The day Elliot Rodger was beaten

I never knew Elliot was beaten by a gang of teenagers at a party.

Dude had serious mental problems:

>As I stumbled a few yards down Del Playa with my shattered leg, I realized that someone had stolen my Gucci sunglasses that my mother had given me. I loved those sunglasses, and had to get them back. I vehemently turned around and staggered back towards the party. At that point, I was so drunk that I forgot where the party was, and ended up walking onto the front yard of the house next to it, demanding to know who took my sunglasses. The people in this house must have been friends with the ones I previously fought with, for they greeted me with vicious hostility. They called me names like "faggot" and "pussy'", typical things those types of scumbags would say. A whole group of the obnoxious brutes came up and dragged me onto their driveway, pushing and hitting me. I wanted to fight and kill them all. I managed to throw one punch toward the main attacker, but that only caused them to beat me even more. I fell to the ground where they started kicking me and punching me in the face Eventually, some other people from the street broke up the fight. I managed to have the strength to stand up and stagger away.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>shattered leg
>managed to have the strength to stand up and walk away

Of course he had mental problems, he was half Jewish and half Chinese. Stupid faggot, stop making fun of him bitch before I roll out there and fuck you up.

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Posting the full story

Fag totally deserved it. He went into a home party and started harassing people.

Shit is hilarious.

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Poor Elliot.

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>full on mental

I wish I could've protected him...

mumkey jones on youtube has some great shit about Elliot Rodger

Fuck up spic you're a bigger pussy than Elliot Rodgers for God's sake. Never fucked up anybody, you little wetback. Probably 5' 7".

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He was autistic

Fuck this autistic loser

Youre not making any friends here user

So are you, retard, what the fuck are you even talking about lmao

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Based mutt

Elliot’s dad is a huge piece of shit too. The dad should be serving Elliot’s life sentence

Nope, death sentence. Crime: being Jewish. Period.

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His entire manifesto is a hilarious cringe compilation. I remember reading it and laughing my as off every time he told a story about throwing coffee at/on people. That ws one of his favorite moves. The funniest one was he tried to interact with some girl at a bus stop, she brushed him off so he got in his car, pulled up to the bus stop, and threw his starbucks vanilla late on her.

Beware the future school shooter

Lmfao no I'm not, your brain is literally retarded, how does it feel being a retard?

When will autismos learn.

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I only managed to read about 100 pages of it. You can tell how his descent into MMO's stole a good portion of his vital pubescent maturation, by the time people around him started exploring the other sex he was so far gone that he never found his way. Kinda makes you feel bad until you realize he was just a mutt kike manlet with a superiority complex.

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Stop with that Gook shit

Funny shit

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He had both outward narcissism and inverted narcissism. He both spoiled and ostracized at the same time. He also had Asperger's which made him hyperfocus on his narcissistic complexes. Dangerous combo.

i dont fucking get it

i'm a 5'6" manlet immigrant asian with a kumquat face and a snub but still manage to get laid from time to time

heck even lost my virginity to a 7/10 qt3.14 white girl when i was in the navy (she was into anime and shit, we fucked inside the laundromat by pier 13 on 32nd street naval base)

elliot could've had so much success but he was such an idiot

no sympathy

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>They would have offered to sleep with me to make me feel better

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His parents were fucked, his entire life was a mess.
Kid never had a chance.

Poor Incel

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kino desu

usually psychiatrists and shit tell you to write out your feelings in order to decompress and perhaps to even read it back to yourself to put things into perspective and see if your concerns are even valid or if they're just bullshit. Like if any other person wrote this out and read it back to themselves they would realize they were being a total putz but not Elliot.

kekd nice gif

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Why are all you faggots obsessed with this guys? He was a mentally ill dude with anger issues, an extremely dysfunctional family, and a sad isolated life. He dealt with his issues in the wrong way and he snapped.

I'm not excusing his murder but he is a sad story, and maybe if his family hadn't been so fucked up he would have been able to make his way through life. Fucking shame and a shitty story all around, not something to laugh about.

reddit needs to leave

This shit reads like it was designed to make incels look even worse than they already are.

gif me not lest u be giffed

i'm an original fag, fag

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Wish I'd only been beaten up once.

Post more WTF LMAO

I think you're in the wrong place user

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Faggots like this guy and the Columbine losers get too much attention on here. They can burn in Hell for all care.

I knew I was going to be accused of being from Reddit, but what I said remains true. JP talked about this kind of stuff, letting resentment propel you down to a place where you become a monster.

I think most people on Jow Forums like to talk about Rodger because, like him, they suffer many of the same indignities (being ostracized, perpetual virginity, etc) but feel superior because they haven't sperged out like he did.

