Tfw born into a generation where everything is fully cucked...

>tfw born into a generation where everything is fully cucked, literally 1000's of years where people defended their borders against hordes of people freely and now we're stuck in this bizarre jewish playground and we can't get off the ride.

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When it swings back, it’s gonna be fun. The normies are going to snap in a big way I think, because instinct has been so suppressed to allow it to get this far.

War is natural. Peace is an anomaly. Nature always corrects.

And we never ever will.
And do you know why?
Because the only people putting up any kind of opposition think it's the fault of magical jews instead of the corporations that are waging war against western labour. This does include jews, but the problem is so much bigger, the multinational conglomerates have many owners of all creeds, Anglos, Arabs, All kinds of Chinks, even Mexicans, it is the opportunity to spread our commons like a whore that actually creates the people who buy our politicians that write the policies to flood our nations.
And that's never going to change as long as the dissent against the mainstream from the left is channeled down the dead end of an objectively failed ideology such as communism while their counterparts on the right end of any given western spectrum see their own dissent channeled down the dead end of the objectively failed ideology of National Socialism.
And so now that our hard-won constructs of ethical labour practices are being dismantled piece by piece without challenge as a never-ending stream of scabs pours across every border, there are only two kinds of people in the west; people who are complicit in its destruction by action or acceptance, and their only counterpoint are the would-be vanguards such as yourself that are busy completely missing the forest for the trees.
By all means, enjoy the memes though. Whatever gets you through the night.

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It will ALL go down in flames


>When it swings back
but when


It's always the corporations.
The American revolution was a rebellion against the 13 corporations chartered by the British Crown.
In the early 1800s corporations had to dissolve after a few years (after the project like building a bridge was completed and a fair return had been collected).
Then judges were bought and paid for and now there are no limits on what corporations can do.