What was the biggest mistake in European history?
What was the biggest mistake in European history?
Letting the bad guys win WW2.
Colonizing America.
Rome stopping before they reached the Urals
French revolution created the Polish Nationalism and inspired us to hate Russia and Germany
Treaty of Maastricht
cutting down all the trees in iceland
A Great war
You fucking kike faggots, Benjamin Netanyahu is a Pole or whatever the name of your jewish infested shithole citizenry is...you fucking jewish faggot.
Yes OP, to a large extent, (((French revolution))) destroyed the modern church and opened up a vaccum for kike rats, which later exploded once the kikes sunk their fangs into dumb greedy shortsighted mutts of Amerimutt land.
Witch Merkel was EUs biggest mistake
Embracing Christianity
Proties need to convert back to the true church, I agree.
crusaders not genociding the entire middle east
the reformation
(((Age of Enlightenment)))
World War I was astonishingly stupid. I've read lengthy books about the supposed motivations behind the war from the perspectives of the national leaders at the time, and it simply doesn't make a lot of sense. It was some kind of continental suicide pact. Even today, Europeans refuse to provide reasonable explanations for why their ancestors destroyed the continent from 1914 to 1918.
This. A-H should have destroyed Serbia while their treaties only allowed allied nations to watch. Could have been over within the year. I mean, a Serb anarchist kills the heir to the throne and Germany attacks Russia. A (((suicide pact))) indeed.
The Holocaust
Barbarian's invasions against Roman's empire
Arrival of the Cro Magnons
But muh Platz an der Sonne.
The biggest mistake was german unification. We could have stayed a squabbling powder keg would have kept migrants out
>What was the biggest mistake in European history?
Germany invading Russia. Which lead to the their demise. Seems like the Reich didn't learn from Napoleon.
the most phony philosopher I've ever read.
Giving all this land to drunk cunts. How could Britain be so dumb and stay on their tiny fucking island? Top kek thanks lads
Not genociding shitskins when Europeans had the chance.
Axis powers losing.
giving in to Jacobin demands and transforming monarchies into liberal democracies
They had no choise, either reich attacks or ussr attacks in no time
everybody feared Germany and wanted to fuck them over, basically
USSR invades the east. Now that's interesting to think about.
Unironically nationalism. It was a country-wrecking ideology that destroyed empires and ruined any chance of status quo for eternity. Small peoples of Europe don't have enough power and purpose to justify their self-determination.
The assumption was that the war was going to be over very quickly.
That's why they had such a cavalier attitude about the events leading up to the war.
Belfor declaration was a mistake - or was it, since it was concocted by disgusting slimey (((bongs)))
Winston Churchill. There I said it, go fuck yourself
Invasion of Russia.
yet universally praised in university campuses and by so called intellectuals
not genociding the other races
This. We could have completely cleansed Africa.
Commies planned to expand west since day 1 of russian revolution, acctually in 1920 they tryied to liberate west but polacks somehow beated them,
This. It went downhill from there.
>Creating European civilisation was downhill
Found the yid.
The day they forgot Montesquieu and support Rousseau's bullshittery.
Giving Germanic barbarians roman citizenship
What's your problem, mate? Rousseau is good
WW1 no question
Americuck can't deal with next rising superpower
The Protestant Reformation.
Freemasonry is the cancer destroying all values
WW2 or the UK not electing Mosley.
Charles Martel winning at Poitiers.
Europe should've submitted to Islam.
rome not shoahing the j*ws and g*rmans when they had the chance
Not killing every Jew that ever set foot there.
All the great powers thought they could beat each other within months, and then secure the colonial holdings of the other ones. They couldn't, and in the fighting they exhausted valuable resources that should have been used for expanding and keeping the colonies in check.
*losing America
Pretty sure that would be giving Jews a second chance
You posted it.
Rest in peace, Louis XVI.
Germany was a hub of art and technology before unification. Afterwards, it was simply a war machine.
People on Jow Forums especially don't really know what nationalism is and defend it. Nationalism isn't racism. It isn't wanting to live around only your people. Nationalism is wanting to live around all of "your people" and only "your people," as one single state.
This creates conflict when people can't agree on which group an area belongs to, especially if it's debatable what type of people those who live there are, or if multiple different types live there, as well as giving the state an easy way to ostracize anyone who doesn't agree with them. A Frenchman not supporting everything the French government does? He must hate all Frenchmen!
Democracy only exists because of Nationalism, as it's easy to accuse a monarchy of not "representing the people," which allows wealthy people who don't even need to reveal their faces to control the system with money.
Allowing the Russians to interfere with Imperial Japan in China (If that would prevent the Russo-Japanese war)
Allowing Imperial Japanese interference in China (beyond taking Taiwan)
Treaty of Versailles for an ez hit
Perfidious Albion bringing African slaves within proximity of America
Civil Rights Integration movement (pan-Eurosphere)
African Colonization (or the withdrawal from it)
One of those.
>implying the would've been able to defeat the Scythians or Sarmatians.
European civilization was already created, and it only expanded during the middle ages when philosophers took a break from abrahamist theology to go into science and philosophy. The Islamic golden age is the same, they only became impressive when they cared for more than theology and studied the European pagan philosophers.