How many people on this board are actually autistic?
I am but that doesn't invalidate my opinions
The jews fear the 'tism.
About 96% definitely 96%
I have all of the social defects of an autistic but none of the mongo retard mental strength.
Daily reminder true autism is below average intelligence or average intelligence in the case of the minority of autistic people who are high functioning. They're still mentally handicapped.
Everyone that matters here is.
Mine is 146.. it ranges like you normies
Quite possibly, but I'm not getting diagnosed.
Do it, the diagnosis gets you out of shit.
You're probably not autistic. You probably have shit social skills because female birth control and degrading plastics fucked up your hormone levels and gave you depression.
I am totally retarded with the autism/aspergers of some flavour, reached 40 years old undiagnosed, doctors say too much pathology built up to actually diagnose me now. Will be unspecified retard for rest of life, don't know what this feels like, too autistic to, should probably care. Probably bad feels but I don't give a fuck because autistic. Not leaving the house for several weeks and hating humans like a foreign species that should be eradicated can sometimes be challenging on this planet but having a broken "give-a-damn" is nice and being more intuitively intelligent than 90% of people i meet is pleasurable. Win ?
Q predicted this
i got diagnosed with spergery when i was 15. took me a bit longer after leaving home to become "high-functioning" but I have a gf and a good job now.
I'm on the spectrum and have a 4K ULTRAHD IQ.
No, I've been pretending to be normal for too long. Can't let the cat out of the bag.
I'm brilliant with words because words aren't arbitrary, but math beyond the basic shit has always seemed arbitrary. Words have a why that can be explained. Math and numbers have a why that should be able to be explained, but I have yet to come across a single math teacher proficient enough in words to explain it logically.
I have a piece of paper that states otherwise
Ok, your life, I used to say I was eccentric
Yeah that sounds like you are on the spectrum
It's not the teachers fault you suck at math. Maybe you're not autistic, just retarded.
That's because (they) intentionally make you learn foulness and idiocy so that you will unwillingly conduct their rituals "writing" and spells while you communicate in your daily life and perform mundane calculations, they do this for every child to keep it from the golden knowledge. It has been very cleverly done, they do none of their own work, and we walk about hexing the shit out of everything each time we speak or count.
Try studying this pic, it should counteract some of the ignorance foisted into your mind, see how neat and orderly it is, how each number is perfectly repeated ? Don't forget to add double digits together to get the real result ! 22 = 2+2 = 4
I did fine at math until algebra. I just can't grasp something that the teacher demonstrates that they don't even grasp it. If all a teacher can say is "we've just always done it this way" they are a poor reflection of teaching. I used business math and accounting to get by. I understood that just fine.
Maybe you're a presumptuous little turd?
I am but its just a legal defense
Thank you user. I don't really understand it though. It looks like the gif people have been posting related to Nikola Tesla and 3, 6, and 9.
I'm autistic.
I was told I could have something wrong with me, I only went because the court made me and the psychologist was a spastic, he wore socks and sandals, who the fuck does that? I tiger kidnapped a guy sorta. He was a prick and deserved the pain to be completely honest
Fuck autists, they need to learn to fit in or can fuck off.
epic cope-post. Just admit you suck at it and move on.
Every daddyless Trump sucker on this board is autistic. The rest of us come here to laugh at your awkward dysfunctional incel asses.
>fit in
WEW. Yes, please tell us all to fit in with people like you. People like you that are basically autists without even realizing it. You just all follow the same program/narrative so there isn't any misunderstandings to be had between you so you don't really notice it. What do you think was in the chemtrails? Have you had a flu shot vaccination this year said to be less than 30% effective? They got you too faggot.
gb2 to plebbit
There are far more dads that stick around on the right as compared to the left, retard. Did your daddy go out for smokes and never come back? Project some more faggot.
Jow Forums is one of the least autistic boards. Jow Forums in general is less autistic than the average normie. People have have better understanding of emotions, human interaction, social norms etc than normies who are completely oblivious and act like spergs.
If you want to see what real autism actually looks like, go to /a/. Just go into some threads and try talking to people. When you run into an actual autist you will know.
Nigtard, you autists obviously have not been raised by a real man. A 5'4" can never be a real father for the few of you that think you had one.
It almost just the opposite. Though word usage is more or less logical, largely depending on the user, math and its rules are *entirely* logical. It's just the never-ending application of logic to the field of numbers and their relations.
