This thread is designed to discuss Sex & Circumcision. If you haven't watched the video or read the info graphics then where the fuck have you been? Watch out for the derailments like shown in pic.
This man is Eric Clopper, he lost his job at Harvard to give you this info. Take it. Share it. Meme it to your normie friends. He names the Jew. And in so doing brings the JQ right to the forefront of public discussion.
>MANY shills in the thread will make the obvious point that Eric, is himself, a jew. If he wasn't a jew they would be able to shrug him off as "anti-semitic" which of course they already did by calling him anti-semitic and firing him.
------------------------------- >Muh not politics / Hurr this should be in bantz >Ritual circumcision and risk of autism spectrum disorder in 0- to 9-year-old boys: national cohort study in Denmark
Goals >Criminalization of ALL infant to preadolescent circumcisions in the USA >Criminalization of the sale of ANY human tissue or liquids that were left over from the surgery of a minor (here are all the reasons not to get a defenseless baby's dick cut just days after birth:
>(((They))) got me, what do!!?? Don't worry, Ameribuddy got your back → →
So was I, but ignorance wasn't going to last forever anyway.
Juan White
You have to remember user, if Clopper went on a rant how Jews are devil worshipers eating/raping children, people would just discredit everything else he said and he'd look like a conspiracy nut (even if it is all true).
Nolan Bailey
Same here, but it's better to know the truth and do something about it than be in ignorance and let them suffer for reasons they don't know.
Joseph Morales
Yup. Doesn't take away from his core message. >memeflag
Personally I chose TLC device because they custom fit each device for your specific measurements. DTR is one size fits all, and Cat II has a regular and small. TLCtugger also has devices for enlargement and phimosis if needed. I've been using their tugger for 6 months and am very pleased with the results so far, I definitely think I will have complete restoration after a few years. My only regret is that I didn't start restoring sooner. Anyone who's cut in this thread, seriously, what are you waiting for, get started now. You can thank me later. You won't get those 20,000 nerves back, but getting coverage and rejuvenating the glans will make a HUGE difference in sensation, comfort, and even psychological benefit.
Forgen is promising as it will attempt to literally give you a foreskin transplant using an ECM that has your own cells so there's no risk of rejection. Although I think they are probably still a few years from human trials even though they say they aim for next year.
That must be why there are videos going viral and Jow Forums blowing up over this while Google tries to censor and contain the reach. Fuckface
Andrew Nguyen
I asked if TRS has seen the clopper video on the comments and my question was deleted. I think I may be shadowbanned by them because my comments never needed moderation before. I gave Sven some lip for not giving a shit one time and I think he put me in the gulag. Anybody else who is a TRS paycuck should ask them why the fuck they havn't taked about the Clopper video yet.
Day of the rope soon. Your days are numbered, you filthy fucking kikes.
Christian Miller
loool I love how some people just won't touch this one with a barge pole.
Grayson Scott
The same reason nobody in the alt-kike talked about Pat Little
Matthew Diaz
I'm talking about this shill sperging out over Clopper not sperging out. I recognize the history being written by Clopper, the man, the myth, the soon to be legend.
Alexander Lewis
The jews are worshipers of Moloch.
Robert Perry
He conveniently posts that every single time a new thread goes up and then disappears. Has done so for the week I've been following this thread and doesn't (((bother))) saying anything else.
Luis Wood
What is TRS?
Joseph James
He pops in to link to the disappeared Iowa thread in many threads, not just this one.
Dylan Powell
That's a good point, I've seen that too.
The shills have literally no argument for what Clopper says so they are trying to discredit him by saying he isn't totally anti-jew or some shit. I've seen some pretty poor arguments against him in these threads.
Daniel Gray
This video made so much shit click in my head, specifically involving human history. Anyone else feel me on this?
Parker Kelly
The Iowa thread is a new trend, before he just posted the blood libel image and c+p, then fuckered off
Hunter Sullivan
The real redpill this video offers is that satanic ritual abuse is ingrained in american society It's a white nationalist radio show site. Lots of good content but they do shit like this an it pisses me off. I understand why they avoided Pat Little. I understand why people think he's based and I honestly voted for him, but I really don't think his "head first into a brick wall" strategy is necessarily effective so I don't blame TRS for ignoring him while they were in a bunch of legal trouble.
Nicholas Robinson
I was initially against him stupidly because of some of the JIDF arguments and the ol "every Jew is bad no matter what" brainlet thinking. Realise now I was wrong and his message needs to be spread.
