How do i survive my phd program surrounded by socialists and feminists...

how do i survive my phd program surrounded by socialists and feminists? if you are a straight white male in academia you are expected to virtue signal and i find that i can't keep up the charade of pretending to be a male feminist anymore. you are automatically considered to be privileged if you are a straight white male. the only privilege i could possibly claim is that i'm not christian. my professor accused me of being alt-right when i wrote in my teaching philosophy statement that i wanted my students to be the types of americans that they want to be, or something along those lines. i'm afraid of sharing fascist facebook pages or even posts that criticize feminism because i have friends from my program. i'm in an english phd program but i specialize in rhetoric and composition, especially composition pedagogy and teaching visual rhetoric and new media.
teaching undergraduates isn't the problem because i'm in a somewhat conservative area. it's my fellow graduate students that are insufferable.

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welcome to the real world, its a lonely place

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Sourounded by wolves a man must remember himself. His hands to craft his path, his eyes to see true, and his mind to guild him. Fear non who deal in insanity for you will be rid of them soon enough.

Get your PhD and go you need nothing else from them.

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You don't. The field is doomed

that's only partly true. if i want to stay in academia i will need letters of recommendation from people with very different political views than mine, or else from people who have the same views as me but who hide them like i do.

You are going to fail and you’re pre-emtively blaming your classmates who have nothing to do with it really. You just cant handle studies anymore. Loser.

this is an aside but isn't there some area of the economy for people with far right beliefs? like some industry untainted by modernity? if so i bet it's manual labor or something like that.

How far in are you?

you are confusing my ability to do well in my studies with my ability to fit in with a different political culture. i have no problems with the former but with the latter.

about to start my 2nd year in a hopefully 4 year program.

are you saying rhetoric and composition or just academia in general? and even if it is doomed, i will still teach in the k-12 system so i guess i will run into the same problems.

When are you doing prelims?

also i can't just go through a 4 year program and not make connections with my classmates and professors because they will likely later help me find a job but only if i get along with them. simply having the credential isn't enough in the current academic job market.

Right what you need to do is hide your power level in your public life, get that PHD, don't stand out, essentially say "yes maastah" and then when you get your PHD just forget all the shit you did.

Only those with power can do what they want, the people that you adhere to, your university professors and peers collectively have more power over you at the moment, thus you can't do what you want. Once you leave university, don't pick a far leftist job, acquire power, and live life the way you want to.

Facebook is retarded, don't share fascist shit underneath your name in first place, if you want to talk about how retarded current society is (feminism and such) do it in person, among friends.

either next spring or summer. my field doesn't have exams we do a portfolio instead. but i also have to take a few exams outside of my area, which will probably be literature even though it bores me.

My exposure to rhetoric is sitting through a few conference papers on a panel of how the interpretation of classical rhetoric changed between 1200 and 1600. So I can't say rhetoric is doomed exclusively. However humanities in particular and likely all academic endeavors including science are likely to be doomed.

barely man, the sooner you realize that everyone are just a bunch of npcs who only care about their money and if they can watch tv shows, the easier it is to live. There might be some socially right wingers, and some might be "fascist" and they dont even know it.

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i've thought about quitting but it's the teaching and the research (which are intertwined for me) that keeps me going back. most humanities research seems silly and pointless and overly political. but it's nice to have a student says she's not a feminist and not have to chastise her, as i'm sure is the common thing to do in that situation. first-year students have a lot of common sense that the humanities drains from them. it's sad seeing students deteriorate into degeneracy as they progress in their degrees.

just keep your views on the low so you can infiltrate academia

>Right what you need to do is hide your power level in your public life, get that PHD, don't stand out, essentially say "yes maastah" and then when you get your PHD just forget all the shit you did.
This is factually incorrect. You need to hide your power level now, but then you need to keep hiding it until you get tenure. But also realize that even if you are successful at hiding your power level (and some can), you will still be at a severe disadvantage to the "true believers" because the entire direction of the field's scholarship will be moving in a direction that is at worst offensive and at best uninteresting to you.

