Why has progress stalled? Technology isn't even improving

Why has progress stalled? Technology isn't even improving

Attached: Us Gettin Jiggy.jpg (960x720, 125K)

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archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Because every aspect of our lives has artificial barriers keeping us in the current paradigm. The zionists are pure evil and the conspiracy of their control goes back 6000+ years.

We would all be white, pure gods with no crime or worries if it wasn’t for the kikes

Too many NPCs drove out the real users
Like a game server with AI

We are busy using our monarch points on increasing stability and harsh treatment.

9/11 caused cultural and scientific stagnation.

Poor corgi having embarassing owners who likely try to feed it onions and call it dogself.

what are you talking about? We're starting to get to actual Transhumanism that isn't just taking antidepressants and hormones and lying to yourself that you're normal.

Technology is stagnation. We *feel* like we're making progress or covering new ground, but almost all of it is just treading water. We were on a truly progressive path until we hit the wall and Moore's law basically slowed to a stop, since then everything has stagnated because it legitimately stagnated.

But it hasn’t stopped, new technologies are being pumped out and old improved upon constantly.
Automation, renewable energy and fusion power are all things being experimented with or improved upon.
Just look at medicine with new surgical techniques and genetic tailored medicine.

Define progress and why that pic doesn't represent it.

A real answer is we can't make better batteries. Batteries are the barrier.

i wish i had a corgi

Attached: Saad_Maan.png (172x252, 56K)

>Technology isn't even improving


cars, phones, computers, every damn thing is more advanced everyday.


if I ever get a new puppy that's going to be its name. thanks user.

i think we've just gone as far as we can go. mars isn't gonna support life. i don't care how much ice they find there. it has no air. and it's irradiated from lack of atmosphere.

so since we can't go there and we truely are stuck on this rock what does futher advancement even mean? living longer lives? at some point the fact that the earth has finite land mass will come into play and everything will end.

Why should it improve? It has already improved enough.

Welfare states.
When you spend 80% of your GDP on shitskins and gibs, you don't have much money left for research.

we stopped to flood ourselves with third worlders.

When would you say the last time technology significantly improved was?

You're wrong and you need to stop making these faggy nigger slide threads.

This exactly. FPBP

Think about something easy like corn or wheat farming. For some reason farmers are still driving the tractor around a field of fixed dimensions and locations, the fucking Transcontinental Railroad was completed over 100 years ago but we still don't have rail guided tractors. Much less GPS guided tractors.

Too busy dealing with niggers and mudslimes.

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because all thats left is faster speeds and moar pixels. Youre right OP. Shit really has not advanced passed mid 2000s. People just think it has cause next gen phones get released every year.

It comes down to what do you do with all the human lives that are no longer needed when technology will do it better.

Technology is only being kept back because the world is filled with people that would have a redundant existence and would have no purpose.


archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Cloning, human genome, 24/7 surveillance of everyone on earth. I'd say Satans closer to his goal than ever before. All that other shit was only necessary to get to this point.

>Why has progress stalled?

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Physical limitations preventing further progress. Moores law can only go so far and natural laws don't give a fuck about your futurism.

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>Much less GPS guided tractors
This is how I can tell you aren't a farmer. GPS have been fairly standard on most large farm equipment of the last decade. Its honestly really boring, you have your field premapped and just sit in the driver's seat in case something goes horribly wrong and surprise surprise nothing ever does.

I shitpost on Jow Forums from the tractor sometimes.

Technological expansion in the last 200 years has been absolutely meteoric compared to the rest of human civilization.

Have a little perspective

USPTO says otherwise, faggot.

Because instead of innovation driven by strife and war between white nations you have america bombing sandniggers and all the best and brightested minds being concentrated at corporations like google to find better ways to serve you ads.