism is a tool of the Corporatists! THE CENTER WILL NEVER FALTER AND THOSE THAT FIGHT IN IT ARE BROTHERS IN DIRT AND SWEAT AND BLOOD FOREVER.

It doesn't violate the NAP if they attack us first, and they've been attacking us since before we were fucking born.

Hey Jimmy, having fun? Your shilling is too transparent

>Jimmy Dore is right about everything besides the socially liberal shit which he doesn't even focus on.

I think people like Jimmy and Secular Talk are sort of old-school lefties of Noam Chomsky type, they focus on internal economic problems and foreign American imperialism, and don't give much of a fuck about some intersectional gay shit. That's why I'm sure at least 30% of their audience are Trump supporters, and why new SJW left hates them. Intersectional fags were completely co-opted by corporate ideology, they love CIA, imperialism (if someone like queen Hillary or Obongo does it), and current status quo.

Aw shit what up cuckbois?

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This guy unironically has an IQ greater than Jow Forums's combined.

CIA niggers get fucked.

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Dore calls out the CIA fairly consistently if I remember right.

I dunno man, he says some really dumb progressive shit sometimes.

>Intersectional fags were completely co-opted by corporate ideology, they love CIA, imperialism (if someone like queen Hillary or Obongo does it), and current status quo
This is so true and actually fascinating. There really is no limit to how far America can degrade reason and take a shit on political discourse.
I digress, but, can someone explain to me how the fuck it is "liberal" to want to ban guns? I am genuinely curious as to how violating an individual's *liberty* to own a firearm and defend himself is in line with liberal principles pertaining to the individual and his liberties. It's literally government entering your home. And I wanna know how this has become the "liberal standpoint" when it's anathema to being liberal?

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>can someone explain to me how the fuck it is "liberal" to want to ban guns?

Serb bro, Americans are fucking crazy, don't even try to understand them.
In my home country "liberal" and "anti-government" are basically synonyms, which makes total sense if you think about it. In US "liberals" are totalitarian cucks that want a progressive state to assfuck them and everyone else.

They need to start inventing their own words for these political alignments to avoid confusion and to avoid infecting the world with their cancerous socio-political discourse.

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he unironically bluepilled me

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This dude is stealing young minds away from the right.

>Meanwhile at the alt-left's public relations department
This sure gon' bring in support.

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The young turks. Even though I disagree with them on pretty much everything, they are honest about their donors/intentions and put time into their videos.


I like how willing they are to shit on the Russian collusion conspiracy theory, and its backers in the mainstream media and the deep state.

At the same time, the pro-immigrant and anti-racism shit is just banal and contrary to their pro-labor stance. Immigrants provide cheap labor, which benefits capital holders at the expense of laborers. Fortunately, they don't obsess over brown people like so many people on the left.

I'm in the UK so Aaron Bastani of Novara Media. In the US I like Douglas Lain the guy who does Zero Books. It's really tragic though because the only sane leftists that really exist are still these figures who are just unreconstructed marxists still chained to a materialist understanding of the world.

Joe rogen

you're a fucking goober


he's a progressive but woke on human biodiversity and talks shit about muzzies and loves his guns

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