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There will be blood, thats for sure. The blood of all commies and traitors.

What the fuck is wrong with these people

So if you need new blood encourage your own indigenous population to breed.

Q predicted this

Save us from this hell

>an ever increasing population is not only a good thing, it is needed
The true redpill is realizing that humans have, just like animals, a population cap and once you go over it a mass extinction will follow. Too little resources

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Its a shame, spain had a great run i will miss it.

But spain MUST take the entire Africa, as an act redemption for the cruel and massive Spanish colonization of oh

We will join the fight, but you must save yourselves first, brother.
Vote Far Right.

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>once you go over it a mass extinction will follow.
I'm beginning to wonder if that's such a bad thing.

>he thinks voting can save him
Gullible useful idiot

>spain needs new blood

So what, just kill off the spanish?

These people are begging for a revolution

Yes, their own citizens on the street

People who went in search of gold, now people who import black.

These headlines are disgusting

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Im not liking these repeating numbers good sir, retract your statement at once!

Fight the leftists and the traitors
There seem to be so many leftists in Spain, more than in France

why cant people just shoot them


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Imagine this but with niggers. You know what happens to the land right? Almost completely destroyed.

So both the land and the people will be near completely destroyed.

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i thought Spain was doing okay

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hmmmm tastes like coffee, black coffee

That's the thing, it'd be a reset, I doubt id survive, but I doubt even more that niggers, SJWs or any of the other undesirables would survive either, except maybe the Jews they have an odd ability for making it through tough situations relatively unscathed.

rats eventually will devour each other

These NiggerS are invaders, in 10 years your country will be a shithole like liberal cities in the USA.

How i make a bomb? How many kgs of ANFO to destroy the congress?

Inviting glowing Spain secret service niggers to your home are you? Do you at least have a few guns to take them out.. in Counter Strike of course.

ãsk your ETA mates

CNI doesnt even know about pol lol

Muy gracioso, Paulo

Two months goberned by an unelected leftist minority alliance made by five parties and they were already revving up the "progressive" machinery since day one. We have to endure this for two fucking years.

Since literally the FIRST day their minister of culture and leisure, a fucking pink press reporter, got caught in a taxes evasion scandal while a few days back was lecturing about how bad tax evations and under-the-table salaries are, the week after they plan to give free healthcare to undocumented inmmigrants and change the ceo of the public radio and television because didn't fit with their political agenda, then the whole Aquarius shit ending with students getting kicked out of their residences because they needed somewhere to sleep. Then at the start of July they start planning on moving Franco's body out of his mausoleum because no fucking reason other that "Franco is bad guise, vote us", along with panning how to ban any symbolism related to fascism and other 'controversial' ideologies excep for - surprise surprise! - communism. And the list keeps going on and on.

By the time we reach the elections day we will make Sweden look like a fucking joke, but the worst part of this is that the people didn't elected them in the first place. There is a say that tells that democracy is the tyranny of the mayority, but these people aren't even mayority, nor they were elected, they forced their position by exploiting impreachment laws.

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de nada, Paolo

And by europe, they mean everyone but spain.

Spain you were Fascist only 40 years ago. Surely you still have men left in your country willing to save your nation and the rest of Europe as a bonus.

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These fucking leftist animals have to go. The blacks who can blame them, but these scum, most of them who don't have children, are the traitors, the manipulators, the conspirators.

Coup de ta , Ya!!!

Ya que estamos me dices un sitio bueno para ir de vacaciones en país? Parabens

They truly are human cockroaches.

Vote centre right for a third consecutive decade of political corruption.

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just employ some russian hackers, the tv told me that it works

Hoe many percent youth unemployment in Spain right now, again?

t. Vacationflagposter. It's full here, barely any seats at the pool still free

>Europe needs new blood
Indeed, it needs more blood of commie traitors on the pavement

This is why the Italian elections meant nothing. They make you feel like things are getting better when in reality all the immigrants are still coming, just through a different place.

>he's on giffgaff

The idea was that no leftist faggot would say "NOOOOO PLSSSS WE WILL TAKE THEEEMMM"
and besides, we're the ones with libya just under them, we've suffered enough of them already. Tell your french cousins that this mess is their fault, and they have to fix it themselves.

Currently 16,1% total unemployment and 34,7% people under 25yo.

Italy'a current stand is pretty huge though. The NGO ferry scam is all but dead, and it's unlikely Spain will take them all instead. And if they do, France will likely start border checks at the Spanish border. Incremental steps in the right direction..

They do now.

Pretty sure that's literally genocide.

>34,7% people under 25yo.