>However humanities in particular and likely all academic endeavors including science are likely to be doomed.
do you say this because of the anti-patriarchy agenda or because of automation or some other reason?

this is very true. it's hard to avoid politics and cultural issues in the humanities because it lacks the pure objectivity of the sciences. i have had to read feminist theory in both my ma and phd programs. i guess what i need to find is a niche within my field that is politically neutral or at least not heavily biased toward one end of the spectrum.

I wasn't aware the dude wanted to stick in, I assumed he would want to leave the idiots that are suppressing his thought, as in get his PHD and then bounce from that organisation, I certainly wouldn't stick around in that situation, It would be torture.

Be honest. The truth is more important than your resume. If you try to wheedle your way through you'll sustain the forces you hate and forfeit your self worth. And the only thing that will change is you.

i want to stay because i'm not really interested in anything but teaching. and my understanding of american education is that you can't really avoid cultural marxism in its various forms. the best one could hope for is to teach at a religious university or school. and yet i really want to work in the public sector.

If you had gone into STEM and you wouldn't have had to virtue signal for any women or people of color because there aren't any there. English? Is that your first language?

assuming you're right, my argument towards staying is that where else am i supposed to go? people with political views such as mine simply have to hide them so i might as well stay if i like the work but not the political environment, because if i move to some other job where i hate both the work and the political environment how would that be an improvement?

It doesn't matter you fucking retard.
They are going to blacklist you and then unperson you. This is how leftist political orthodoxy works.

I hope you aren't taking loans for this.

the department is english. and if you harbor any opinion that i'm here to defend the humanities, you are wrong. they are pretty far dead. i'm staying afloat by focusing on research rooted in the classroom and teaching new media and visual rhetoric. i do believe my research is important because it relates to teaching. most literary research seems pointless to me because it saps the fun out of reading.

also i suppose i like to uphold the old patriarchy by still teaching the classical rhetoric theorists, which is not particularly popular among others in the field.

>I hope you aren't taking loans for this.
i'm not i have a teaching assistantship
>This is how leftist political orthodoxy works.
ok, so where does such a thing not exist? like in what sector of the economy? because it it's basically everywhere i might as well stay.

Many reasons. The simplest being that women are interested in the field. This means wages will plummet. Women will work for almost nothing if they like a field.

But moreover the fact that scholarship can be viewed as something of a conversation about a certain body of knowledge means that academics are ultimately about entertaining each other and uncovering new knowledge is not always important, unless of course that knowledge promotes causes that the other participants are interested in promoting.

I suggest leaving the domain of intellectuals and finding a more white, republican pursuit, like mining coal or selling meth

There are many ways to use left wing ideology to argue the exact opposite of left wing ideology. For example, if people want migrants from third world nations, say that racist white people automatically assume non white countries can’t govern themselves and you don’t agree and refuse to judge other nations by western criteria for success. With feminism, argue that the only reason people are pushing women out of the home and into the workplace is because they are sexist and refuse to acknowledge how vital running a home is and how many skills were involved that we’re losing. To stand up for western culture or Christianity, say you are supporting a distinct ethnic culture, because white racists always view non whites as ethnic but fail to acknowledge their own ethnicity.
Think it through, the reason they use leftist ideology is because you can make a case for absolutely anything

One thing that I really don't understand is the perceived need to placate the left and apologize for holding rational beliefs. The go-along-to-get-along plan is at bottom a formula of cowardice, shame and weakness.

In my own experience, the most effective thing to do is simply and unapologetically tell the truth; if this is met with incredulity or feigned outrage I dismiss whichever sanctioned alternative thoughtform is presented as though it were the pathetic product of babby's first bong hit and that its very suggestion amuses me.

Academia is for faggots. Get a real job.

you are absolutely correct but the academic job market is so bad that you can't afford to have such integrity. of course, the honorable man will probably just decide to leave academia in general in stead of hiding his power level. it just sucks to have to leave education when there is nothing inherently liberal about the pursuit of it. fascism was started by two educators after all.

but the white man made academia
are white men faggots ?
if d i g i t s , then yes

i literally dont give a shit about anything you just wrote

is teaching a real job according to you?

obviously you cared enough to respond to it faggot. do you respond to every bread on Jow Forums?

why have we all been driven to this place? Jow Forums? is this all that's left that hasn't been tainted?

