You faggots better be rooting for the white side
This is the fight that will trigger the race war
You know it is a setup. They decided who will win and how. This is just PR campaign.
The black guys are more likeable though. The pauls are retarded.
They are Jewish
Are the Paul’s Jewish? Well then I don’t really know which side to pick
Who will win then?
How many trannys have you banged?
Where can I place bets on the black boys.
They're all retarded
Jewish shills are saying they're Jewish to try stifle the /logang/ support on Jow Forums.
He's only partially, but it's still worth mentioning.
Shut up, euro nigger.
If his mother is he is if she isn't he's a goy to them.
To fuck with a Paul is suicide!
>The black guys are more likeable though
No they aren't. I will never understand how literal retards like KSI ever got popular.
He's got a lot of Jewish family members if he's 3 strains of Jew
/logang/ aint never going down meme flags and nigger shills.
Get the fuck out here with this fake bullshit
>2 jews "fight" 2 niggers
>but get this, all of them are youtubers!
Just fucking watch the UFC like a normal person.
Just because we don't want to suck off the Paul brothers doesn't mean we want the niggers to win.
Why the fuck does it matter? Do they practice judaism?
They look like 6'+ aryan chads
They are total degenerates however
>starts randomly talking about sucking dicks and other faggot stuff
yeah, you're totally not a kike shill.
>2 niggers
>2 degenerate annoying faggots
Whoo boy Joe Schlomo sure has quite the match set up for us eh?
I'm rooting for the /paul/.
1. The Pauls are White
2. The niggers made fun of pewdiepie's waifu
3. The niggers are english
THis is the only jewess I'd donate my sperm to