Explain me how restricting gun laws in the US would NOT reduce gun crimes. Mass shootings especially...

Explain me how restricting gun laws in the US would NOT reduce gun crimes. Mass shootings especially. Countries with restrictive gun control laws have lower gun homicide and suicide rates than the United States.

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well it would, but no one is willing to pay that price for something niggers cause

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fuck off OP

It would not

American "people" are fucking sick in the head and demon obsessed creatures

there other countries with guns and they dont have massshoots every day

This, nigger control would be 3000% more effective than any form of gun control.

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>Explain me how restricting gun laws in the US would NOT reduce gun crimes
Because 'mutts have more guns than they have 'mutts, and short of creating 'firearm Einsatzgruppen', and making them go door-to-door -- into every crack den, geriatric pimp tower and celebrity mansion in the Zionist cesspit failed state -- collecting all boomsticks at gunpoint, then you could never reclaim even a fraction of the weapons that flood the numbskull nation.

>lost cause
>grab popcorn
>let the civil war commence and imperial collapse continue

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>ban guns
>so we can get acid thrown in our faces and ran over by trucks

Id rather just get shot. People will always find a way to kill no matter what you ban.

The American population has guns to protect themselves from the governments tyranny, considering how many governments worldwide have massacred their citizens when a poor or power hungry leader gains power I would consider some gun crime a small price to pay so that citizens can actually resist the government if needed.

when england banned guns gun crime increased exponentially every year. gun crime in england now is at the highest levels it ever was, even back when UK had no gun laws at all.

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You can't drive a truck through school, and acid rarely kills people (one person at most, really), people use it because they want to disfigure their victim. And
the terrorist attacks in the recent years where knives or trucks have been used took far fewer casualties than the ones with guns.

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I’m done making arguments. Guns always.

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Ah yes, because the only difference between America and Europe is the guns. Absolutely no other differences. At all. Just the guns. No populations that may or may not commit more crime then they should. Purely the amount of guns.

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Nope. Nice killed 86 people.
Switzerland is the SAFEST nation in Europe and has laxer gun laws than most leftist US states.

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Shall not be infringed.

a detemined criminal will get what he wants regardless of the laws, better to arm the citizens to deal with said criminal when the need arises
btw yur a nigger

Why are you trying to stop angels from getting their wings?

because it hasnt everywhere its been tried.538 did an aggregate study on this. Shit you believe is true that is debunked in 5 minutes of google research has no valid defense.

But your government is tyrannical and has been for a long time. Your people lack the intelligence to recognise what is going on and lack the balls to do anything about it

Wait, you actually believe that the White truck remained white after running down 300 people?

>the terrorist attacks in the recent years where knives or trucks have been used took far fewer casualties than the ones with guns.

Pretty sure 80+ smashed people in France would disagree

It would reduce gun crimes, but replaces the gun with knife crimes.
Oh and innocents lose their equal footing, most won't compete with a crim with a knife.


Hey OP, seems you posted this thread almost an hour ago. Why haven't you made any responses to the replies in the thread? Or could it be that this is a shitty slide thread that you never intended to put any effort into like the fucking rat that you are?

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The US has a gun problem because it has a African problem.

Blacks in Europe often come from the Carribean and understand Western culture.

Blacks in the US are from Africa and are savages.

That intermediate ground allowed the European black to become less savage and more cultured before integrating into proper Western society. A halfway house.