ITT: We laugh at Americans

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San Francisco gains one new sidewalk poo every 20 minutes

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more like we are qt amirite


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Day of the shart when?

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how do they even know about Q, are these the typical Jow Forums posters of Jow Forums now? wtf happened and why did this q meme take off.

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aw man...i can't defend this :(

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There's an entire subreddit dedicated to Q called r/greatawakening, entirely populated by boomers and schizos falling for the LARP.

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of course it's leddit, do they talk about (((them)))?

what am i looking at aussie?

Expandable toilet seat that supports the disgusting flaps of fat hanging from your putrid american bodies.

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Of course not, they're the watered down 'MAGApede' brand of trump supporters that get all of their political insight from facebook groups and r/the_donald

That's a good thread

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Americans invited them.... destroying everything they touch always

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Have fun when Muhammad rapes you.

there's boomer housewifes browsing Jow Forums reading about the JQ while their husband wagecucks while she sits on her ass at home, how does one deal with knowing the JQ like that? do they ignore it?

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You would know a lot about being raped by Muhammad, wouldn't you?

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we know its bad here but we are still better than you and always will be

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stop bullying america!

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