I can absolutely relate to your problems, sir. Modern day academia is such a shitshow it's incredible tax-payer money is being spent by the millions on it.

All I can tell you is my approach:

- Delete facebook
- Avoid giving any opinion on, not just controversial topics, but all topics
- Keep contact with your collegues strictly professional
- Avoid drinking alcohol with your collegues if it loosens your tongue
- Keep doing this until you're in a high enough position that you can freely vent your opinions and no one can do shit about it, which admitedly may never happen in a lifetime
- Or join the private sector

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I'm doing a PhD in philosophy. You have to learn how to bite off your tongue and channel your rage into your work, otherwise you'll go insane.

Most people in these programs are far too stupid to be doing a PhD, and were only accepted because they are either a minority or a woman, or profess the most fashionable form of anti-white male rhetoric. In time, you'll learn why Bacon, Descartes and Newton all made their discoveries outside of the university, and why they despised them.

You'll then have to be prepared for everyone, in total unison, to pronounce the same narratives without every reflecting on them. It's not even worth pointing out their basic assumptions, contradictions, etc. If you do, they either won't understand, or they'll get mad, much like children.

If you manage to stick with it though, you'll not only learn a great deal about what passes for "knowledge" in even the most "advanced" societies, you'll also realize that "humanity", "equality", "freedom", etc. are all fictions, and that most people spend their lives fighting windmills.

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this. convince them that liberalism is a white male construct and needs to be dismantled. you've infiltrated the belly of the beast. you're a spy. drive them all mad, and turn them against themselves. radicalize them to the point of insanity.

If it's genuinely impossible to get a job without regurgitating the propaganda of the left, then I would jump ship I guess.

I would hope, however, that even if there were no employers at present sympathetic to your views, there would be at least one who appreciates a need for balance or who recognizes courage and nonconformity. But remember: if there are graduates who conceal their politics, there must be established professors--and potential employers--who do the same.

Used to be heavily involved with high-level humanities academia. It is hell - most Jow Forumsacks can't possible understand how fucking horrible it is right now. I haven't met a single PhD student or professor that I respect. They are ALL - universally - morons; totally brainwashed Jew-worshipping sellouts. Totally hollow. And they all think they're so goddamn smart too. The Jews are better at the game than they are (they invented it) and just smirk. They know exactly what they are doing. They take pride in ruining gentiles with any potential at all. All you hear is Derrida this, Foucault that. They also think they're so goddamn smart grading their students, most of whom are literally on their same intellectual level if not higher. They take particular pleasure in being arbitrary and harsh to intelligent white male students while giving niggers A+'s for the most convoluted, stupid shit imaginable.

Literally all women and minorities, along with a few Jews who are the ones who actually get all of the opportunities/jobs/etc and get treated with respect by the professors. The only white males in humanities academia are fags.

This being said, WE NEED to take back our brightest. WE NEED to take back the top universities that we fucking built. This means UC Berkeley, Harvard, Stanford, etc. I don't give two fucks about Oberlin or some other shitty failing affirmative action school like that. We can't afford to give up, even if it is a grinding battlefield. Keep at it. Try to work towards returning to a classical pre-enlighenment paradigm. You're white. You're a man. You can beat these motherfuckers, even if they do everything in their power to demean and harm you. Good luck.

>Used to be heavily involved with high-level humanities academia. It is hell - most Jow Forumsacks can't possible understand how fucking horrible it is right now. I haven't met a single PhD student or professor that I respect. They are ALL - universally - morons; totally brainwashed Jew-worshipping sellouts. Totally hollow. And they all think they're so goddamn smart too. The Jews are better at the game than they are (they invented it) and just smirk. They know exactly what they are doing. They take pride in ruining gentiles with any potential at all. All you hear is Derrida this, Foucault that.
they cannot not see the world through marxist terms. everyone must find a way to be a victim (except straight white men of course). there must be oppression in every human relationship. which is why they eschew religion and the family, because both of those types of relationships don't have as obvious expressions of oppression the way the worker boss relationship does. of course, they genuinely believe that the future will have no oppression and full equality. and the literature one has to read (critical theory) to base one's claims in the humanities almost always reaffirms all this. the only critical theorist who isn't uniformly marxist is possibly deleuze probably because he's particularly hard to understand.

