Everything is fucked, even if i had a good job i still couldn't afford to move out of my mother's house.
What the boomers did to this nation can never be fixed without blood of patriots and tyrants, and nobody is willing to spill blood, nobody is willing to do anything to fix this mess. All day all i see are mexicans and blacks, and i have to listen to their rap music all day cause they dont know anything else, when i show them good music such as Johnny cash or Frank Sinatra, they just say it's stupid, nobody likes instruments anymore.
Im sitting here wondering what's the point of all this, and if i should just end it all, was hanging around some normie girls today, they are so fucking toxic and rude and it just ruined the whole night, one of them even tried to attack me, but i subdued her and got out of there!
Everyone is rude and condescending all the time, and they always have to make a comment about something and its always negative, i can't handle this shit much longer.
I figure now i can freely admit what nobody will say, America is fucking screwed, our society is backwards, our food is killing us, and so many other things, what is the point of all this useless talk, what's the point of this website, we never meet up, we never get back at the (((ones))) at the top, we will never be able to control our women until monogamy is the norm again, and i'm afraid it never will be, we need some serious solutions, we are reaching the point of no return, accelerationists have it right i guess.