I can honestly see parallels between him and myself. No friends, unemployed, struggling with mental illness and not having any kind of a support network, parents treat me like shit, livevwith a single white trash mom. Yeah, I’m definitely going down the same direction.

I just can't believe someone is this narcissistic. Is this really his manifesto? It reads like satire. He was that detached from reality. Wow.

Elliot truly was always unstable. I remember reading about him throwing lattes in people's faces too. And when he decided to shoot people he ended up shooting his fellow Asian loser roommates. The guy was a deranged person who failed at everything he did.

I’ve sperged out before, but didn’t kill anyone. Trust me, I know just how Elliot Rodger felt. Feelsbadman.jog.

Get out faggot, we're trying to laugh at the misfortunes of others.

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Elliot Rodger is the product of a relationship wmaf, a disgusting spawn with mental problems. Your face is the face of what would be the product of your beloved Eurasian ethnic-state.

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No, we talk about him because its fucking funny.
Slightly ironic that a kid who threw his coffee all over his enemies ended up throwing his brains all over his nice car.
>boom! Headshot.
>boom! Headshot.

i wonder if he had a soulmate out there waiting for him

Interesting how he's aware of their own shit. I'd die of cringe.

>beautiful euroasian

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He fought those guys before because he tried to push a girl off a balcony. Also, he took a couple swings at some other girls and dudes.

He was drunk as fuck and probably yelling incoherently. He had it coming, just like every other bad thing that happened to him in his privileged life.

Him and the Tranny Phantom shooter might very well be among the only American mass killers who don't really have edgy teenage girl fans.

It's a decent synopsis. His whole internet character thing should have been wholly set aside for such project. Wish we could have more in depth material similar to the GenoSamuel fellow's work on ChrisChan with other characters such as Randy Stair.

Your only hope is to work hard as fuck and start making good decisions man. Sorry you got such a raw deal.

>he ended up shooting his fellow Asian loser roommates.
Actually he murdered them with a knife in one of the most brutal imaginable ways. 90+ stabs to the head and neck and body. Read the police report if you want.

Some things shouldn't be laughed at my nigger.

I wonder how much of this shit really happened? I refuse to believe someone would do all of this. It doesn't even make sense. How could he get so close with a water gun to shoot them with orange juice and then to get away quickly enough that they don't catch him?

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literally 0 percent chance this is not satire

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>Elliot would play poopoo peepee wars with the normies, using OJ as ammo
I believe it

Jesus christ. Do you tickle arse in the daytime?

If you burn the coal, you yourself pay the toll. But if you cook the rice, most likely nothing happens to you, but your children will pay the price, and a horrible one indeed. Don't cook the rice white man.

how do i stop being like him im tired of the sperg life i just want to live normally wat do

>ISoaker (((Israel)))
>666 trips
Nice try.

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bin those thoughts

Someone should turn his story into a tragic comedy movie.

The part where he drove a few hundred kilometers into another state and bought a ton of lottery tickets because he thought he was destined to win was also pretty funny.

i have ocd :(

>not being 6'3'' AT LEAST
>not having the "Blue Steel" look
>not beingn muscular

what are you people doing, seriously?

has anyone posted this bitch yet?

all this shit is unbelievable to me

Here, have a sweetie

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Not having a 6 pack
Not being a billionaire
Not being called chad

It's like 100% of men just aren't good enough.

>The Blue Steel look
Dude, you are such a massive faggot, it's gonna hurt you so bad when you realise the reason for your idolisation of male beauty. Better to just accept it and go out get some 6'3" BlueSteel muscular dick now, will be easier in the long run on your psyche.

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I cry evry tiem

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Social exclusion is hell on earth.

Both of them failed at literally everything they did, including their mental breakdown where they killed people.

This is fucking Catcher in the Rye levels of pathetic. Imagine how destroyed he'd feel if he finally did manage to get laid and then realized that was it, that was the one thing he had placed on a pedestal for so long, and his endless pursuit of it had driven any other meaning from his life. His only goal was a hole, that was the sum of his existence.

Is this the Elliot Rodger fangirl? Unfortunately I am not logged into youtube so I can't see. Anyways, she's obviously pretending to like Elliot to pander to the Jow Forums group who ironically worship him.

While he was derranged and autistic, he did fight against society, and the fact that we are talking aboiut him to thos day means he won.

You just wait until someone posts Breivik. All of a sudden hes a hero. Not to mention he was a full blown faggot.

It just works for me my man. There are guys who work out religiously to build attractive bodies, and it just naturally happens to be 6'4'' with absolutely stunning blue eyes, if I can say so myself. I rely on the blue steel look because i have no muscles, I'm too lazy

Prove to me mucles are worth the effort

Elliot was a bad guy who never would have come to any good. Some people can't be saved.

