Is it wrong to hate blacks? I just can’t see any reasons to NOT hate them. They literally have no redeeming qualities, none. At least Ashkenazi jews have attractive woman sometimes, and without niggers all they’d have really is the gay shit which doesn’t bother me nearly as much as the nigger shit.
Is it wrong to hate blacks? I just can’t see any reasons to NOT hate them. They literally have no redeeming qualities...
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If the Jews only weapons were the gay agenda and trying to get white dudes to abandon white roasties for Asian girls life would be far less painful.
It is, we need their votes in 2020, they are neccesary and provide labor for our society to function
Don't get swelled up by the right-wing rhetoric, Trust POTUS above all
Meh I’m not a republicans or a trumptard. I prefer trump over the democucks but still I never asked to be part of your club where I have to play by your rules. I hate blacks and I don’t see a reason to get along with them. I’d rather be ruled by racist Chinese than nigger lovers.
>Is it wrong to hate blacks?
it is wrong to hate people.
you may desire to not associate with certain people but to directly hate them... well that's an issue, child.
Blacks in America are the result of 400+ years of mass-rape. Of course they are going to be fucking horrible.
It's a waste of your time user. Get away from niggers and forget about them. I'm moving out of a niggerfied community as we speak. I sustained 5 years in this shithole, and I'm getting out. I'll leave my disdain for niggers behind in this house because I won't have anything to do with them in the future.
Forget about them. They're not worth your time. Don't listen to nigger music. Don't watch movies with niggers in them. Stay away from gay ass sports with niggers involved. Focus on the jew. The jew inflicts niggers upon us. The jew inflicts spics upon us. The jew imports muzzies and ethiopians.
Eyes on the prize.