Has anyone here on Jow Forums actually lived around blacks?

I am a white guy, and I just moved out of my parents house at the age of 27. I saved money and bought a condo in a state that is 45% African American. Turns out some of my neighbors are black, some are Asian...even though it is a hip area to live in, I am having feelings of regret, and mild depression. I just want to live in a homogenous white community with people that have similar values and tradition. I don’t even mind black people, it’s just sad that I have to feel out of place in my home state. Since the 90’s it has gone rapidly downhill. Good neighborhoods are being overrun, increased crime, black and Hispanic youth walking the sidewalks..and the public schools are not what they were...it’s all just fucking sad. Where did the whites go? Seems like all of the white women are feminist cunts with no morals or sense of culture. I’m not even a bad looking guy or an incel..but sometimes the effects of (((liberal))) forced diversity really get to me. I don’t want to be here, I only stay because of work. It’s a very weird feeling if you can relate to what I am talking about. I guess having a few black neighbors is better than living around stuck up white liberal fart sniffers and their sheltered faggot kids. Well, If anyone has any good experiences with black neighbors feel free to share.

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Nice blogpost you fucking fag

Nice blogpost you fucking fag

I have lived in majority black communities twice. Never had great interactions or felt safe when living in such communities.

The 2nd time many of young niggers harassed my wife to the point where she wouldn't leave our apartment without me walking her to the car.

Sounds like you are jealous. Run upstairs and tell mommy to cook you another pop tart.

You dun goofed

That’s unsettling. East coast or the south?

I had no other options

nice blogpost you fucking fag

Why would I be jealous of a faggot? You'd probably be a lot happier in SF or wherever it is that faggots live these days

First time was in Virginia, second time in NY.

1st time was before I was married and I was there for school. Tons of crack addicts and wild children in the streets just skipping school and doing drugs. Literally no hope whatsoever in that community. It was sad

I lived in St. Louis which is 50% black. Coincidentally the only place I've been robbed at gunpoint or had a car stolen

Nice blogpost you fucking fag

I live in the Deep South. So, yes.

>Coincidentally the only place I've been robbed at gunpoint or had a car stolen

How strange lol. Wonder why that was

>I saved money and bought a condo in a state that is 45% African American
tf.. what state is it? Mississippi or something?

Maryland. As of 2011, 58% of the newborns are non white

You’re fucked. Lived in Memphis for 34 years. Know 78 people robbed, killed, raped, or accosted by blacks.

Actually lived right next door to an ugly, spicesmelling negresse in uni once. By far the worst roommate because of the smell and weird music coming from her room. No, she was not fuckable.

Where did you end up moving to?

welcome to our future. remember that it will only get worse until we have to choose between employment or not living near nigger and spic subhumans. there is a disease in this country and the only cure is literally rivers of leftist blood. until white men are ready to kill for our future, we’ll continue to not have one.

it’s a hard pill to swallow. white genocide is real.

I hope you get eaten by your pets

Richmond? fuck that nigger hive.

You poor poor sob...

I'm currently living in deep nog South. Tired of living life as If i'm a prisoner to wild niggers roaming the streets. Just left for a biz trip to WI state. Small white communities are polite and civilised. The farther north and whiter it gets, the more /comfy/ it is. More trust. Hello, white man! Whatever you need! I'm happy to help you my Aryan brother! Living in big cities, especially nog filled ones, creates an unpleasant way of looking at things.. people. You assume everyone is looking to rob/kill/steal... which is true. Niggers. Even white people are kinda weird as you don't know if they're Jow Forums approved or commies. Pro tip: They're usually feminist soi commies. Fuck, man.

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Lived in the black part of the Bronx. Mostly good black people, but so many criminals. My landlord was a decent Christian lady whose oldest son had been gunned down on her front step by her son's girlfriend's ex. And everyone in that neighborhood had a story like that. They generally left me alone, I treated everybody with respect. But did have encounters with rude and entitled blacks. The young men and women are doomed. It is sad to see them destroy themselves.

It's not sad, it's fate.

>Jow Forums is my blog

fuck off

That’s why I felt the need to post this. Because I have watched my childhood hometown devolve into a cross between Brazil and South Africa. Its fucking God awful

>implying it isn't the whites that don't interact with niggers that are liberals
Nice larping there, cuck
the only way you can be bluepilled is if you're sheltered.

You stupid fuck the elitist white liberals with a lot of money are the ones who live in homogenous communities far away from blacks and Hispanics... and me a normal white guy with an average wage is the one they call “racist”..regular white people who are actually forced to integrate into multicultural cesspools are not the bad guys.

move to Maine

>I saved money and bought a condo in a state that is 45% African American.

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The money is decent that’s the only reason I’m here. Didn’t want to get tied down with a huge mortgage and I didn’t want to give my money to a (((landlord))) In a few years I’m moving deep innawoods and never looking back

>Maryland. As of 2011, 58% of the newborns are non white

Sorry, but you have truly fucked the dog. I finally left MD (DC area) after 35 yrs, moved to the Midwest. Surprise surprise, suddenly I can afford to live, and not everyone is a total fucking asshole.

Don't wait 35 years to bail.

I want to move to a very rural area of VA when possible. The only decent parts of Maryland are western md and the Eastern shore

Think I'm moving to fascist Europe. As per waifu search, will give Dakotas and MN a try in the not so far future.

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GRIDS capital of USA

aren't you proud ameribro ?
LA is sister town of JEW YORK

LEL didnt realize tits were supposed to have a square shape. fuckin bitch

We lost this fight a long time ago

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Yes and it is NOT fun

Nice blog post you fucking fag

Squished boobs. Pro tip: Chicks don't look the same in real life or with their clothes on vs off.

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nice blogpost you fucking faggot ass cock sucking sodmite dick weed pillow biter

I live in St. Louis, Sad!

West Tennessee, basically what the Memphis user said. Horrific amount of violent crime here.

Just get your deadlift up to +400 and your bench to 3 plate, learn basic shit like wrestling and how to do a basic boxing guard, and be ready to kill or be killed.

Then you'll maybe still be killed when their cousins retaliate.

Eventually I moved, best decision ever. The plus side is living around that shit will turn you into a hardened soldier should you survive.

Expect your lady to be raped when you aren't around as well.

How is this a pointless blogpost? Are you all assblasted shitskins or something?

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I grew up in Newburgh, NY, a white minority city. I've had my property vandalized and two bikes stolen. When my father was single, he had his apartment robbed twice. Newburgh is one of the most violent/dangerous cities in the country. I moved away from there 13 years ago and I will never come back.

user i....

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I have. Bay Area. After I beat the shit out of a couple of them I was embraced by the community.

Liberating the slaves was a mistake. We should've sent them all back to Africa, where they belong.

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I shouldn't admit this but I love the Founding Fathers and I wish things had been different for all of us. Thomas Jefferson dropping truth nukes is so, so satisfying.

Should have, but we didn't

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I had to move before I killed a nigger. I was not really racist prior to living around them. I tried calling the cops to have pitbulls chained to the stairwell removed, pitbulls shitting and welping pups in the laundry room, cockroaches falling from the infested apartment ceiling above, drug dealers hooting and partying at 4 am by my window. I went out and confronted them and they said I was RAYCISS and after that I really was. I sat at the table with a gun every night for a week before I decided to break the lease instead of just blowing away a pack of pavement apes and losing my freedom for nigger blood. Its pretty easy to become hateful after you deal with them

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The colonies were under a lot of pressure by the british government, and the declaration of independence is a beautiful and eloquent document which you should read if you haven't already. Long story short: Jews man, every time.

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