See ya in November, mongoloids!!!

See ya in November, mongoloids!!!

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Other urls found in this thread: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Stay frosty out there, CIAbro.

Stay toasty, brainlet

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Jow Forums is not prepared for blue wave

Based truth poster

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all running under the platform of fuck drumpfth

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Get off the computer, Nader

Christ you’re a fucking loser lmao

It's on, bitch.

Isn't going to happen because guns and immigration are on the table. These things motivate the right and the democrats are in the beginnings of a schism and turn out will be low

we need to make sure wh*te men don't ruin things as usual

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Brilliant, Groundbreaking Trayvon Doc GUARANTEES Win for Dems and THAT Spells Doom For Trump!

GOP prepare for HUGE Loss in Nov!!

>New Mexico Senator Tom Udall has been on a months-long mission to solve one of the enduring mysteries of the era: What’s in President Donald Trump’s tax returns?

>What Udall didn’t mention is that Congress doesn’t need legislation to release the president’s tax returns. When Democrats retake the House and the Senate this fall, members of the tax committees can obtain Trump’s tax returns directly from the IRS by using a provision in federal law that grants those committees special access to help craft legislation.

>Democrats are highly favored to retake the House, and have a good chance of retaking the Senate as well. In theory, controlling Congress would give them the opportunity to enact their legislative agenda. It wouldn’t be easy: Trump would almost certainly veto any substantive Democratic legislation that reached his desk. With Congress so deeply polarized, Democrats would have a hard time attaining the two-thirds majority necessary to override a veto on most of their key policy preferences. And that’s if they controlled both chambers, which is very likely.

Drumpf is Kill
Racists is Kill



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More news...


Repent! Repent and beg for mercy from the all graceful Democrat Party...


New Hampshire, 94 Percent White, Asks: How Do You Diversify a Whole State?


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don't call people mongoloids, it's downiephobic. thanks.

The "blue wave" is going to have more Red in it then blue.

[ARCHIVE OF PAST KB THREADS]: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

These are so good! I am so proud to be a D!

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daily reminder that wh*toids aren't allowed to vote

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Antifa special Unit 1 ready for action!

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blue puddle of urine.

really Op you should get that checked.

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where my hildawgs at

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Daily reminder that whites literally invented the vote.

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If I wanna see a blue wave, all I have to do is flush my toilet

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>the democrats are in the beginnings of a schism
This seems like wishful thinking at best. Also, list of things guaranteed to unite democrats :
1. Hampering Donald Trump

They don't hate each other more than they hate Trump.

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> mongoloid
more asians in the states need to see exactly how the left really thinks of them. keep talking!

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>Literally elected a socialist to congress off the back of spic voters

>Have alienated and insulted voters not on their side

>Continuously badgering gun owner and gun rights

>Groups of fags go out to protest and impede and assault regular people

>Still no platform beyond STOP TRUMP and waiting three years later for concrete proof of criminal collusion

Yep, sure am scared

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The shareblue countermemes during the election were honestly fucking gold.

user, I...

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The Florida Senate seat is almost certainly going to turn Red, amigo. Rick Scott is a popular governor, while Bill Nelson has nearly no name recognition, even though he's the incumbent.

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>They don't hate each other more than they hate Trump.

Yeah that sounds like a good theme. The whole world hates Trump so you could have anyone you like and he/she would win.

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trump curse is real, 2018 will be a bloodbath
of redness, drumpf derangement will be interesting to study post 2018

the curse of the trump pepe toon

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All terrible ideas


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>The whole world hates Trump so you could have anyone you like and he/she would win.
That isn't what I said though. All I was trying to say was that serious infighting in the Democrat party is unlikely once the primaries are done, because Trump is a unifying factor to the Democrats.
Jow Forums is such a fucking shithole now. You can't play devil's advocate, you can't advance a counter theory without some MAGAturd getting his panties in a twist. You are seriously as bad as SJWs now.

Your time is over

that can't be real...

You are finished, whiteboi

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No one is going to vote for that heaping pile of shit

It's a Jow Forums pych-op

Sure, here they’re not popular, but outside of this echo chamber they’re all really popular. People are angry and energized and the left has actually given them a platform of issues they WANT to vote for instead of just some guy to vote against. And that’s why they’re about to sweep the midterms.

