80% of men are not attractive to women, according to studies

>80% of men are not attractive to women, according to studies

Why should the average male even bother?

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Why do I keep on seeing lookism shit here every day? Isn't that fucking site kill already?

Just pay to fuck them and treat them like commodities or shit.
Problem solved

>he's in the bottom 80%
oh no no no ahahHAHAHAHA

Because being attractive is only a small part of it.

But it's a necessary part.

>looks at tinder
>all fat blobs
>tee hee I like tacos

Yeah nah fuck this.

90% of the thots on tinder
>muh travelling
>muh doggos
>muh wine
>muh junk food
>muh left wing politics

Probably right around middle when I try, don't try though so even lower, even half is 30% too low, suxman.mp3
Glad they're roasties cuz it makes it easier having no chance of getting them anyway

Of course the jewry wants to erase "straight women" not only with this bs study but also with the "All women are lesbian or bi"
its up to you if you want to believe their propaganda or fight against them, fucking jews they dont deserve "Relocation" they deserve total extermination

>bs study
Massive cope.
Women are biologically hypergamous. They evolved this way.
Every single behavioral study proves 80/20 to be true, and that women have higher standards than men.

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>Left wing politics
Not really. They're statistically racist and classist.

>tfw part of the 80%
Feels bad man

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This garbage has been spread all over the internet to repress male confidence. Get out there and actually experience life, and don't run crying home depressed when you fail, you'll see what a load of horseshit this is.

Because it doesn't depend on looks for men... as much.

I have a friend who has a beer belly and isn't ugly and has no standards and gets laid all the time.

>unironically applying polls from an online dating service to the general population
Jow Forums's selectiveness in its scientific literacy is amazing

everyone is online, boomer
online dating is just as accurate as irl dating now

You want data? Here it is.

>It takes 13ms for people to differentiate attractive faces from unattractive faces

>Strong Inverse Association Between Height and Suicide

>Love at first sight is real

>Your face heavily affects your entire life

>Halo effect

>How Important is Physical Attractiveness in the Marriage Market? (tl;dr very)

>Study: Unattractive Men Not Viewed As ‘Dating Material,’ No Matter How Great Their Personality

>Height is extremely important

>Bottom 80% of men compete for the bottom 22% of women, top 78% of women compete for the top 20% of men

>Women care about face much more than body

>and here's what's interesting when you do surveys of women-- men and women. Men are right upfront in placing attractiveness in their top three. Women place it lower on their scale-- five, six, seven, eight. But in fact, when you evaluate women's behavior, it's no different than men. So women say attractiveness doesn't matter, but, in fact, when you evaluate their behavior, it does.

Guess you should all mass suicide?

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>Why should the average male even bother?

They shouldn't.


Face tells you 1000x more than any body ever could

t. scientifically illiterate

What's your argument?

Wait... so men fine the average female to be ugly?
While females find the average male, good looking or attractive?


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t. aging boomer

obviously this

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the opposite you retard

people rarely articulate their unconscious desires or their actual behavior. the best an average person can do is to honestly interpret his or her past actions.

>that pic
First audible laugh of the day on Jow Forums. Saved.

Well okay you can't get hot women but how come we still end up married? Kys.

Slave detected

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kek, I fucked up. I read
>80% of men are not attracted to women. Alcohol, anons, messes with the mind. Excuse me while I get more.
Love how google knows you fucked up and makes you click a thousand fucking images of the same fucking thing to post your message.

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TFW I'm a solid 8 with a gym body and better style than most men and women literally stare at me in Starbucks and boyfriends grab their girlfriends tighter when they walk by me.

Feels good.

100% of children are attractive to Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland.

t. ends his bloodline over autism

20% success rate means that on average I only need to ask out 3 girls for a 50% chance at getting a date. They never stood a chance

Lmao I have a kid on the way

Stay enslaved

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>better style
what a fucking faggot

>He knows

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Sloppy baggy shirt unkempt loser detected

>has a kid on the way
>promotes MGTOW

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>80% of men are not attractive to women

If you have a sizeable bulge in your pants, then lots of women will flock to you...

