>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

TrumpTV Weekly Updates:

>Pres Trump Departs FL 7/31/18
>Pres Trump MAGA Rally in Tampa FL 7/31/18
>Pres Trump w/Ivanka signs Career/Tech Education Bill 7/31/18
>Pres Trump Arrives in Tampa FL 7/31/18
>Pres Trump Departs DC 7/31/18
>VP Pence @DHS CyberSecurity Summit 7/31/18
>DHS CyberSecurity Summit 7/31/18
>Sekulow on Fox News 7/31/18
>KAC on Fox News 7/31/18
>EnSec Perry on F&F 7/31/18
>DHS/HHS/DoJ @Senate on Immigration Policy 7/31/18
>VAVideo: Message To VA's Workforce from Sec Wilkie 7/31/18
>Pentagon Inherent Resolve Press Brief (Bong ArmyMajGen Gedney) 7/31/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 7/31/18
>Pres Trump/VP Pence Swear in VASec Wilkie 7/30/18
>Pres Trump/ITA PM Conte Press Conf 7/30/18
>Pres Trump/ITA PM Conte Meeting @WH 7/30/18
>Pres Trump Welcomes ITA PM Conte to WH 7/30/18
>fakenews being idiots again 7/30/18
>VP Pence @Troy Balderson rally in OH 7/30/18

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:

this a /comfy/ thread keep boomer shit out

Attached: ptg_camp.jpg (1920x1080, 1.22M)

Musk finally BTFO?
>his company has NEVER turned a profit
>Porsche has the highest return per vehicle in the entire industy several years running

Attached: porsche taycan.png (909x914, 551K)

we /campers/ now?

Attached: trump yuru camp hurricane.jpg (1200x800, 332K)

Much I marvelled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly,
Though its answer little meaning—little relevancy bore;
For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being
Ever yet was blessed with seeing bird above his chamber door—
Bird or beast upon the sculptured bust above his chamber door,
With such name as “Nevermore.”


Attached: Capture.png (590x694, 390K)

Attached: trump.png (573x655, 236K)

we wuz /campers/ n shiieet

Attached: yurucamp_rockettent.png (706x669, 776K)

Holy shit, I've never noticed burgerman there hahah.

I'm on the side that Climate Change is happening, and is caused by man, but I believe the data has also been exaggerated greatly.

they're claiming it's only $60000
im calling bullshit

We put Trump in office and there's nothing the left can do about it by cry.

Attached: #deal with it alex.gif (434x375, 2.88M)

does Spain even have any good politicians?

Randy Quad is Q.

She'll probably eat it eventually.

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Imagine the smell

only 75 views :(

Attached: 75viewsSadface.png (1136x778, 916K)

I guess this are the options now, according to /ptg/:
>Feminist sjw.
>Q lady.
>Dick-sucking tradthot.

Attached: Surprised.jpg (1019x959, 177K)

That's the problem with silicon valley engineering. They know how to design a coffee maker, but they don't know shit about cars.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

Franco was a badass motherfucker.

>300 mile range
Extreme doubt.

>ajit pai
wtf why you do this based poo man?

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i know i said goodnight and that this will trigger the autists but please let me at least vent about this once
if you think seeing the larping bullshit shirts in the rally pictures is bad enough the boomers TALK ABOUT IT CONSTANTLY. it kept being mentioned in line and i wanted to kill myself
and if any of them didn't know about it, one of them would act like some vector of contagion and explain their understanding of the larp and how to look up more

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That scif is 1000 yards from me :3

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Alright, that's probably my position.

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if some of you older anons are looking for a girl

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The data doesn't exist to support any of the methodologies that have been adopted to deal with it; it was never anything but a fucking scam and a way to impoverish the American middle class without killing them. We have to exterminate everyone who is behind this or supports "climate" legislation.

>vector of contagion
kek, very well put

Attached: 1487023657861.jpg (342x342, 56K)

This pleases me; mass redpills is all that I care about

What is she, Christopher Reeve?