It has to get worse before it gets better. Short of a violent purge, we need to starve the beast. Jewed universities mean nothing if nobody attends them. Defund them, discourage students from attending, give them alternate and cheaper routes.

Secretary of Education should be investing more in K12 and less in everything else.

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>if I want to stay in academia
Well that would just mean you're retarded

Either you're honest or you lie. I find is extremely depressing that you should follow your passion only to be excluded based on shit non-applicable. Everybody you encounter will be obsessed with being on the 'right side of history' and will conduct themselves as such toity uncontroversial faggots, that I think you should be as solitary in your studies as possible.

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>everyone must find a way to be a victim
yup. this is the post-enlightenment intellectual paradigm for you. prior to this, we took pride in our strength and authority, not in our victimhood. imagine how harmful this mindset is to students too. They do it to straight white men too, btw. Internalized racism. Toxic masculinity. Inceldom. As if it were the worst thing in the world to be a European Man - the Man who has built this world and the very universities these fags and demons illegitimately occupy.

>there must be oppression in every human relationship

yup. now power is a fun trinket to be thrown around to everyone. power is a fucking responsibility that weighs on the leader just as much if not more so than on those lower on the hierarchy. it isn't fun and games. women think it is, which makes sense, because they NEVER hold true power or responsibility. when shit goes down, parliamentary fun and games stop, and European men are left to fix it all.

They even deny natural hierarchy or inequality. They gaslight you into believing it literally does not exist. As if 'natural rights' aren't actually privileges bestowed upon the weak (minorities, women) by the strong (European men).

>they genuinely believe that the future will have no oppression and full equality

they don't even believe this. words mean nothing to them. they're totally talmudicized. do they want an end to oppression of white men in university hiring and admissions? no. do they want full sexual equality (meaning state-sponsored GFs for incels)? no. i'm one of those morons that thought 1984 was about fascism. Oh God, was I wrong.

You must not be in the sciences. Quit your PhD and start a trade. You will not get a job with a basket weaving degree like humanities.

I did not read your whole post as I fixed your problem. Chemistry PhD signing out.

i'm a specialist in teaching literally the only college course every student in the country must take. quite unlike your chemistry. not all english degrees are the same. i have a lot of disdain for privileged liberals that pursue doctoral degrees in creative writing, a venture that requires no formal education. i'm thinking about working in the subfield of the rhetoric of science as maybe it won't be as pc over there.

> we need to starve the beast

This. Jews have fucked themselves, especially at lower levels. Daily reminder that they are cunning, not wise or at all intelligent. The Jews always end up fucking themselves over.

This is what they did. Create a system in which literal retard minorities flooded high-level universities in the humanities and imported asians and their children took over in STEM. Not only did they implement affirmative action to make this possible, but took rich gentile money to fund these minorities, almost none of whom can actually afford anywhere near tuition. This has been the big rage in academics since around 1990, steadily accelerating ever since to today's fever pitch.

They fucked up though - they created a system that cannot sustain itself. The new generation of gentiles and boomers don't donate anywhere near at the rates that they used to, because they see how fucked the unis have gotten. They don't want to pay to support 1000 SAT Tyrone's fake degree in English Literature. Jews are Jews and don't donate unless absolutely necessary.

>schools waste most of their budget on corrupt administrative bullshit, goy-sports, useless shit, diversity, and above all, 'merit aid' (affirmative action)
>students can't pay back massive student loans
>donor funding has dried up
>schools are bloated on dindus and other minorities whom the schools are usually PAYING to attend
>administration is usually operated by diversity hires (niggresses) who literally don't understand how operating anything works and won't do SHIT, while spending more and more money on useless bullshit

You already see this system quickly approaching collapse, like at Berkeley, and Oberlin, Evergreen State, and other 'liberal arts colleges'.

It happened with law schools in the 2000s. It will happen with universities soon, unless the Jews intervene. Expect to see massive defections and collapses/bankrupting of lower and midlevel unis

If you’re good enough at your craft and you have integrity, people would help you regardless of your views. Sure professors out there are pretty left leaning, but few of them are shit-bag assholes by nature... there’s humanity underneath everyone’s outer layer and humanity is drawn to virtues like integrity, generosity, kindness etc. if it’s going to pain you to live a lie, it’s not worth it... be yourself... not the autistic Jow Forums fag self you think you are but the fair and balanced self that you really are that can make sense of the nuances of society.

