Listen up gun nuts

I grew up around guns. I am a gun owner and a die hard second amendment supporter. But it's time to ban semi-automatics, fully semi-automatics, ammunition, assault guns with too many magazine clips, shoulder things that go up, and guns designed to kill people. That's just common sense. After that you can have all the guns you want! After a thorough psychological evaluation, of course. And you can even go down to the local precinct to visit your gun under strict supervision whenever you want if you have a valid reason.
Don't get me wrong. I'm all about the second amendment. The right to bear arms is extremely important to me, but isn't time we abolish the second amendment? Isn't it a little outdated? Well regulated militia. Why does anyone even need a gun?
I'm not saying we ban guns. Fucking Christ you gun obsessed psychopaths, get a grip. Calm down, no one is coming for your guns. No one is saying ban all guns. I'm just saying that we ban the guns that can kill people. No one, and I repeat no one has ever suggested that we ban guns or abolish the secondment amendment. I don't even know where you evil baby killing monsters come up with that one.
No one is a bigger supporter of gun rights than me. Common sense. Why won't you compromise?

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Fact: The majority of gun murderers when they are stopped, they are stopped by someone who is unarmed a majority of the time.

You wouldn't download a firearm.

Fact: True weapon experts believe there is truly no such thing as too much training, or being an "expert". Everyone is learning always, you practice until you die, because guns are deadly even with the most precaution and safety procedures.

Shut up you faggot shill. Suck my cock.

I do not fear guns. I fear the people holding the guns. I fear the lack of respect people have for the power they wield. I've been on this earth long enough to know the average person as severe and extreme social and mental disorders. Thinking things through, and logical thought are both rare traits. People's mood and personalities can change in the blink of an eye, a traumatic experience can turn the most sane person into a murderer, or to suicide.

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Not an argument sweetie

As I was saying ya`ll losers can make whatever argument you like, but every human being no matter their size, or the size of the person they are fighting can kill, and can kill easily. Seems people don't understand how many people are accidentally killed with nothing more than one punch. You can easily kill someone with your bare hands accidentally, and muscles have absolutely nothing to do with it.

Go to hell you damn shilling fool. You are so obvious that it is almost insulting. Can't your people come up with anyone that has enough brainpower to not be so transparent?

Also if you want to have something for home protection, maybe you should go with something that can't easily murder your family while you try to kill an intruder. Before you ask the idiotic question; Yes, I have fired guns before.

You'll have to take it from my cold, dead shoulder.

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>imagine typing all that

>"Listen up gun nuts"
>"Republican" flag
>This pasta again
There's a reason why nobody will ever take you seriously and why we will never give up our guns unless you fucking kill us for them.

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> I am a gun owner and a die hard second amendment supporter
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
>But it's time to ban semi-automatics, fully semi-automatics, ammunition, assault guns with too many magazine clips, shoulder things that go up, and guns designed to kill people.
so then not a second amendment supporter
> Well regulated militia. Why does anyone even need a gun?
Being necessary to the security of a free State, Being necessary to the security of a free State,
Being necessary to the security of a free State
>I'm not saying we ban guns.
> I'm just saying that we ban the guns that can kill people.
you seem like a giant faggot
>No one is a bigger supporter of gun rights than me. Common sense. Why won't you compromise?
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
shall not be infringed
shall not be infringed.
shall not be infringed.

>After that you can have all the guns you want!
So I can have my 20mm recoilless AT rifle, for Armoured-pig hunting?

Also this isn't Jow Forums.
You're looking for Jow Forums

Listen dumb ass the problem with guns is people like you. Your inability to think logically, or think things through, and your inability to form your own opinion based on facts, rather than what you are told to think is scary. Its funny, you imagine everyone with a gun like the hollywood actions movies because you are naive. People who are capable of forethought, capable of logical thought imagine a bunch of Dwights running around (you). Which is the reality of the situation.

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>Why won't you compromise?
As soon as you get the rapists, murderers, thugs and armed robbers to 'compromise,' we'll talk.

Crunch all you want, anti-gun fags; we’ll just make more

>going on reddit

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We need guns so we can secure a future for the white race.

> No one is saying ban all guns. I'm just saying that we ban the guns that can kill people.

Could you repeat that please?

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Use your guns to kill yourself.