Not drunk enough, put a guy fawkes mask on and maybe...

what does faggot Musk even do?

these are our new allies
...... dear god

>mr president sir, where would like your desk?

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it's not as pleasing when i heard one mention Jow Forums by name and how to post here

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Attention, I am saving all Yuru Camp images tonight. That is all.

Attached: 1528760536082.jpg (1660x1648, 378K)

>recording from the kitchen

Attached: ahahahahaha.gif (700x285, 3.38M)

let me see your war face!

Attached: warface.png (1168x709, 487K)

I've fucked worse. Actually she looks like she keeps a clean house. Probably knows how to cook. Yeah I'm into it. Give digits baby


I'm sure they leave pretty fast.

Attached: knee knob.webm (1920x1080, 2.26M)

why the fuck would they mention here though

Attached: yurucamp_hotelcalifornia.jpg (1863x994, 155K)

made a few others

Attached: yuru trump 2.jpg (752x803, 348K)

Is that a turtle in the background? Is Q user a Jeb! conspiracy?

It was just so comfy.

Attached: times almost up.webm (960x540, 1.31M)

ummm are those benises

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New Energy Information Administration (EIA) data released this week show that U.S. per capita carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are at their lowest levels since 1950. As the “Emissions per Capita” column from the following EIA chart shows, 2017 U.S. per capita CO2 emissions were15.8 metric tons per person, their lowest levels in 67 years.
>For some perspective, per capita carbon emissions haven’t been this low since the beginning of the Korean War and the publication of the very first Peanuts comic strip (Good grief, Charlie Brown!).
The EIA and several other reputable third-party sources have been very clear as to why these trends are occurring in the United States —it’s because of the increased use of natural gas, which has been made abundant and affordable by advances in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing technology.

My war face and my base state are the same face.
Send halp

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Qtard shit is like crack for boomers, isn't it?

what anime is this

Am I the only one who wants to get laid while posting in /ptg?

>ywn enjoy aoi-chan's milkers

Attached: hiddenmilkers.jpg (1843x997, 169K)

Yes, like matlock, NCIS and murder she wrote had an interactive baby

>The weather isn't static

In a bizarre irony, the German daily newspaper Die Welt has proclaimed U.S. President Donald Trump “the most successful climate protector in the world” after a new global climate report revealed that U.S. carbon dioxide emissions dropped dramatically during Trump’s first year in office.
>The United States led the small pack of countries that managed to lower greenhouse gas emissions.
accompanied by UK, Japan, and Mexico. According to IEA figures, the United States managed to reduce CO2 emissions in 2017 by 0.5 percent, or 25 million tons, to 4810 million tons.
>Mr. Wetzel doffed his hat to President Trump.
saying that despite being stigmatized as an enemy of the environment, he has shown himself to be quite the contrary. Wetzel contrasted the positive U.S. results with those of China, which signed on to the Paris Climate Accord. While U.S. emissions dropped, China’s grew by nearly a full percentage point in 2017.
Curiously, some of the countries that chastised the United States for dropping out of the Paris Accord performed far worse than the U.S. during 2017, with the European Union (EU) emissions rising by a stunning 46 million tons. Germany itself has not reduced its emissions for nine years in a row.
The decline in U.S. carbon emissions was due to a number of factors, the study found, including growth in the use of renewables, the liberalization of fracking with the consequent increase in clean-burning natural gas, and America’s continued high use of clean nuclear energy, which supplies about 20 percent of U.S. energy needs.
>As Breitbart News reported last summer, air pollution in the U.S. is among the lowest on the planet, according to studies by the World Health Organization (WHO)..

here was one of the explanations of the history of the larp by one that i heard
>see q-ay-none started on eightchan but they banned him from there
>so then he moved onto Jow Forums but they're full of trolls and they just trolled all the information he dropped
>so you have to just follow his posts and ignore the rest see

The whole Q LARP is like the modern version of shortwave shit you'd hear on WWCR.