> few of them are shit-bag assholes by nature

from personal experience - this is total bullshit. i'm all for love and respect, but you need to be a hardass motherfucker not to cuck yourself out in academia.

> how do you make it
I take my comps next month. But I didn’t major in English, so my experience is definitely different than yours.

I had to take an Econ course during the election. The professor decided we had to write political papers. I dropped the class and took it again the next semester. Dropping the class put me in a real bind (I had to take 15 hours to finish on time), but it kept me from getting kicked out of school.

>The professor decided we had to write political papers
it's so sad how they bully their students. i never force writing assignments on my students. i let them choose what they wish to argue.

Dude, you have a PhD for a skill that everyone educated literally does. Not one is impressed. Even look at the university pay scale for English professors. At most institutions the English faculty are paid the least.

Do not try to sell yourself as a scientist now. Scientists are great "bullshit sniffers" and you will be found out quickly.

reminds me of my anthropology course as an undergraduate. i refused to do an assignment related to a course reading because i was really into medieval studies at the time. the course reading claimed that people before columbus thought the world was flat. i took offence at that mischaracterization. oh, and the author of the course reading was black and the course prof was jewish

Economics is the worst. literal fake 'science'. total horseshit

Sure, but to say its unbearable and your opinions are impossible to state without repulsing absolutely everyone around you is a bit of a stretch. If you’re correct and smarter than them all why cant you talk civil with them? Making out that everyone around you is an unhinged left wing degenerate that won’t take it is a cop out. I stick to my initial point, you’re failing and you’re blaming others.

Also you are not a specialist in teaching an English course. Most PhDs have the ability to edit a paper. Hell, most universities throw in some brain dead adjunct with a masters degree to teach these courses. You do not see them doing that with quantum mechanics or thermodynamics. Hell, not even the general chemistry lectures are taught by adjuncts.

I am really not trying to be mean here. I just want you to realize what your worth really is.

>Dude, you have a PhD for a skill that everyone educated literally does. Not one is impressed.
but you're acting as if credentialism doesn't exist. people in my field run writing programs and writing centers. the fact that a historian could do an ok job at the same doesn't matter. the increasing specialization of the humanities opens up some opportunities for rhetoric grads. but i'm not seriously going to argue that the job market in the humanities is promising. it is mostly awful.
>At most institutions the English faculty are paid the least.
so you're motivated by money. good goy.
>Do not try to sell yourself as a scientist now. Scientists are great "bullshit sniffers" and you will be found out quickly.
agreed and i never said i was a scientist. but the rhetoric of science is a real field.

>you’re failing and you’re blaming others.
i got straight As but you clearly know my academic situation better than me. by the way, i take absolutely no credit in getting those grades given the rampant grade inflation but the point stands. i could finish this degree but i'm not sure that i want to work in such an environment.

>so you're motivated by money. good goy.
You missed the point of my statement. Re-read it.

>teach these courses.
yes but it's not JUST teaching. it's also managing the writing program and the writing center. those jobs almost always go to graduates in my field, not random humanists.

Pick fields with more men than women.

no i didn't. at no point in this discussion did i complain about the pay for professors because that is not the biggest problem in academia for me. obviously no way will i remain in academia if i can't get a tenure track job. i'm talking about political correctness, not salary.

I’m interested in doing research on investors’ perception of certain business related language, and also on how the tone of financial reporting affects decision making. That’s at least somewhat related to English.

What would an English professor with your focus do research in? Is liberal arts as focused on publishing as business PhDs?

>Being this cucked
Who fucking cares. If you are NatSoc/Fash just cap it at cultural nationalist and move on. Don't be a faggot and talk about it non stop just if someone asks be honest. You already are bottom of the hierarchy dont even bother

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Yes, graduate students or masters level usually do this. The cheapest and the least skilled labor.

You should really ask people who do these jobs what their credentials are at a handful of universities. I have taught at several places and made friends with these types. They are nice people but 100% disposable.