>implying my father is 5'4"
>subtle implication that I'm a russian bot or troll
Beep boop 6' range boop beep you're a faggot
That's the implication because of it's usage and application, but every math teacher I've had has not been able to explain it. If it's so logical then the "why" to the "what" and "how" should be easily explained then. This is the ever present problem I always run into with math teachers. They can't seem to do that. They never seemed to learn how. Either because they never thought they would have to teach that or because they just took it as is. I've seen more than a few of them have a look on their face that displays that my questions are disrupting their very consciousness, by bringing up things they had never thought to question themselves, and they usually ended up dismissing me unfairly because of it.
Protip faggot: demoralization doesn't work here. The only one getting demoralized is you. Welcome to Jow Forums. You're here forever.
>add double digits together to get the real result ! 22 = 2+2 = 4
I don't know how I missed that the first time and failed to do that. I get it now user. You have my thanks and appreciation.
I drool like a dog.
Aspy masterrace checking in
Me. also this
Smart right wingers do exist but you won't really find them here.Good memes here i do admit
The real question is is anyone on this Korean friend simulator NOT autistic
>the answer is no
Definitely somewhere on the spectrum but I can manage to blend in.
> (OP)
>I have all of the social defects of an autistic but none of the mongo retard mental strength.
t. retard who has no idea what autism is
I’m diagnosed with Aspergers. I have interests that give me a sense of satisfaction and pleasure, without that it would be very problematic.....
what are these interests?
I do a lot of art, play the guitar and collect bones/ natural history objects. They are my main ones user.
Anyone else here who had IEPs in the 90s?
I remember when this was first starting to make it's big push. My biggest hang up, is that it was clearly made by some middle aged Stacey who had children too late and one of them was defective.
*Totally intelligent
Who the fuck says totally anymore? Even in casual conversation.
>Hey, look at the retard.
>Oh no man. He's totally intelligent.
It's so glaringly obvious this entire campaign was started by some stupid bitch who was "hip", tried to fill her declining social status with children, ended up getting a broken toy and then used that as a platform for more attention. "Totally intelligent" no they're not. That's why they're called retards. It literally means slow.
This is why neurotypicals are idiots. They don't know how to do research. You can be diagnosed on the spectrum will any IQ score.
>If it's so logical then the "why" to the "what" and "how" should be easily explained then.
Your difficulties may have been due to inadequate teaching, that can't be ruled out. If the subject interests you enough, you should explore it on your own time at your own pace. If something doesn't seem clear to you at first, then look to a different source until it does, or ask someone who may be of help. It's worth adding however that math isn't usually understood immediately. It can take some time working through problems or reading through definitions until a concept is grasped.
Take care, user.
Mild autism but I am a big boye
Autism is a spectrum we are all autistic here just some are more autstic than others.
Its true though the Jew fears the Autist, one enlightened autist could bring down their entire shitshow.
Thank you, user. You too.
So? I'm more pissed off they couldn't have found a better acronym.
Fuck you, Stacey. You're not even creative. No wonder your child is as retarded as you are.
yeah those fat autistic tards that yelp and moan randomly while fidgeting with their fingers and ambling around in dirty clothes are REAL DARK HORSES
High functioning autist here.
The Swedish defence force has asked me 3 times to work for them as a tactical analyst.
I've politely declined every time.
I'd rather be at home playing Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War – Dark Crusade and browsing Jow Forums.
my brother is autistic and is a vile human being who has torn apart my family even though everyone showed him love and compassion his whole life. He's probably the only confirmed autistic person I know so he's given me a very dim view of autism. He's also the most evil worthless piece of shit I've ever met in my life, true scum.
i am autistic but i learned how to behave normal over the years
What exactly did he do wrong?
>Dark crusade
My guy.
I want you for TacOps coordination of my squad when the civil war breaks out.
he told my mom that she was a piece of shit every day for a decade, fighting with her and refusing to move out of the house. I kept trying to get her to kick him out. He'd punch the walls, break shit, refused to work, mooched off them. Finally, mom committed suicide. Then, my dad was broken but still trying to help my brother, he tried to help him find a job and get help for his condition. My bro actually got help and went on meds for a while and things calmed down, but then he went off his meds and started throwing tantrums again.
The house burned down and it was suspicious. The cops were investigating for almost 6 weeks, but no arson charges came. I'm absolutely convinced it was my brother.
My dad lost his wife and his house and is now trying to put his life back together. Man, that's just the beginning of the story of my shit brother, there's so much more.
I believe autism has a spectrum.
I’m 100% sure I fall somewhere in that scale, not autistic enough to be a neet but just barely enough to manage to get a job and be independent
this reads like a made up story, you're the autistic brother I think
yeah well your father and you are paying the penance for all the shitposting and cuckposting your fellow countrymen have done on Jow Forums Jow Forums. next time you post a scene from or some cuck fantasy think about how God will bring justice about
over 6 Million
I'm autistic female and I have no autistic powers like Ben Affleck in the Accountant. I'm just lazy, untidy, can't finish things because I got new ideas everyday and sooner or later say innaproriate things whch makes people dislike me.
