Its over

Everything is fucked, even if i had a good job i still couldn't afford to move out of my mother's house.

What the boomers did to this nation can never be fixed without blood of patriots and tyrants, and nobody is willing to spill blood, nobody is willing to do anything to fix this mess. All day all i see are mexicans and blacks, and i have to listen to their rap music all day cause they dont know anything else, when i show them good music such as Johnny cash or Frank Sinatra, they just say it's stupid, nobody likes instruments anymore.

Im sitting here wondering what's the point of all this, and if i should just end it all, was hanging around some normie girls today, they are so fucking toxic and rude and it just ruined the whole night, one of them even tried to attack me, but i subdued her and got out of there!

Everyone is rude and condescending all the time, and they always have to make a comment about something and its always negative, i can't handle this shit much longer.

I figure now i can freely admit what nobody will say, America is fucking screwed, our society is backwards, our food is killing us, and so many other things, what is the point of all this useless talk, what's the point of this website, we never meet up, we never get back at the (((ones))) at the top, we will never be able to control our women until monogamy is the norm again, and i'm afraid it never will be, we need some serious solutions, we are reaching the point of no return, accelerationists have it right i guess.

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There's an easy way to fix it.

Repeal the 19th amendment.

I’m your huckleberry

Whos going to do this dirty work, not our elected official, it's going to have to be us, it's going to be bloody, and quite frankly.

I want it to happen as soon as possible.

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deal with it.

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It just sucks really bad dude, how can i raise a family with these thots?

Hell i dont have enough money to support a child.

It's funny, you say things are "fucked" but in actuality it sounds like the system is working (((as intended))).

Unlike me you have a working infrastructure and you can sell chink shit online. Later have your own warehouse. You'll be able to afford a home in a large city. But you have to forget all that you've ever been thought go against your beliefs. So there you go philosophize until you die of hunger or get somewhere but only care of the physical world and stuff that's right in front of you.

Q predicted this

I don't want to leave my mother's house. I love her so much I never want to be away from her.

Are you retarded? Why do you think you have to live in an obvious high cost of living area. Move nigger

I live in Kentucky, houses are 100k and up.

Maybe an apartment but its gonna be full of niggers and have bedbugs.

Zip code me


Save 30k, 20k for a down payment and 10k for emergency funds. Then move into the house.

I was a massive drunk. Still managed to move out. Then I gave up on being rich so I quit drinking and became a truck driver. Went over the road for 2 years and now I go local. Home every night, work 5 days a week. Own a house with a pool and a large yard for the doggo. Stop thinking you are going to be rich as fuck if you have no marketable skills and be realistic. Get a decent job and move

The only thing you can control is your own life, user. Things aren’t close to bad enough for whites to start chimping out, so forget collectivism for now. Work on improving yourself and meeting people. You’ll eventually find a woman worthy of marriage and kids. Have a brood of white babies. It’s the best way to shove the proverbial finger in (((their))) faces.

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Every white girl i have ever met was a thot type or wasn't interested in me that way, i might just join the national guard or the army or something.

Go get swift or some starter company to give you a license. Hit the road for a year and then here you go. 80k a year regional. 5 days a week

>tfw liberals made it so the only way to be a homeowner in the bay area is to have dual $350k a year tech salaries

Some of these jobs only require 3 months. You could be making 65k in quite literally 4 or 5 months if you go to school now. But to get some starter company to pay for it you will probably have to work for them a full year

Literally fuck your mother then, I always wanted to fuck my mother but she passed away before I could. Can I have yours instead?

I also heard about train driving, but i dont think i can just up and leave this area.

>might just join the army
Pussy is never a good reason to go full goy

cry more nigger

Fuck you.

Swift is full of fucking niggers. These fuckers are not truck drivers. My dad was a trucker. These faggots today are just shitskins that applied for a job. I have to deal with Swift niggers every week.