(pic related)

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leftist harpies can't distinguish tyranny from competence, manlets such as yourself can't distinguish faggotism from refinement. improve yourself.

>shhh be quiet the goyim are listening

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Increasingly intense social pressure. Which they are trying but it doesn't work. Still to many laws making women legal vampires.

I have several $2000 suits and few overcoats. Nice try tho'.

The key is to impregnate women and then let dumbasses like you take care of the kid

Thats why marriage was invented: so that every male can have a woman.

Modern liberalism and degeneracy is an attack on males.

t. literal nigger

>t. Nigger activity

>attraction is primarily looks (physical appearance)
>physical appearance can only be improved to a certain extent
>ergo, most men will never be physically attractive to women
>ergo, massive divorce rates, cuckoldry, white knighting, and male sexual frustration will remain, as women have an incredible upper hand in the dating market
>this is facilitated by feminism ( destigmatization of divorce and slut shaming, fat acceptance), connectivity (transportation, social media, the internet), mechanization/technology (most jobs are no longer manual labor women can't do, plenty of career opportunities for women, replacing the need for a husband for financial support; welfare due to abundant wealth from technology) and, of course, human biology (male disposableness, male low standards for women due to high testosterone)

Pretty simple, really.

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gucci tracksuits are not high fashion

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To be fair, I also consider less than 20% of modern women to be attractive

Nigs have adapted to the current society, whites are only now catching on to how the game has played now

It also collapses society. I am interested to know the world we had before we made the “old school rules” I imagine it was similar to today’s degeneracy which led to it collapsing

And you probably dress like a FUCKING bum, like 90% of men.

Here's a pro tip. If you have no STYLE, 99% of hot women won't want to talk to you. I promise you that


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i have another similar looking graph

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Yes, bums often have wardrobes worth five figures. What's it like being functionally illiterate?

In the end it's a transaction like everything in life. You gotta consider whether you want to put a roof over head, woo her and shit, then out a baby in her, make sure she raises it right alongside you (main goal). Whether that's worth committing your income to.
Or whether to get a prostitute (who never ages) to satisfy your sexual desires whenever necessary and doesn't bother you with emotional needs etc. But doesn't give you the child.

>Nigs have adapted to the current society, whites are only now catching on to how the game has played now.

Nigs have been destroyed by Jewry. We are currently being destroyed in the same way. In all seriousness are you 16 and black?

He shouldn't
He should take the 2d pony waifu pill.

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Women literally fight over me. But every time I try and help Jow Forums with women, I get told to fuck off.

It's fucking priceless. Never fails. Makes me sad though, in reality

Women are foul animals, deserve nothing more than be raped. The Catholic Churc created divine laws so white people could advance in civilization.

Marriage =/= physical attraction. Women marry because they don't want to be alone (Chad won't stay around), because they want to raise children, and due to peer pressure.
Ever asked yourself why so many marriages end up in divorce or are unhappy, unstable, and sexless? This is why.

Watch this video youtube.com/watch?v=7vqRbScCIPU

I'm white as fuck. I just understand the current landscape and see what strategies actually work. MGTOW is the only way to fly.

T. 30 year old boomer

You're a brainlet, you can't teach men to be attractive, it's almost entirely genetic.

the posts you have made today would shame not only your ancestors, but the human race as a whole

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With me, I'd say 50% genetic.

My ancestors would be proud I am passing my genetic line on, while you worship women who despise you

But I watch my diet and exercise daily.

5 mile hikes almost every day.