>What would an English professor with your focus do research in?
some people in the field do work similar to literary criticism but the bulk of it has to do with teaching writing and running writing programs. there are a lot of scholars that work on digital rhetoric as well, like studying Jow Forums for example. your project seems more like communications than english, as rhetoric scholars in communication at least tend to study the business world more than rhetoric scholars in english do. that's not an insult by the way. i would rather have a communications degree than an english one at this point. as for publishing, it matters a lot. scholars don't publish books that often, sort of like in the sciences, perhaps because absolutely no one cares about the field outside of the humanities, and even within the humanities few care about it or can distinguish it from literary studies and creative writing,

Dude stop being autistic its not hard. Just smile and wave, boys.

And remember the 14 words. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Keep those words in your heart and it will all become clear why you do what you must. Ride the Tiger.

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>100% disposable.
the same could be said for any academic though. i mean university of phoenix doesn't even have tenure.

>And remember the 14 words. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
i think about that a lot. but frankly getting a graduate degree is a very ass backwards way to go about fulfilling it. if only i had known that when i was younger.

Yeah that’s true. Most of the theory does come from the communications literature.

>Do not try to sell yourself as a scientist now.
i have actually seen people try to sell literary criticism as a science. it's laughable.

If I were interested in reading some of the literature in your field (books, journal articles, etc.), what would you suggest.

>they cannot not see the world through marxist terms. everyone must find a way to be a victim (except straight white men of course). there must be oppression in every human relationship. which is why they eschew religion and the family, because both of those types of relationships don't have as obvious expressions of oppression the way the worker boss relationship does. of course, they genuinely believe that the future will have no oppression and full equality. and the literature one has to read (critical theory) to base one's claims in the humanities almost always reaffirms all this. the only critical theorist who isn't uniformly marxist is possibly deleuze probably because he's particularly hard to understand.
Literature PhD here. You sound like you don't know what you're talking about at all. And with four-year PhD and minimal research background, you're unlikely to get a job in an oversaturated market.

And just quickly, among people in critical theory who don't identify as Marxist are
Levinas, Bachelard, Barthes, Bataille,
Blanchot, de Man, Nancy, Lacoue-Labarthe, and Ricouer. Basically anyone in a phenomenological or rhetorical tradition. And that's before we even touch thinkers in the legal-rhetorical tradition like Schmitt or Strauss. But you wouldn't know that, because it sounds like you're inclined to reductive and stereotyped thinking.

>And with four-year PhD and minimal research background
4 years is enough time to be ready for the job market if you use them wisely. it just so happens that my research doesn't rely on critical theory so i was wrong about the political slant. i'm glad actually, things seem less bleak now. and i have no interest in teaching literature at the tenure track or elsewhere.

Try to get through your program. Don’t believe in the purity of academia. Try to get through and subtlety influence your students’ minds later.

Sometimes the social media charade is necessary.

>4 years is enough time to be ready for the job market if you use them wisely
I doubt it. In my program, the average time to completion was over six years and no one finishing in four years would have enough to make them stand out in the market. Admittedly, this is in literary studies and maybe you can get away with more for composition teaching, where opinion-filled trash books by Peter Elbow count as research.

>Sometimes the social media charade is necessary.
i considered deleting my facebook but a couple months ago at this professionalization seminar a prof didn't recommend it because there's some way that an employer can see that you deleted your facebook apparently and it looks shady to do that or some shit

>being hostage in your own country
americans lol

if you're interested in visual rhetoric and multimodality then kress and van leeuwen's work. for digital rhetoric try the kairos journal. college composition and communication and college english are the 2 big journals focused mostly on writing pedagogy. as for single authors, peter elbow is important for composition and aristotle's rhetoric for the rhetoric side of the field. i haven't read kenneth burke but he's cited a lot as well.

If you still have years before u finish, deleting social media is a smart play. Just don’t wait until right before you are job hunting.

>things seem less bleak now. and i have no interest in teaching literature at the tenure track or elsewhere.
Also, ideological uniformity in literary studies is a myth. Everyone is fighting all the time and the field is completely fractured:
formalists v. historicists
digital humanities people v. traditional literary humanists
identity theorists v. scholars of national traditions
hermeneutical textualists v. cultural studies reception theorists
those who seek to obliterate the past v. ultra-traditionalists for who everything descends from the Greeks
and so on.

