Why Jews have many genetic illnesses?
Jews and Genetic illnesses
It's fake news so the goys don't marry our women. brainlet baka..
>Why Jews have many genetic illnesses?
What is inbreeding
>It's fake news so the goys don't marry our women. brainlet baka..
Take your meds, Schlomo.
So god was a voice in the heads of mentally ill individuals all along. All that talk about a chosen tribe, it's just schizo ramblings.
Because they have been heavily genetically bottlenecked many times in history.
even the best jewish wives i fucked were nothing special to look at, you're all ugly iranian/turks, even the women
Corresponds why so many become doctors.
>Fucking JAPs instead of Japanese.
kys, Leaf.
They need to get blacked, browned, and riced for genetic diversity
Jews are literally more neanderthal then human. Their genetics are unstable.
Wtf is this image
Nightmare incoming
Because even God knows the Jews were a mistake and installed a dead man's switch.
Bottleneck, inbreeding.
They fugged up.
The Utah Study by Cochran and Harpending basically disproved the bottleneck theory.
The most likely explanation is the strong selection for IQ and genetic isolation over the course of the 40+ generations from the early presence of Ashkenazi around 1000A.D to modernity.
Don't really have to do much to stop us from wanting your women.
>your women
Millennia of inbreeding.
Come on now. They are inbred as fuck.
The only one I would even give the honor of eye contact to for more than two seconds is the one on the far right, and even with her that’s a generous giving
from eating foreskins and babies
Jews I know get absolutely fucking insane neurotic the older they get. Like Woody Allen neurotic.
Lotta Chron's disease and stuff. Lotta mental stuff like bi polar etc.
They act in increasingly bizarre ways, like dressing up as jesus or eating in soup kitchens even though they own several apartment buildings, etc
>8 and 10 are fuckable the rest are visibly inbred