If you're average or below, this is probably your best bet. The only thing that kept women happy in marriage to betas was 1) ignorance of better options or 2) repression. No more repression thanks to the 19th, and thanks to social media, women are all too aware of all the options they have. Of course, those "options" will simply pump and dump them XD

There's so much variation in male appearance. Our features are bigger and more diverse than a woman's face. There are some outlier women with crazy features, but nothing like you see with men. It's one of the reasons trannies are so easy to spot. But a tiny fraction of men have all those features in just the right proportions, and they get all the pussy.

I say this as a guy who got pretty close to winning the genetic lottery. I was almost there, but didn't hit the jackpot. Even at my fittest, I've always felt I looked just alright. But at the right angle, and the right light, I can appear to be a handsome dude.

Whereas women just need to be fit, thin-ish, and not have any glaringly obvious deformities or blemishes, and they're pretty much good to go. Heck, I've even found women with conventionally unattractive faces to be attractive. I start seeing their personality come through, and those flaws turn into 'quirks' that only make them cuter.

A guy on the other hand is shit out of luck if he's pudgy, fat, or just has too many features that don't fit the right profile. And once you're on the downside of that very steep slope, you may as well be invisible to 99% of women.

>5 mile hikes
is that how far the McDonalds is?

No. You would probably be hanged or atleast shamed to suicide.

Yeah nah
Yeah nah
Yeah nah
Yyyyyeahhhhh Nnnaaahhhhh

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So I've been reviewing the data you provided. I shit on you for having selective scientific literacy and you come up with what is 80% tabloid tier bullshit.

Are you fucking kidding me?

>when women are provided with a picture and a word description, the picture matters more than the words
wew lad that's some deep shit right there

Really, faggot? Is this your first week on the Internet outside Facebook?

literally irrelevant

The stereotype of ancaps being retarded is real.

>girl asked me out
>tfw 20%
later virgins

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Dunno man. I've seen many smoking hot women with average dudes. It can be done. I've seen it enough times to know it's not a fluke

Lift some weights senpai. Hiking unless with a 45lbs ruck sack is for women in Arizona

remember to upboat my post on r9k before you leave man

>girls ask me out
>posts here

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On a dating app/website.

This is not true for when(if) you interact with women someplace else.


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I do weights, cardio, and strict keto.

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For doubters, watch this video

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Style? STYLE?

Fuck's sake. If you looked like Rick Moranis, you'd be another turd in the punch bowl, style or no style.

No, what women crave are good genes, period. That translates into whatever dominates other men. Could be stature, could be intellect, could be strength. Depends on the context. But style? Fuck outta here onions boy.

Well done then. I would leave the hiking talk for dates.

>tfw 2013
>riding sky train on a Friday night
>this literal 10/10 blonde starts hitting on me
>subtly drops hints she wants to fuck
>I beta out and get off my stop without even getting her number

>also 2013
>go to seven eleven
>park my Beamer
>these two 10/10 girls tell me that I’m really attractive
>ask if I want to come drink with them
>h-how old are you guys?
>nope.avi and awkwardly drive away
Really regret that one. It was technically legal. Never going to get that chance again

Also twice more in 2013 I walked by groups of girls and I could here say to each other “he’s so hot”

I don’t know what it was about how I looked that year.

Desu MGTOW and all that shit is just a cheap cop-out for those who don't want to accept responsibility for their own lives. They're no different from self-victimizing niggers.

That was actually funny.


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don't fall for the ((MGTOW)) bag of tricks


t. virgin

Best to stick to your morals desu. As fun as it would of been they are a man’s daughter and young. You did the right thing

you can thank selective women for improving our genes over time.

would you rather have your ancestors be chads or near-incels?

think about it you retards. it's too bad yours were near-incels.

>Dunno man. I've seen many smoking hot women with average dudes. It can be done. I've seen it enough times to know it's not a fluke

Never lasts. Women sniff out inferiority like no other. It's half of what they exist for: mate selection and child rearing. That's it. Those average dudes either are not so average when you break down their personality / capabilities or are doomed to be dumped.

Thanks my man. Best of luck to you in this hectic world!

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