The last weeks I asked a Polack if he Russian (ge got mad at me).
I told a Tunisian man who told me I should visit Tunisia that I don't want because they probabls only have some boring ruins and guys who sell fake Rolex to tourists and he didn't like me anymore afterwards because he felt I insulted his country.
And I asked a turkish man if he was Greek because I found he looked like a Greek. He then didn't like me anymore.
Genuinely curious how not to have an autistic kid 'cos they seem pretty fucking retarded.
My jewish doctor told me i was when i was only 1 year old so its not really the most reliable diagnoses (litteraly dont have autistic symptoms now)
Your genes and your parner's genes.
Get kids young with a young partner.
Don't (let her) drink/ smoke during pregnancy.
And if your kid still comes out autistic diagnose early and seek a behavioural therapist.
Do you plan to have kids or not?
nope. I have a huge extended family and it's full of great people. Seriously, my family is awesome. But my brother has tried to shit on all of them. He's the one piece of shit in the whole family. It's true that the shit he's done is hard to believe. Like when my fiance had a breast cancer scare, he messaged her on facebook and told her that she deserved to get breast cancer because we didn't offer him to stay at our place rent free while he was out of work.
He's cut off forever. No amount of apologizing would ever be enough. No other human being I've met comes close to his malevolence.
have kids young, that means both the mother and father should be as young as possible.
not sure anymore. I am over 30 now and Autism can be passed on to the next generation.
Feelsbadman :(
well fuck my mum was 40 when she had me. Wife and I are mid 20s and are planning to soon (and no chance of drink or smoke during pregnancy, she isn't degenerate)
Judging on that one thread with the test, I probably would say 50/50.
it kind of does
I’ve been diagnosed since I was two, I lived with it for my entire life
There are undoubtably more elements to it than just age. For example, I have autism but other siblings do not.
Fair. Most autism I don't mind I just don't want one of those kids that just screams, runs around and hits shit for no reason. Parents blame autism but I assume it's also just bad parenting.
start as soon as possible. White men must learn that. I couldn't find a man when I was young because they weren't willing to settle. White men must learn to settle in their early twenties.
You can still get divorced with 40 and then engage in hookup culture and "bang" 20 year olds. but don't do that when you're young and healthy. The older you get, men and women, the more you are affected by poison and pollution and your sperm and her eggs get worse.
Radical self-acceptance within the boundaries of Jesus Christ is what those who suffer from autism need.
Young autistic people have been mistreated by society and need to be accepted for who they are.
Because he specified they're only opinions, therefore the validity becomes irrelevant since anyone can individually asses the opinion and autism may be considered a factor by some, since there is a possibility, then it must be true
I have always wanted to settle down, started work at 15 but broke up with my then fiancee after her final year of uni (we were gonna wait until after uni) after that I started uni and have just finished, my now wife and I were waiting until I finish uni.
I am just like this user:
If I reflect back on my youth I'd say that it was good parenting which set me straight rather than bad parenting instilling bad, anti social, autistic behavior. Behaving normally is to this day a mental strain. I have to stop myself from saying factoids only I give a shit about, et cetra.
An early diagnosis and early therapy are crucial if you want to son to have a normal childhood.
i would like to know more about this diagram please user
>if you don't accept society, you're autistic
Actually, means you're not an NPC/sheep.
Normies simply can't accept that the lies they tell themselves about themselves is them rationalizing their inaction.
I had a friend who was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome when he was about 30, and it's no joke. He only had the mild form but he could not fit into social situations because he could only ever talk to one person at a time. He could never determine the mood of a group, and so never knew when he was safe in a pub. He could not detect sarcasm.
>posts sub hd image
>could not detect sarcasm
IMO I soft sell sarcasm, but depending on the person's worldview and intelligence, they ignore the subtle sarcastic tone.
The problem is that since autism is considered a spectrum of disorder it lends itself to being reappropriated by girls as fashion accessory.
That is, I should not have to hard sell sarcasm if my audience is not borderline retarded.
IQ and honesty:
Without solid premises, IQ is impotent. And with premises such as
-"if we all worked for each-other's good"
-"since everyone is equal"
, one's IQ is wasted.
And they know their false premises- which is why they'll attack you for attacking such premises.
I am. I'm the opposite to rain man though. I can read and write well but can't do math. Also, like rain man, I can't verbally communicate with people very well. Particularly people I'm not familiar with.
Can anyone relate to thinking they had no future growing up?
wait, having shit social skills does not necessarily mean I'm autistic?