Trying to have sex

change is what we need. What if Communists or Socialist were right? I believe most Yanks hate us Commies but we love you and we don't hate you. We want you to prosper and have many Yank kids and maybe eventually go to space or even the Moon. We Commies, Will Always Love You, even the Elvis.

Please help mesflkajf We Commies always have the best brocams so we educate you and we take care of you. We don't interrogate or kill anybody that's just laughable Capitalist propaganda.


What is your idea America, about us Commies. We know you want us dead, but are you actually putting some money in it or what?

Posting a real sexy pic on Jow Forums that biatch is so hot I'd stick my BB horse cock in that hot mouth and cu..

Ok ok. What does Jow Forums think about her? REALLY?

Attached: alexandriaocasiocortez.jpg (691x643, 138K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>BB horse cock
baby horse cock?

Holy SHIT how much greasy cock have you swallowed before making this thread.

I agree we need to democratize and redistribute sex and end female privilege.

If you vote for me, it's free sex for everyone

I think that all honorable Jow Forumslacks should sage schizophrenic, degenerate threads like this or ignore them completely. Goodbye finbro, your post will flushed down into the toilet of time just like your life and poor choices.

>change is what we need. What if Communists or Socialist were right?

Into the trash it goes

Kys fucking Commie

Attached: image.jpg (750x1334, 141K)

Do u think Alexandria has a clean butthole?

>Shows up in catalog as "trying to have sex change"

Attached: 57904c299f543dcb0669c492385e3aa8.jpg (236x241, 7K)

Why are you here?

>Why are you here?

Because I know you want to fuck her and therefore you vote for her.

Nationalist Fascism is the ultimate red pill ideology for a white nation.

>Nationalist Fascism is the ultimate red pill ideology for a white nation.

That's what she said! Fucking hot bitches and making countries great again! All Commie countries were white and red pilled before USA bombed them blue pill.

>ask Jow Forums how

>Do u think Alexandria has a clean butthole

Yeah actually Latinas do. Story goes, funny enough, Natives laughed to Europeans because our hygiene wasn't that good. We bathed once a week Latinas bathed everyday. Sounds about right today.

That woman has such a face of low IQ'ed person, God lord I can't stand that indio.

By the IQ she clearly should be waitress at best

>What is your idea America, about us Commies. We know you want us dead, but are you actually putting some money in it or what?
I want you all dead, yes. I would donate but I don't know where.

>By the IQ she clearly should be waitress at best

But what if she becomes POTUS? We all know what you did last time a brown person became POTUS. So who is next, Pee Wee Herman or Ronald McDonald?

>but I don't know where

It's OK you stupid conservative, we are used to this fact. Send them to Trump he will help you KEK.

why are Finns allow to Jow Forums...they are worst than any other species on this planet. GTFO

Commies can't feel love. You don't even have a soul, and are high on weed most of the time. If I had my way I would have you shot


This post gave me cancer. Thanks Finn.

anti-semite hamas apologist

>why are Finns allow to Jow Forums

We created it liek we did Linux and WWW in CERN you shit. We rule you bitch.

>high on weed most of the time. If I had my way I would have you shot

All true but why? We love you. Do you hate love? Bro? Fag? Newfag?

why did God create you worthless people...

>All Commie countries were white and red pilled before USA bombed them blue pill.


Yeah the over 200 countries that the soviets forcibly dissolved into the union sure are a good example. And of course all of China are Chinese. Its not like Mao and his "enlightened" destroyed more than 3000 years old Chinese history so that only the CCP version is heard.

Fuck off seriously

>Thanks Finn

Thank you Burger. Coming in to do Rodeo and shoot and visit MegaChurch, in that order, or not. Love it. Love Burgers.

>why did God create you worthless people...

Ask God why you bother Jow Forums slave?

The weather and the darkness has taken your soul away just like the rest of your people

>And of course all of China are Chinese

Most of them are actually. Didn't know the humble beerdrinkers down under were as stoopid as the Yanks.

Anyway the Chinks are on our side now, then again so are you, but there are more Chinks than Ozzies and the Chinks make fucking sense.

The Chinks know Gong Fu. You know how to play didgeridoo poorly. We've made our choice.

bombs over baghdad

Finland is how Scandinavia turns into Russia


>the darkness has taken your soul away

Fuck you Indians can see right through us. Fuck.

>Finland is how Scandinavia turns into Russia

Actually hurting Jow Forums by telling the truth makes me feel bad about what I said. It was only satire!

Wow she almost looks normal in this pic.
But fuck you OP. You suck tons of dick

> Chinks than Ozzies and the Chinks make fucking sense.

>Lying and cheating your allies on daily basis makes fucking sense

Imagine being this misinformed. No wonder Scandinavia is a shithole.

Don't pull the thang out, unless you plan to bang

>Lying and cheating your allies on daily basis makes fucking sense

When did we lie to you and when did we become your allies even? I like you Mick but really.

no commies are invited to come to space
elons rule #14 is no jews arabs or africans are allowed on board the rocketship
its so that there arent countless generations of victims whining about how they was kangs and they built the spaceport and they need gimmedats empowered to make up for the white supremacy patriarchy throughout the galaxy
karl marx was his pen name
his real name was moses mordechi levy

Communism has never worked and it never will

>Communism worked and always will

Thank you America for agreeing with us. You are real, how you say, sweet hearts. Vote for this Cortez bitch he works for us and lets be honest you want your weewee in there.

KEK!! oh my sides!

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You should be killed for being a piece of shit traitor, you country was invaded by commies, shame on you

I'd like to find out.