85k should be bare minimum for OTR trucking. That's a hard life, and I have few commitments to hold me back

They pay for school though. And once you get a truck you dont have to deal with anyone else.

>muh boomers
you're a fucking retard, and a loser. keep blaming your loser status on anyone but yourself; that'll work!

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Son, the only thing you can do is carry the fire. It will light those that come after the way. You’re not the first to suffer such existential crisis, you won’t be the last. How must the greeks felt, watching all they so carefully collected and stored to preserve their knowlege for the posterity and betterment of man fall to ruin? Or the last roman outposts when they knew no more would be traveling down their roads? Men fought to preserve Vienna when it seemed all around them would surely fall beneath the scimitar and lived to see it broken beneath their heel. In all these times and eras men such as you cried out to us down the ages. Every lament a piece for us to collect, learn from, add to and carry forward.
Now, goddamnit, get your fucking head on and stow that nihilistic whining. Be the best person you can be. Shine the light from yourself to others. If it burns bright enough, they’ll follow.

That's regional. 5 days a week. 2 days off in a row. Easy peasy. Otr doesnt pay shit these days.

>Accepts the niggers into society
>Accepts the gays into society
>Lets the communist/marxist menace run through ALL our schools

Yeah fuck you, nigger.

Just blame yourself for being born with so much gay inside of you

I agree. There are so many naive dimwits who think ''EVERYHING WILL JUST WORK ITSELF OUT. GET A JOB. THEN GET A WIFE''. No it's already at a point of no-return. Mainstream culture has been poisoned to an extent that is irreversable. Woemn have been corrupted with the astonishing levels of entitlement, knowing that they have unlimited options to monkey-bratch at any given second, and that the legal system as it pertains to marriage is in their favor; they no longer have to answer to men. Children are hammered into cogs and forced to adopt the state value-system. We find 'meaning' thru vapid vacuous hobbies and entertainment that don't amount to anything--- just a way to fill the void. It's the psychos running the nut house. Just try to figure out how to live sustainably. Luckily living as a traveler/hobo is laughably easy, but never give into drugs or excess. Keep your mind sharp. This shit won't last much longer.

sh-shouldd we start having Jow Forums meetups?

>mfw its me and 30 feds hanging out at a park

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trips of truth

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Look at these glowing nigger faggots trying to D&C. You twats need to step your game up.

I think its interesting that repealing the 19th amendment is becoming a common unifying theme across many ideologies. PUAniggers, MDE fanatics, Jow Forumsacks, Jow Forums crowd, self-improvement fash bros, huwhite advocates, based black men, and many more groups are united by the understanding that modern whores and their power lust is the source of many societal ills.

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She is not doing you any favors by keeping you there into your late 20s.

All voting should be banned, not just women voting.

Okay op apperently is larping like r*ddit fucks.

so on top of hating our women, girlfriends, etc, you are now being brainwashed to hate your elders

>What the boomers did to this nation
They just happened to be there when it all went into full swing. They are a cancer yes, but if you or I were there, we may just as well have done the same thing.

>nobody is willing to spill blood, nobody is willing to do anything to fix this mess.

It is a death sentence. A noble death, but death none the less. Those with the will to take action often have family members that they aren't willing to sacrifice.

>Im sitting here wondering what's the point of all this

All life is a struggle. Always has been, always will be.

>Everyone is rude and condescending all the time

I noticed. How could they be anything else in this twisted clown world.

>what's the point of this website

Venting, larping, trolling and a dopamine rush. We can do better, but it does seem to have the ability to sway the internet somewhat.

>we are reaching the point of no return

Sorry young one, but we are beyond that point. It doesn't mean that we are doomed, it means that we can only move forward into uncharted territory. It's quite terrifying. Spend a week or two without thinking about any of this. Take a break. Don't think of anything stressful. This nonsense can burn out anyone.


Ahhhh.... preach it brother. These kids and their existential crises. They don't realize that life is full of uncertainty and that the anxiety only diminishes far later in life when there's less to gain and even far less to lose