Useful idiots are called useful for a reason, user. It's a driver for them

What's wrong with you?

All I want to do is enjoy Rin's tent.

Capitalism wins again. How are we on total emissions?

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That's pretty gay, user.

Attached: incredulous.jpg (938x768, 61K)

you shoulda jumped in and started talking about skykang

>the world will end if we dont give China money for no reason
Fuck all these faggots in all holes simultaneously

It´s 2 am and I can´t sleep.
What are you doing, anons?

Attached: 1532344745941.jpg (1150x1626, 1.39M)

Climate change is real and normal
Global warming is not real

Issue solved.

I don't have much to say about this one

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Fuck these right wing retard judges Dump is appointing

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Didn't think reverse psychology would work here, but lo and behold.

They were really upset for like a day and a half.

Attached: cnn paris accords 2.png (847x474, 727K)

It's scary how easily duped boomers are. Goes to show how they sold out our country to third worlders and jews. Bunch of gullible morons.

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Ugh. Close. Except he started here and we got sick of his shit. Then there was a great exodus to infinity chan. And fuck if I know what happened then. I assume there is a CBTS # 973522 up at this very minute.

might be able to deport this one

Attached: deport maybe.png (1120x752, 1.26M)


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what the fuck CBTS was cue? Fuck now I feel like I should have bothered to read one of those

kek that picture wasn't even in the right angle to include me even if it was in focus
i already checked all rally pictures posted, i remain invisible
anyway actually goodnight this time

Attached: 1507734724904.png (768x432, 159K)

I'm horny. I'll take the fat chicks it's cool.
Not to the traps roo fucker kek


I sexually Identify as Donald Trump. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of deporting disgusting foreigners from the United States. People say to me that a person being Donald Trump is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install a toupee, a small loan of a million dollars and great relations with Putin on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Donald” and respect my right to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. If you can’t accept me you’re a Trumpophobe and need to check your Trump privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

Goodnight user.

Attached: zzz.jpg (1071x768, 50K)

CBTS was Qs spawn point

waiting for this tea to cool so I can drink it and listening to some autist talk about video games on youtube

Misery loves company.

>I'm horny. I'll take the fat chicks it's cool.
Call me when you get desperate enough for fat dudes (don't call me)

Attached: huffpo 6.1.png (1172x461, 1.05M)

>tfw your conspiracy theory is so kooky even alex jones says its a larp
>tfw alex jones alienated his audience by saying Q is compromised

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Anyone wanna be my gf? I'll love you forever as long as you're 3/10 or more.

Will Trump have a rally in wisco?

Attached: Hinata_expert_skills.jpg (1158x1638, 157K)

Don't listen to that other faggot, Maine is based (NH too).
Bambi was based here (100 mile woods)

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this guy is unbiased so you have to believe him

Attached: unbiased.png (1154x746, 1.41M)

Yeah, but on the other hand it's been like two years. The fuck is the storm? I kinda miss shit posting in those

thats fucking disgusting and further confirms its an elaborate LARP to me

Milwaukee user, dont settle.
You will regret it


Attached: 1512949620568.png (1280x720, 1.92M)

>Fuck now I feel like I should have bothered to read one of those
It was just nonstop rantings of literal nothing from """""""Q""""""" and a bunch of anons trying to 404 the threads. You missed very little.

Comfy. What game are they talking about?

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oroville dam was so much better, even the fucking volcano threads were better. /zhg/ will always be the best

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Behind California’s status as the fifth-largest economy in the world is the troubling reality that the Golden State is also one of the most impoverished in the nation.
About one in five Californians “lacked enough resources to meet basic needs” in 2016, according to a measure of poverty developed by the Public Policy Institute of California and the Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality.

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the grocery thing is pretty bad. i have to admit.