I can’t. No matter how many times I ask them to take me to x to fill out paperwork for a job application, they won’t do it. I’ve tried several times in the past to fill out applications but I’ve never received a response from ANY of the places that I tried to get a job application, because I’m being discriminated against by the fucking kikes and multiculturalists for being white due to Affirmative Action laws.

I can’t get a job, I receive no help, I can’t even get haircuts regularly because apparently they want me to look like shit. I fucking hate them so much that I want to kill every single one of them one day. The only thing holding me back is having to spend the rest of my life in prison and that’s a place I don’t want to be. Even though I’m over 18, I can’t even receive my own disability because my mother takes all of it and spends it on pills because she told my doctor that I would spend all of my disability money on drugs. And that’s kind of true. I need drugs to help me escape from my shithole life. I shoplifted alcohol a lot when I was a young teen to get drunk so I won’t have to deal with a shitty life.

I hate to be that guy but if he had just smoked some weed he wouldn't have done what he did, he'd probably still be alive today shitposting with us

Thats not a very nice way to talk about our messiah

What a loser

I agree that's the medicine I would have prescribed. We tend to forget how painful it is being that age when Chad is defiling your waifu(s). We need women much more than they need us then.

That whole story could be condensed to
>I started a fight over some shit
>then I lost that fight
>some cunt stole my glasses
This is why greentext exist

>I can’t
Wrong. You won't.

>I’ve tried several times in the past to fill out applications but I’ve never received a response
How many times? This takes time and effort. I put in over 100 job apps during a six month period and only received a handful of interviews. You have to be persistent and follow up quickly. That's they way it works today. There's so much competition for every job.

>because I’m being discriminated against

>I can’t even get haircuts regularly because apparently they want me to look like shit
The fuck do you mean?

>The only thing holding me back is having to spend the rest of my life in prison and that’s a place I don’t want to be
Yes, this is why we have a justice system.

>Even though I’m over 18, I can’t even receive my own disability
You are not disabled.

>I need drugs to help me escape from my shithole life
Wrong. Get a hobby. Get your priorities in order.

>hapa excuse

No, he was uniquely autistic, how do you explain his sister getting along just fine and getting dick regularly?

Stop making excuses for the guy.

His main problem is that he was unlikeable and never developed himself. He had video game friends at a lan center who all left him because they grew up and developed other hobbies, while Rodger kept playing games and MMOs. When things got a bit tough at school his father moved him away to another school - essentially cocooning him further.

MRAs, Bodybuilders, MGTOWs, martial arts trainees at a dojo, everyone was annoyed by him.

Yeah, never been a fan of his either. I agree with the German user that Rodgers’ life could almost be a tragicomedy, some of it is so ridiculous, but the violence at the end would be too much for a movie. The Columbine losers sicken me the most, they look possessed in their pics.

That sounds shitty man. I've been through some unimaginable misery myself brosef, and one thing I've learned is that NOBODY cares but you. It's easy to give up, and I did that for a while. It's a lot harder to look at a situation and ask if you are doing literally EVERYTHING you can.Most of the time that answer is no. But I don't know your situation so I'm not judging you. Hope something works out for you.

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>They called me names like "faggot" and "pussy'", typical things those types of scumbags would say
i mean to be fair he was a faggot and a pussy

He had a serious looks problem. If he was good looking, he would still be alive.

the way he talks is so funny

His perspective of life was all wrong. He hated his fellow men, but women aren’t attracted to men who don’t have a social network. A man with a lot of friends let’s a woman know that he is normal and successful to some degree. Having no friends is a huge red flag. Also Elliot had no concept of how people meet. Only select men can pull off approaching women they don’t know, particularly if they are the hot blondes Elliot was going after. To meet women, he would have had to first make some guy friends. Through making guy friends he would have been put into more social situations and through that met more female acquaintances. But that would have taken a father figure to get him into male bonding situations, like sports or manual labor early on. His dad is a selfish piece of shit, and never taught Elliot anything, was never a parent. You could even tell in the interview after the murders that he doesn’t even know his son and uses the time to pull a woe is me, how could this happen to me bullshit. I’m surprised he didn’t plug his retarded documentary during the interview too. I hold him just as much responsible for Elliot’s rampage as Elliot.

will always be remembered as the supreme gentleman he was
rip in peace faggot

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I didn't know who this guy was before coming to Jow Forums. Since then, I've never looked him up, but I've noticed he is a common talking point among shills. This makes him virtuous in a quasi-religious sense imo.