Matthew Flores
>Anyone else feel me on this? Don't speak like a nigger.
Brody Taylor
Literally everybody ignored him though. His methods were crude, but why the total blackout?
Matthew Fisher
Circumcision is the center of Judaism, and it is also the key to waking people up.
Jackson Richardson
Considering everything and especially the autism/brain damage caused by infant circ that Clopper didn't cover, it makes a whole lot of sense. Basically every violent/warped/satanic whatever religion seems to be fueled by their followers getting traumatized as kids. Basically it seems like bannin circ is the answer to the ever elusive JQ. If so, it would explain why chans went down and these threads keep getting shut over and over.
You can tell Clopper is definitely anti-Semitic based on a lot of his wording calling circumcision "satanic rituals", "strangely homogenous media", "barbaric tradtions", etc. You can't just come out and say the Jews are evil or you'll get shut down hard.
desu if he wasn't a Jew, a lot of people would probably discredit a lot of what he says and just call him a racist. He is /ourjew/
Austin Cruz
Ok, little Schlomo, let me kiss it better.
Carson Cook
It's good to keep in mind, but if someone in a military situation tries to attack one of the main places of strength, it's not the time to purity spiral, it's time to attack.
They fired him from harvard. That's news. His presentation is extensive and normie friendly (if a little degenerate, but what do you expect from a jew).
Better yet he is a little entertaining and besides blood libel and trauma based mind control he doed go balls out. He blames the right ideology, judaism.
He proportions blame appropriately, some to kellogg as well, but aware that the source is the jewish covenant with god to mutilate penises.
Yes, it's good for other anons to learn and teach about both blood libel and trauma based mind control.
But we should also be strategizing and pouring creativity into this. New infographics. New memes. New videos. The view count on the youtube vid even went down for a bit. There is something being tampered there. Jow Forums was shilled really hard against it for a bit, then people got warnings for "offtopic" and once people started to strategize against shills, they suddenly laid low.
If you're an user who has been fucked by this jewish doctrine and have only now started to realize what you've lost, don't sink into depression. Keep your eyes on these threads. I am making a /SIG/ for cutfags.
If you think there is nothing wrong with being a cutfag watch clopper's video or read this article:
Circumcision and its implications for sexuality. CIRP Note: The results of this survey are somewhat obscurely stated. This survey surveyed 138 women. Of that group 20 (14.5%) preferred non-intact circumcised sexual partners while 118 or (85.5%) preferred intact non-circumcised sexual partners. This means that about 6 out of 7 women preferred intact non-circumcised partners while about 1 out of seven preferred non-intact circumcised partners.
Circumcision doesn’t really reduce STD rates. The difference is either insignificant or more so for the circumcised, especially for the very promiscuous. Circumcised men engage in more unusual sexual practices.
Patrick Little could have been the savior of Ireland, but he got too ambitious and tried to go full nationalist as quick as possible. This was destroyed promptly by the media and his name has gotten some bad rep, even in Jow Forums.
Hunter Williams
He came up a bunch on some of the shows on RBN, but that's more boomer radio. Stuff aimed for the internet youth seems decidedly more interested in going partway there for attention but not further than the establishment would really want to tolerate.
Hunter Young
We can finally move away from this brainlet thinking
Alexander Flores
That's what they did and they also fired him.
It doesn't matter if he hadn't named the jewish cult though, any country that wants to make circumcision of babies illegal has to deal with jewish lobby and rabbi kvetching of antisemitism, so that would have happened either way.
Shit is going down hard, got the same off-topic warning, saw all the shilling getting stomped out by anons armed with Cloppers' teaching. Also the schizo shitposting was pretty nuts. Good on you for taking the SIG responsibility. Are you the same user that has been an activist for a while?
Owen Watson
I cannot get hard anymore for the life of me without using my hands and I feel like I'm going crazy. Its been weeks since I last jacked off and I'm young, stressfree, and fit. This shouldnt be happening at all and I need help. Any anons know what to do to fix this without taking viagra or something?
Christian Diaz
It's not bad to be apprehensive about jews lying or manouvring anymore thanyou should be careful about blacks being violent or thieving.
His immediate call for money and his other video about "cultural appropriation" keep some wariness in my mind. So I'm keeping my eyes open. But the shilling against this has exposed the fear that they have of this growing bigger.
