Communists need to be thrown off heli-

Communists need to be thrown off heli-

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Other urls found in this thread:

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why couldn't she just do porn

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is this really it's own thread

Attached: POTUS.jpg (449x449, 109K)

such wasted potential

-um blimps

She is worth it

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Attached: Cortez 0.png (1148x758, 687K)

she is so fucking ugly

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Yes, they do need to be thrown off heli.

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They need to be exiled to Cuba.

>Sit beside me anons and tell me your problems

Attached: extralarge.jpg (620x465, 36K)


Attached: Cortez 00.png (1146x758, 683K)

She's not a communist.
Horse tooth jackass

Came here to post this.

OP is a faggot.


Attached: OP is a faggot4.png (363x563, 15K)

>tell me your problems

Attached: Oy Vey.jpg (789x460, 44K)

>Who hurt you user? Let us help you~

Attached: Db6RR-EUwAAnM_r.jpg (1200x1199, 202K)

She could make more money in porn

Those fucking gums

Attached: alexandria-ocasio-cortez-5-things-on-the-28-year-old-who-scored-a-jaw-dropping-victory-in-ny-electio (620x351, 79K)

if they redistribute their pussies I'll vote for them

howard stern sucks


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Q predicted this

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I want to throat fuck her so badly

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Fucking Amerimuts...

Attached: alexandriaocasiocortez.jpg (1024x576, 92K)

>Who hurt you user? Let us help you~

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I can't help it, if she wasn't a socialist I probably wouldn't even care

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I like where you are headed with this user...

Attached: cortez.jpg (530x534, 58K)

You realise you actually completed the sentiment you were trying to cut off, right?

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Socialism is not communism

We need to sterilize retards so they don’t breed and give us communist twats like this. She’s getting tied to Bernie and I’m tossing the pair out as a 2fer for the masses below to enjoy watching them splatter into the mass of red resembling their shitty memeflag.

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>pic related
juuust saying, my dudes.

hillary clinton in training here

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>Sit beside me anons and tell me your problems

Attached: bababooie4.jpg (291x291, 111K)

>anons take the real "red" pill

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