How do socialists expect to pay for universal healthcare?

I mean where oh where could we find enough money?

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By rounding up the rich into concentration camps and killing them. Hitler was a national socialist and that is what he did. Blamed the wealthy jews, threw them into camps, took all their jewelry, money, belongings and property to feed their socialist addiction. Leftists are LITERALLY HITLER.

By denying people actual healthcare.

They're gonna rape you, user. Probably sell your foreskin to Oprah before you even know what words are.

yeah and that will fund healthcare for like a year lol

get a job

Remove blacks, they consume but don't contribute.

Daddy needs a new yacht!

The only thing I agree with socialists on is universal free health care. And I don't mind being taxed for it.

By taking all of the world's wealth to pay for it.

One hundred billion dollars, to the USG, is pennies. We spend more on coffee cups for the Chair Force.

wtf i love hitler now.

> cut mainly to the wealthy"
You can't give a tax cut to people who don't pay taxes.

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seeing as how the wealthy pay two-thirds of the income tax in the US, i'd say it may be time for the government to figure their own shit out.

Yes, that’s it. Suck it all. All the way until you can feel it pushing against the back of your throat. What a good little bitch you are. Don’t forget the balls now

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>100 billion
>3.2 trillion per year for medicare for all
Where indeed?

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>100 billion dollars of Bernie's 3 trillion dollar increase

OP is a retard.

the wealthy collect more than two thirds of the rents though
>On Certain Aspects of American Economics Relevant to 2016

Thiiiiiisss is how we doooo iiiiiiiit
>Elimination of special tax breaks: $4.2 trillion over 10 years. The main target: company-provided health benefits for employees. They would no longer be needed.
>Business payroll tax: $3.9 trillion over 10 years. Companies would pay a 7.5% income-based fee, but Sanders asserts it would cost them less overall compared to the current system.
>Household premiums: $3.4 trillion over 10 years. Families would pay a 4% income-based fee, considerably less than what they pay now.
>• Higher taxes on the rich: $1.8 trillion over 10 years. Raise marginal rates to as high as 52% on the richest Americans. The current top rate is about 39.6%. Also, limit deductions and treat taxes on dividends and capital gains equally.
>A new net wealth tax: $1.3 trillion over 10 years. This new tax would apply to the wealthiest 0.1%, or 160,000 households. A 1% annual tax would be applied to net worth exceeding $21 million.
>One-time tax on offshore profits: $767 billion over 10 years. Sanders wants to tax profits of Americans companies that are earned and held in other countries. These profits are not taxed until they are returned home under current U.S. law.
>Increased estate taxes: $249 billion over 10 years.
>Fee on large Wall Street banks: $117 billion over 10 years. The six largest U..S. financial institutions would get the bill.

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>find the money
just print it like they do in Venezuela

>100 billion
>of 33 trillion
Sage this dumb as fuck thread friends

They'll save money by killing undesirables.

Yeah how bout you just get a job and keep your hands out of my pockets you lazy fucking nigger.

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Lol the majority of those tax hikes would literally only effect the 160,000 richest American households. Why would anyone feel pity for literal billionaires with more money than some countries

The money is not the government's to take.

Also, people die. The capital remains. We as a society are all better off with Capital, no matter how much it is, in the hands of profit seeking individuals who will invest it in productive enterprise, rather than in the hands of government, who will simply waste it all and leave us with nothing to show for it.

I plan on being a billionaire and want nothing to do with paying for you un motivated, un ambitious peasents so you can sit on your ass getting high all day.
Deal with it.

Why not give people who maintain their health a tax credit?

Steinbeck got it right, you’re fighting the wrong enemy

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Socialists are too stupid to realize that less capital gains tax means a bigger return on 401ks which are affected by capital gains but the lying media only claims the rich will benefit. Business as usual

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By collecting taxes for it you dumb shit. Why do you right wingers think that progressives support "free" healthcare? The idea is that instead of paying some for profit company in small pools, you spread the risk to millions of people who all either pay some type of premium or pay for it via taxes. It's like you retards don't understand how insurance works. Pro-tip: If you use more insurance dollars than you pay in premiums you are getting "free healthcare" according to right wing logic.

you don't understand how markets work. Prices are information. Mess with prices, like by letting the government take over, and the whole market gets distorted and eventually collapses. Only the free market can deliver genuine price information to participants, so they can allocate resources accordingly, and in an efficient manner. The free market is productive, it grows supply over time.. Socialist economies are unproductive and shrink supply over time.

>Prices are information

Stopped reading there. Are you high by chance?

They don't understand that the outcome results in the working class and middle class being destroyed with everyone depending on the rich for survival. They preach to each according to their abilities and each according to their needs but the majority of them don't have any abilities and the only thing they need is a bullet to the skull

By taxing unhealthy products like mcdonalds and goga gola.

We could loot the entire country of it's wealth and pay for healthcare for 10 years, and then be a thridworld shithole like Mexico, I for one would rather just exterminate the commies and the democrat party and resdistribute their wealth.

You do realize the majority of billionaires aren't actually that rich right? The majority of their wealth is comprised of liquid assets and numbers in a computer; it's not something you can simply take.

>How do socialists expect to pay for universal healthcare?
Simple: adopt a communist food-supply.

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I donate to doctors without boarders in the hope niggers stay in Africa. Not really working

>assuming that $100 billion will be enough
>assuming that these niggas won't just leave the country