If more people are made aware and have the opportunity to realize it is a controversial thing to do, then you're saving future baby boy's sexual health, you are preventing PTSD and you are preventing immediate complications.
More thsn a million Baby boys are circumsiced in the united states each year. You can have a huge impact to reduce suffering by campaigning for this.
A homosexual called me a shill for laughing at the eagerness to talk willies right at the end of the last bread. I just thought I'd drop this picture of his arsehole off before I go back to sleep.
you are not stressfree it seems, burger. The user from the other day took right action, he channeled his rage into lifting lifting lifting and fighting the good fight. At some point you'll get hard for some pussy that gets wet over your steely resolve and body.
Robert Morales
because i was mutilated, pubic hair grows halfway up my cock. i have to pluck the hair every 2 weeks. i do it one hair at a time. it usually takes an hour and a half.
>When he's doing a Bar Mitzvah, now that you shouldn't miss >He'll always shlep on down for a wedding or a briss >They say he's got a lot of chutzpah, he's really quite hhhhhip >The parents pay the moyl and he gets to keep the tip!
Is that a problem? Maybe your body needs a reset of some sort. That happened to me for like 2-3 months once and it everything was better than it used to be when something just struck me funny out of nowhere and sent me into a furious need to fap.
Get plenty of sleep.
Evan Hill
No Nazi ever stole my foreskin No White Nationalist ever cut my cock
Lincoln Reyes
Jaxson Perry
Where did this meme originate?
Jackson Wright
Just get a body trimmer, takes 10 seconds. Definitely wouldn't want to use a razer of course.
I started saying this about Nazi's since the Dan Harmon pedo scandal some other user took the "it's okay to be white" and made it "No russian ever cut my cock" this meme is organic af, they are afraid
Bentley Flores
Probably from the mind of some genius jew thinktank to make this a nazi thing.
Carson Lewis
Christopher Diaz
>The view count on the youtube vid even went down for a bit. The view count is some serious fuckery. Source on it going down? I've been checking it's views autistically and it is WAAAAY lower than it should be. We have had constant Jow Forums thread for over ten days and it's barely over 30k views. Ok it's at 39k now. Good.
Ryder Martinez
Circumcision is barbaric and Jewish influence is part of what keeps it legal, but the accusations of blood sacrifice, cannibalism, and blood drinking are false. Blood sacrifice hasn't been practiced since 70 AD, and both blood and human flesh are not kosher.
Christian Lewis
I seen it on july 25th and it had 20k views that's great for a 2hour long video on circumcision
Jose Baker
Iirc last thursday when I watched it, it was 25k. Growing slow, but I think that might be due to it being spread only through links to the video and there is no other exposure to it? >Rips a baby's dick in half and proceeds to give a succyjob Sure doesn't count as cannibalism or any other thing you listed
Isaac Hill
Can some anons reupload shorter, edited versions without nudity for more exposure?
Samuel Anderson
Whaaaaaat. Just when you think you've heard it all. Hey seriously... I'm drying tears of laughter here ... but seriously you'd have to deal with hair anyway. Unless you want a something like a small 1970's negro's head swinging around between your legs when a chick unbuttons your jeans. Doesn't matter where they are if they are on your tackle, little buddy you still have to deal. If you're serious (OMG OMG OMG) then go in the pharmacy and buy products. There's cream that we hunks use to make our chest hair and back hair fall out. Rub on, hair falls out. Now I know what you're thinking - what if my cock drops off too. Well if it does at least you won't have to spend an hour and a half plucking hairs out one by painful one anymore. Also you'd just have to emigrate to /r9k and you'd be one step ahead of the game.
Matthew Diaz
Are there any organized protest groups regarding this? I would love to see people holding anti-MGM signs right in front of Cedars-Sinai in LA. Take it right to the kikes' home territory. If there's a picket on one of my days off I would even join in
Nicholas Roberts
they make nair for genitals, this guy should get Nair Shower Power Sensitive Formula, 12.6 Oz , 14.44$ on amazon
Sucking the blood out of a wound and spitting it out isn't cannibalism.
Jackson Evans
yeah, they are called "intactivists", there is a community on reddit, Jow Forumsintactivists or you may find a local group on facebook.
If I see something pop up in my area, I'd probably go but I live in the middle of the country.
Brody Ortiz
>pull knife on someone peacefully protesting >cry for police when you get pepper sprayed Every time this gets me.
