Mexican cucks triggered

>Mexico's Foreign Ministry has condemned protesters that it said shouted racist comments and distributed anti-migrant leaflets outside its New York consulate last week.
>"On Saturday a group of racist, ignorant and xenophobic people were at our consulate in NY," Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. "We reject and condemn these events."
>Members of a group calling itself Identity Evropa, some dressed as construction workers, demonstrated on Saturday outside the consulate, holding large letters that spelled "Build the Wall." Identity Evropa has said it is dedicated to defending people of European heritage.
>Mexico's government said it had written a diplomatic note to the U.S. State Department about the incident, which it said worsened the climate for the country's relationship with the United States.
>Identity Evropa said in a statement on Tuesday that the Mexican government tacitly supported illegal immigration to the United States and that the group was a movement for European Americans against mass immigration and globalization.
>Photos and video on the group's Twitter page showed around 45 people at the protest, shouting, 'Make America Great Again," a campaign slogan of U.S. President Donald Trump.

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Crossing another country's border illegally is racist you bigot


Beaners go home

Oh no! Mexico is mad at us! I'll have to get heroin and landscapers locally now!

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Why do poltards want to send Mexicans back when they do jobs that lazy NEETs like themselves won't?

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Is that all mexicans are to you?
A slave labor force?

>meximutts scared over their drugs

Real talk, illegal mexicans do jobs that Americans want, but that people don't want to shell cash out for. But they would, if there wasn't the cut-rate option.

Lots of construction companies will hire wetbacks at $15-$20/hr to do construction labor, because it is tax-free and under the table for all people involved. The company pays less, the wetback gets paid a comparable wage to an American laborer, but without benefits, but the American laborer loses, because this is a circumvention of having to comply with legally mandated labor protections.

mexican flags all over the midwest. mericans to busy working for $10/hr to keep from losing their houses to play capture the flag.

>tfw spics actually believe no one will ever successfully construct a taco without foreign assistance

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Companies who hire wetbacks should be sued and blocked from selling products. I don’t care if it’s every single thing that’s sold. Boomers are a fucking mistake

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The lefts political platform has literally become

The real problem is that a lot of these are fly by night contractors who have propped up entire industries by setting the competitive wage of labor.

Very few people who hire illegals in large amounts actually sell product, they sell the service of labor. In other words, they're basically doing human trafficking, and should be prosecuted for it.

Yes. They bring no other value and should leave as quickly as possible. Go now.

>people who don't support deporting every single brown person are the REAL racists

Yes. Because you use them as a slave labor force because you are too fucking lazy for actual work.
So in your fucked up drugged out swiss cheese brain you think it's an act of charity to economically exploit them.
You are too fucking stupid to even see what you are doing.

>hiring someone and paying them money is literally slavery

Technically the Mexicans have more right to the land than the Europeans

>breaking laws and violating borders is good

you lost the war pablo, and we even paid for some more

>deporting people who contribute to America is good

are Mexicans the most entitled people on earth? and I thought niggers were bad.

Lelget fucked

My ancestors fought for Texan independence. Fuck you, dude. Texas won its freedom.

Are you arguing for the exploitation of the third world then?

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If they paid income taxes, I could see this argument making sense. At least in the amnesty sense.

But when they undercut labor illegally, the costs outweigh the benefits.

Not at all, Mexico was entirely in the wrong.
>have no settlers in Texas
>give whites land in Texas to make the area livable
>too much of whitey shows up
>start trying to tax the shit out of yt to make money
>whitey rebels and creates texas
>lose rebellion
>be really ass hurt
>keep threatening Texas with invasion
>Texas joins America
>invade anyway
>get absolutely rekt and lose all your land to the Americans
>Americans are nice enough to sell it back
Winfield Scott should've drove you all the way south.

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Unironically Cesar Chavez hated Spics because it would have busted up his goal of unionizing farm workers and getting better wages and working conditions. He was a commie faggot nonetheless but even a Chicano knew wetbacks were trouble for Americans and domestic jobs. The Left parades him around as a hero not knowing he hated his own kind. We need to remind them that even he hated Spics.

illegals are a net loss to the US economy

I'm well aware. My grandparents were fundamental core members of the latino advocacy/assimilation movement, and labor rights advocacy.

Wetbacks have really just set back hispanics in the USA by decades. An entire population of highly assimilated people slowly bootstrapping themselves up completely flooded out by illiterate jungle looking border beans looking for gibs.

fuck off cunt

Trump support confront with good argument for immigration. Can only resort to personal attacks! Many such cases! Sad

You have no argument. You only want to exploit people because you are a sociopath.

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fight back

>My grandparents were fundamental core members of the latino advocacy/assimilation movement, and labor rights advocacy.

Yep, this one’s going in my deportation compilation.

>deportation compilation


>Impliny Mexico not vas european as le 56% american faggots protesting it.

The is shit is funnier than fiction.

America please just kill and burn every illegal beaner in your country.
Actually nobody in Mexico would care, we hate those fuckers who seek "an easier" life instead of working on their own country and at least try to improve it.
Kill the cockroaches plague, we would be in debt with you.
Also they are short, ugly, brown and poor, and stink.

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>t.Haitian taking mexican's jobs/

Q predicted this

No you didn't.

I want chicanos to be killed as well, don’t care if they’re legal either.

>Nazis are good but people who benefit from voluntary economic transactions with immigrants are sociopaths

The absolute state of pol

Anything that triggers Videgaray is a pleasant win in my book. Pic related is him unveiling a portrait of himself like of he's some kind of retiring POTUS.

Fuck him and his ilk. Salve Identity Evropa!

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That is a true statement though.

I'm glad you're here, brother.

Deport all illegals though, and end birthright citizenship.

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There's no way to fix this shithole commie state are you kidding me? We just voted a massive communist fag for president and gave him absolute power.