>Listen dumb ass the problem with guns is people like you. Your inability to think logically, or think things through, and your inability to form your own opinion based on facts, rather than what you are told to think is scary. Its funny, you imagine everyone with a gun like the hollywood actions movies because you are naive. People who are capable of forethought, capable of logical thought imagine a bunch of Dwights running around (you). Which is the reality of the situation.

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>fully semi-automatic
A-who where now?

Youre a soiboi who has never held a gun
>Hey guys I agree with A but fuck BCDE amirite?
Die in a fire

Turn off the memeflag so I can see if you're a Leaf or a Jew.

googling OP’s pasta

Its either that or you have tiny dick syndrome and you need to shoot a gun so you can stop thinking about how small your dick is. Which there is nothing wrong with having a small dick, thats fine. I'm just saying the guns aren't going to make your penis any bigger.

this pasta again
rights >feels

100 internets says its the leaf who fucked his sister

Hey, if I kill this guy and throw him in to the ocean, can I take his American citizenship?

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>Why won't you compromise?

You keep using that word. I don't think you know what it means.

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>all these newfags falling for a meme

Apply through the proper channels.

Are you retarded?
Dont even label your self as a conservative

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>fully semi-automatic
Yeah, you’re real familiar with guns there pal.

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So I need to throw him in to the English Channel? Is that how it works?

I served in the US Army and I think that every law abiding US citizen needs a full automatic rifle, a pistol, and shotgun. OP is a duche

That an Aussie only meme I think

rabbi can you pls go

I did not even read that shit. at least the Psychological psyopus to get confused kids to run around screaming Jews run every thing has a purpose of the whole thing of what you say is you desire for it to manifest. Op just make me want to fuck his girl friend to feel her go psycho to actually get off for once.

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>He doesn`t know how to say so᠌yboy

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Q predicted this

Is this bait or are you really this retarded?

Kike at it again.

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>Come on, why not COMPROMISE?
Tget are not giving people, whose CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT is to carry those arms, anything.
So there is no compromise, what they are saying is
"Why don't you wanna get robbed of your rights bit by bit?"

Slowly robbing the people of a right that was set in place to prevent vermin like them from making the final move unto the freedom of the people.
Every single thing the people concede to them, is a total loss for the people, they will not give anything in return and we all know what the goal of these pathetic insects is: The eventual thorough disarmament of the population.

Everytime you get have someone pleading for compromise, just tell then to fuck off once and for all.
For you can be certain that if you give them a piece, they will come back every piece you have, until you have nothing left.

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Their idea of compromise is "you give us everything we want and we'll maybe give you something you want but probably not".

Since assault weapons are such a huge problem in america why don't we do this instead!

The fingerprinting smart guns are a good first step, but they still leave open a lot of room for abusive by an authorized user. I propose that guns should not only need biometric unlocks, but also that the user should need to call up 911 and have the operator remotely unlock the gun for use it they concur the user is in a legimate life threatening situation. Also, mandating cameras attached to all weapons, especially concealed carry ones, which record and transmit to a cloud storage.

Guns should also have a feature whereby they can only fire if they are pressed against the target. This will prevent mentally unstable men from killing children at long range.

Magazine limits are common sense, but also the first round loaded should be required to be a warning foam round. The foam rounds used by police forces are effective, but still require training to use safely, so the mandatory civilian foam rounds should be much less dense, and not designed to inflict pain, but to make sure an attacker 100% knows there is a gun present and give them a chance to flee- thus reducing overall gun deaths.

We should should also license free thought and speech. We can control the spread of bad ideas by putting biometric scanners on all computers, cell phones, video game consoles so that certain ideologies cant spread.

Obviously dangerous speech and ideas are easily concealed in various ways, so all information about our populace will be public record and searchable.

All people should have an override put into their voice box so that they can have their voices muted if they start saying something potentially hurtful or expressing dangerous ideas.

Help me come up with some progressive ideas that will help me target the greatest killer of this or any other century. I know with some time if we work together we can stamp out dangerous free speech and ideas.

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Hello fellow goy- I mean whites. Oy Vey these guns are out of control!

This is too complicated, the OBVIOUS solution is to kill everyone, everywhere, so nobody can ever kill anyone ever again.

Fuck off shill, our founders would have allowed full automatic rifles. They would have shot you for insolence.

Well obviously I support abortion regardless of which trimester it's in, even post pregnancy abortion. It wouldn't be very progressive not to.