Jaxson Phillips
Cannibalism is drinking blood, that's what the word covers. It's in MSM about New York Jews drinking babies blood from their penis's at circumcisions. A five second Google will come firm both these facts ARE facts. It's so simple I'm not getting tied down copying links or all the bad guys will have to do is pretend to be dumb and we'll be spending all day teaching them that 1+1=2 I know what you are saying though. Yet you bring no substance to your claims, your denial is just your denial and if you bodge up those two basic facts included in a short post it's not doing Jews, yourself or anyone any favours. Just trying to be fair (to the most unfair people on earth?). I'm like a saint.
(((ASAP Science))) apparently did a video promoting MGM.
Jacob Long
when debating this, the Jew will try to pilpul the Christians with his Talmudic manipulations of Scripture
but the New Covenant replaced the Old, and explicitly denounces the practice of baby mutilation
when Jews circumcise, they are engaged in an act of rejecting Christ. that's what their whole evil religion is centered around, ever since their ancient thinkers killed Jesus. Judaism is the religion of Christ rejection
Luis Martinez
Heh, I forgot about that. I don't know if Adam wrote that episode or not, but that one's right up his alley.
Never saw him in the locker room, but pretty much everyone in the area was cut as far as I know.
Jaxon Johnson
It was the protestor who yelled out for the police to come after he sprayed the assailant.
This pattern of shill behavior clearly shows they have no fucking idea how to counter Clopper's video. Standard shill tactics (divide & conquer, purity spiral, females will deny their holes) was like pouring gasoline on the fire.
So they shut the fuck up and are awaiting for orders from on high. Meanwhile the occasional shill is just a lonely little jew who hasn't gotten (((the message))).
Youtube fucking with the view count is pure "SHUT IT DOWN" without the Streisand Effect from blocking him completely. They just keep the numbers low and hope normies that wander in say "meh, it must be nothing." You think Rogan will invite on some "Nazi Jew" loser with only 40k views? Still, every cut male who watches just a portion is completely fucking enraged. You can't stop the Signal, it wants to get out.
- We'll see a wave of pro-circumcision research to reinforce the old programming as a sort of prophylactic to keep more normies from catching on, a stop gap before awareness goes geometric. The same old tired shit: it's clean, it stop aids, it even makes sex feel better, etc. Some starlet thot will have a video leaked about how she thinks natural dicks are gross.
- Waiting in the wings is some material on John Harvey Kellogg for when mass public outrage DOES start to catch on, and to shift attention away from Israel and the Jews. A History Channel Series, some documentaries for PBS, ABC, et al. Maybe even a Road to Wellville II. "Look at this fucking quack, he made us all get circumcised, man aren't we Americans nutty?"
- As a counterpoint to the Kellogg focus, something in the media from young Jewish men that they're PROUD to be circumcised. "Kellogg may have perpetrated a crime against humanity, but I'm PROUD of my covenant with my God. Don't outlaw my culture. Don't outlaw my heritage!" A fake "poor Jews" backlash will distract us from that fact that it was their idea all along, as shilled hardcore by the AAP.
funnily enough, circumcision increases the odds of having an adverse reaction to vaccination, probably some kind of PTSD like thing. Talking about this does have the potential to derail, because of its association with anti-vax
You keep spamming even after being repeatedly called out. That leather thing looks like it was made in china, like last month. Be gone, shill
Jason Ramirez
I don't give a fuck about future boys. They'll probably turn into traps or trannies anyway. I want by cock back instead.
Dominic Ross
>they'll probably turn into traps or trannies anyway Circumcision only increases the chance of them becoming traps/trannies.
Evan Cox
This is being shilled hard by the jews, the guy is also jewish.
Cooper Rodriguez
I've not done all that much ""research"" on the topic. But just anecdotally it feels like most of the ones I've seen have been intact. Probably just a result of 60-70% of males worldwide not being mutilated I guess...
Matthew Martin
My mom wanted me circumcised. My late father and my brother demanded she didnt. Both were circumcised themselves. That's one thing I am thankful for
Jaxon Ramirez
>when your entire argument is "he's jewish"
I'd love to hear your arguments for mutilating boys genitals.
Adam Wilson
Go look at a bunch of hairy intact cocks. It's not like they're all magically hairless. But if you're prone to that and you get cut tight that can be a bummer.
Mine goes up the shaft a little higher than I'd want, but it's not that much and idgaf.
Joshua Parker
>circumcision increases the odds of having an adverse reaction to vaccination God-damn it. Is there anything this mutialition doesn't do? Also source for further reading?