But Spain needs more immigrants selling shitty trinkets on street corners near resorts, right? Right..

Btw do those statistics include students and such, or just those that want a job but can't get one?

Socialist hell and we don't even get the welfare.

Don't call it a grave, it's the future we choose hermano

Leftists make the argument here too. When we say that, they claim that the immigrants do the jobs no italian wants to do

please god grant us another civil war i cant keep hoping things will get better on their own. FUCK THESE SOCIALIST UNELECTED KEKED FUCKS

Practically nobody voted for our current president. He lost over a million votes in the last election, but he got the leftist and liberal support in his impeachment against Rajoy. Now he is trying to appease those commies by doing senseless shit like this until next elections in 2020. God help us till then.

Can't you find a way to impeach him too?

I hate bootleg negro sellers with all my guts but I hate even more both the people that buy from them, and the mayors that allow them in their streets, these are the real people to blame.
People who aren't studying and are registered the social security, people under 20 years old have a 51,6% of employment. Still, the under-the-table pay jobs are sadly a huge in this country and people love to hide their unregistred salaries to avoid paying the pertinent taxes and receive gibmedats, specially in summer, so I expect a way lower percentage.

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meant to

its over, they are spawing like rats because every public, semi-public university is a marxist shithole.

These dudes are traitors, and leftists degenerates, but they sure are smart too. Smart enough to counter attack any argument you throw at them or at the media trying to fight back the whole cultural marxism.

And after you are defeated you will be banalized demonized and cast out of society, you will even be lucky if you dont end in prison.

Also forget about any job or relationship, no woman would like to stay with user who is literally franco.

I always though the only way was to trascend into ultimate being that cannot be affected by weapons (not even biological ones) so that that being could impose his supreme will to the rest.

This is all Rajoy's fault. He counted too much on basque nationalist support, which stabbed him in the back as soon as they secured their budget, and didn't convoke an election out of fear of Ciudadanos gaining more power in Parliament. Because of this, he effectively handed over the goverment to the socialists, the fucker.

The statistic counts people actively looking for employment.

> Smart enough to counter attack any argument
They are not smart. They are not even countering any arguments based on facts - the left's arguing is merely completely based on emotions, rhetoric and (stealthy) re-definitions of key words (doublespeak). And if Normies weren't so fucking retarded and easy to influence by non-fact speech, Leftists would have a very hard time to do what they are doing right now.

“Needs new blood” is an insidious meme based on the genocide of Whites. Whites need to pay less in taxes not more to support niggers.

>new blood = every random nigger that arrives at our shores
Or better yet... guard your Schengen borders you fucking retards.

>They are not even countering any arguments based on facts
yes thats true, but in this era when did facts become the win card?
they are smart in the sense that they know what they should do. They know resorting to muh feelings and you are franco now, will get them the victory over any debatable scene.

they are just a bit smarter thant the average normie who is chained to this degenerate society of cultural marxism.

At this moment, I am thinking that the best solution is to start building somewhere a place where we can gather like minded people and let those degenerate dumb people to drown in the hell they are creating.

It's rather the failure of cuckservatives over the decades, who didn't counter leftist aggression, who didn't stop their takeover of most media, who didn't development emotional counter-manipulation.

The solution is to redpill your people, especially the youth. Here, the neofascists are not nostalgic old guards, they are the youth who wanted to be part of something bigger and got recruited. You need to bet on swaying people's opinion. Don't give up on them: PD lost votes, and yet they didn't replace our people with a more conservative version: they just changed their mind. Normies don't have serious convinctions, and it's easy to talk them into reason, as long as you do it piece by piece. If you wanna redpill someone, you don't start by yelling 14/88, but with something more relatable. Such as, i don't know, communism has always failed, or the lies of the socialists. Nigger crime is the last step. The jewish question shouldn't be touched at all, as it is the most sacred of normie taboos. Whenever you want to expose a jew, pretend you don't know he is jewish, and attack him on everything else.

Spain was never fascist as Franco never was a fascist, and even so, the national identity recognized by the Falange when it was under fascist leadership was based upon "sharing a destiny" with Spain and the Falange had no noticable qualms with brown people since they called for an empire of Spanish speaking countries which with the exception of Spain would be an empire of gooks and beaners.

>encourage native nations to breed
>late stage statism AKA the perfect state
The first priority of a state to nation relation is to round up and replace the nation mate.

CNI stop right there kiddo

Based af
they dont even try to hide the upcoming civil war anymore they are already talking about all the new blood there will be in the streets , a lot of blood lol

this can't be must be fake news
they arent even trying to hide it anymore

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