Um... Most legal firearms are semi-automatic. You ban that you would ban most guns. If you really were a gun advocate you would know this. Trying to approach this issue with the; *I am one of you." Angle is never going to pan out.

I bet you are proud of your bait (and I guess you should be, it’s funny and fully fleshed-out), but the truth is people here just like discussing the second amendment.

I guess thanks for not just posting
>guns are bad; prove me wrong.

>you actually upset someone with this comment.
That’s fucking hilarious.

"Why won't you baby killing monsters listen to me!"
Awesome approach my man! Really great way to win us over! There is no compromise because we know where all this is headed!

0/10, this is literally true and you forgot to mandate 10 years of training for a provisional license.

Never mind, if a commie is agreeing with me I know it's a bad idea.

God told me I don't need to turn in my gun if I don't want to.

Hey guess what?

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are these people being baited ironically or what

Well done, OP.

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You are too fucking predictable including the beginning "I grew up around guns...."
Doesn't Shareblue pay for better scripts....??

That doesn't matter though.

That doesn't matter

Love it.....

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This man does not have a penis:

>Help me come up with some progressive ideas that will help me target the greatest killer of this or any other century.

Outlaw communism.


>we can have free speech, but only the speech I like will be free

That is not how it works, Schlomo.

Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.

Is that leaf also "a god" who also might have experimented with being a faggot once? I heard posting creepy animals fucks with yhat guy pretty hard. Also where is your god now faggot OP? I can unironicaly make my own.

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You Nazis killed far more. Don't bother correcting me with actual facts, I am entierly convinced of my own superiority.

Outlaw facts, then.

>Don't bother correcting me with actual facts, I am entierly convinced of my own superiority.

And that's why you faggots never learn from your mistakes, and keep doing the same shit over and over and over again.

Why wouldn’t wou want something that could easily murder? That seems like exactly what you want idiot

Let’s just assume I have a tiny dick and let me have guns then schlomo

Why would I care if you thought I had a big dick you fucking faggot.

Based response, but OP has been very poorly trolling this whole thread. I gave points to the OP as nice satir, but it isn’t even his original work.

I guess my point is you should feel very, very stupid for taking him even slightly seriously.

>shoulder things that go up

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I don`t need to try at all because retards always take the bait no matter what

shall not infringe. end of fucking argument you fudd.

Gay shill post. Everyone knows you’re some shareblue onions boy getting paid 15 cents per post to shill this gay shit.

I’m a real 2nd amendment supporter, TRUST ME GUISE! Just so you know, we’re not interested in giving up any fraction of our gun rights because we love watching faggots like you squirm and contort when you don’t get your way and we know how Marxism works. Slow and incremental change over time is the name of the game for you scum. We don’t want to incentivize you fags to try and make any more changes over time to gun laws.

Well, like I said earlier, it isn’t much to be proud of. You could have gotten away with
>guns are bad: prove me wrong

It’s a subject we like here, and more than just you play the game.
Also, I was really disappointed when I found out it was copypasta. All your subsequent posts were pretty awful and got little (you)s

Would you care to tell me what you hoped for here? To prove we like guns? Or that we would respond to stupid shit (unnecessary)? I just don’t really get the goal, I guess.






>I was really disappointed when I found out it was copypasta
>being this new
wew lad

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Oh look, another stale pasta

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kys and don't use a gun.

Okay, take them. Please. I refuse to argue about semantics any longer. We can try to play your narrative and attempt to convince you that "guns makes us safer" but it won't stop you, so I advise everyone like myself to stop wasting your time with this. Just pass some law already. Go with men carrying guns to forcibly confiscate guns. I'm a nogunz and I just want to see the bloodshed and how you will make martyrs out of the crazy gun nuts who resist. Give us a reason to drag your kind through the streets, boy.

nah they had it in Britain too

Guns are deliberately designed for that though....
The founding fathers didn't give us the second amendment because they thought "The DEER are COMING!"
It was to overthrow an oppressive government.
>also saged

Gosh, it's almost like people who want to establish an oppressive government don't want people to be able to oppose them.

You'll never find justice on stolen ground

You're a lying liberal faggot.

No their idea of a compromise is. You give us everything we want or else. The reason they are so unhinged about guns is that it's the one thing that actually stops them from getting to send the thought police to go jackboot and gulag wrong thinkers. Liberals are a special kind of statist faggotry.

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