I'm ready for a fresh harvest of salt

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Wait why do Dems think they'll win?
It's 2016 the replay


What issues other than yay communism and fuck the police?

Not all. Puerto Rico is kind of your territory. You should be looking after it. Especially since you haven't given it statehood. Glass-Seagall was good legislation. I don't see how you can argue with clean campaign finance, hurts the democrats as much as the republicans, and in theory benefits all Americans. Private prisons are a shitty idea. Climate change is real, we should be looking into ways to try and fix it.

I unironically love hilldawg memes and hope some out of touch Democrat strategist actually paid to have them created

Underrated post

vote dems so we can BTFO the wh*te subhuman once and for all
it's kara boga time

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I'd leave her seat red, if you know what I mean.

Puerto Ricans don't pay taxes and it doesn't require a passport to get there (most Americans don't have passports). It's frankly amazing that Puerto Rico doesn't bill itself at the premiere vacation destination in the Caribbean, and instead gets beat out by the Bahamas, Jamaica, and the Dominican Republic.

Free healthcare, free college, jobs guarantee, abolish ice, campaign finance reform, free government housing. The stuff that makes folks around here poop their diaper


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See you then

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Instead of boiling the frog they are just trying to chuck it in the fire

>You should be looking after it.
We do its a corrupt shit hole that refuses to become a state. They vote against it every year. We gave them food water and skilled labor and assets to fix their power grid. Yet what do they do? Say its not enough and let cargo waiting on a dock and blame trump because that is how you feed people by bitching on CNN. Pathetic.

They also owe us a ton of money

>Glass-Seagall was good legislation.
Funny how when a democratic president ended it we had a government surplus he took credit for.

> I don't see how you can argue with clean campaign finance
In what regard? If anything this is a feel good law that would hurt the collective bargaining of individuals and companies. Unfortunately messages require money and if groups no longer had this power then the only narrative would become main stream media.

>Private prisons are a shitty idea.
In cases it incentivizes stricter penalties and feeds itself so yes they can be regulated more heavily.

> Climate change is real
Yes but so are ass clowns that ride around on private jets demanding higher taxes to save the world. Easy fix is to find a clean sustainable energy source and continue intensives for corporations and individuals to push people in that direction.

>Penis is largest of all races
Factually incorrect.

Just think, somebody took time out of their life to make this. They may have even downloaded and installed a program in order to do so, to create this one scathing image. Really makes you wonder about your life.


Aka a highly restrictive program that results in high taxes and a small minority seeing benefits.

Nothing is free lulzzz
First time voting, jumping on the R train. Dispite all the bias shit everywhere you go. And trust me 4chang, i tried really hard to bluepill myself to give it a chance and be informed. That only made me that much more redpilled.

>a small minority seeing benefits.
What part of Medicare FOR ALL don’t you understand? The point is that it’s universal and covers literally all citizens.

>nothing is free, durrr
Red some Kim Stanley Robinson ya brainlet

>See ya in November, mongoloids!!!

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>democrats stuck in perpetual war between meme-tier socialists and moderates
Good luck, faggot, your party is at war with itself and doesn't even know what direction it wants to take, you'll be fighting in your own camps long after Trump wins again in 2020 and the Blue Wave theory proves to have been a fucking failure.

I am also talking about free housing free college etc.

Most states that have this make people jump through hoops or give excuses. Also universal healthcare is a terrible idea.

>Nothing is free lulzzz
Bernie had a plan that would more than cover free healthcare. We just have to stop giving tax cuts to giant corporations and literal billionaires

Idk if these upper comments are satire or not

But bernie is a millionaire

I advise you to live in Bernieland Vermont and see how much of a nightmare it truly is.

>wanting to let retarded investment bankers ruin the economy again

have you read seeking alpha or looked at elon musk's tweets? they are just as fucking retarded as the rest of us and we need to be protected from that retardation.

reinstate glass steagall fucking now before its too late

The cringe hill dawg memes? They’re meant as “jokes”

Vermont fucking rules what the hell are you shilling, cuckservative?

I think there will be a red wave it would be retarded to move to the left again


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