There is no uniformity or hegemony to literary studies or to the humanities more broadly. There is no conspiracy of groupthink. There is no dominance of Marxism. Instead, there are many scholars all trying to make themselves stand out with their distinctive perspectives and singular arguments.

>where opinion-filled trash books by Peter Elbow count as research.
sure my friend, go back to postcolonial reading of coetzee that the world can't wait to consume. literary studies has no right to attack the legitimacy of composition studies. you all aren't scientists either.

Consensual sex between masculine military gays has a long history in the West. Healthy gays who don’t want to be women are the Spartans and Celts and Da Vinci and possibly Tesla.

>There is no uniformity or hegemony to literary studies or to the humanities more broadly. There is no conspiracy of groupthink. There is no dominance of Marxism. Instead, there are many scholars all trying to make themselves stand out with their distinctive perspectives and singular arguments.
that's true more for the scholarly conversations going on in the publishing world. i'm talking more about the political correctness rampant in department practice, safe spaces, stuff like that.

The professors in OP’s department are the only ones that matter. They may, or may not, be dominated by one way of thinking. If they are, he needs to work within what they find acceptable.

>literary studies has no right to attack the legitimacy of composition studies.
Seriously, composition studies is a pseudo-discipline that doesn't build meaningful empirical knowledge. Instead, it just a facade of a degree used to give people a qualification so they can teach comp classes, since every university in the US requires them. Mostly composition teaching is bullshit that shouldn't need to be taught. Smart students work it out for themselves anyway and dumb students are always going to have a low ceiling on what they can achieve.

Literary studies gives us reliable texts, meaningful historical contexts, interpretation of textual cruxes, reception and performance history, narratological analysis, thematic interpretation, and more theoretically inclined perspectives. It's tangible, very valuable, and obviously of wide interest to millions around the world who continue to read the stuff. But in all honesty, literary studies is so big and self-evidently interesting that it doesn't even need defending. In contrast, the whole corpus of research that makes up composition studies can fill a couple of bays in a library bookshelf.

>it just a facade of a degree used to give people a qualification so they can teach comp classes,
but i thought anyone with a humanities degree could teach comp? so why would there be a special field for something anyone can do?
>Smart students work it out for themselves anyway and dumb students are always going to have a low ceiling on what they can achieve.
this is true but just try exhibiting this attitude in an english department. i'm quite aware that many first year students have no business in college and my job isn't to save them.
>Literary studies gives us reliable texts, meaningful historical contexts, interpretation of textual cruxes, reception and performance history, narratological analysis, thematic interpretation, and more theoretically inclined perspectives. It's tangible, very valuable, and obviously of wide interest to millions around the world who continue to read the stuff. But in all honesty, literary studies is so big and self-evidently interesting that it doesn't even need defending.
what needs defending is why you need a graduate program to partake in any of that.
>the whole corpus of research that makes up composition studies can fill a couple of bays in a library bookshelf.
maybe that's because composition programs didn't even start to specialize until the 1960s and today the field doesn't add programs as quickly as literary studies does.

I hear you, op. Dicking around in undergraduate courses because community college is cheap and Im poor, but the sociology intro course I took as a more-or-less elective over the summer took the f'ing cake when it came to feminazi insamity, anti-white rhetoric and liberal politics propagandizing. Have taken other coirses in humanities, human services where this has gotten out of hand, too. I am looking forward to pursuing the fine arts and sciences, health, etc. where this seems like it would be less likely to occur with such regularity.
That's why intenet sites like pol are such oasises for #woke niggers like us, kek-brethren.

>doesn't build meaningful empirical knowledge
so articles based on actual data collected from classroom practice isn't empirical and reading a novel about some dead guy using the "critical lens" of a theorist is somehow empirical? or if not empirical, it certainly does nothing for anyone outside of the field. quite unlike research aimed at better instruction, which may actually benefit students.

Same way I survived my Doctorate... Keep your opinions to yourself and do not do any after class socializing.

You are a self-important d bag. No one cares about your interpretations and invented context. KYS.

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