Rule number one of Disinfowars: You do not talk about the Jews

Rule number one of Disinfowars: You do not talk about the Jews
Rule number two of Disinfowars: YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE JEWS

It's the Muslims, goy. It's the Muslims and it always has been.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The Chinese run Hollywood and if you don't agree you're a Nazi.

Fuck off sand nigger

Put your face on the internet with all the info you want Alex to report and then maybe people will take you seriously.

>q is taking away our viewers
>cant sell the filters
>Q is a bot
>shit, does not work
>now we are pro Q
>11. may q calls disinfowars out for their shilling and disinformation
No one belives those fuckers anymore. They have been exposed. When the MSM goes down so will shillwars



Who the fuck do you think Alex Jones is referring to when he constantly goes on about "globalist bankers who look like goblins", user?

PROTIP: It's not the Muslims.

you're honestly pretty stupid if you don't see that hatred for Muslims and war in the middle east is what (((they))) are prospering off of right now. Only way to stop war in the ME is to completely pull out. even out of Israel. then whoever wins will settle shit down and bring the peace.

Taqiyaa brother,

The kafirs are asleep! Let them blame the jews while we take over, Inshallah!

white men.

t. sand nigger

fuck off rabbi. no Jow Forums is a no jew zone

t. sand nigger

what are you still doing here Ishmael, don't you have other posts to defend Israel on?

nope its the (((chicoms)))
the own hollywood you know !!!!

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(((white))) men.

>it’s the illuminati
>it’s the offshore bankers
>it’s the deepstate
But, Alex; what about the jews?

does Jones really claim this? I thought he said it was the Saudis.

>the Nazi collaborator George Soros

Tommy Robinson is free on bail!

(((alex jones)))

>constantly reinacts and directly quotes the gospel of john (8:44) when speaking about (((shapiro))) and other jews
>don't talk about the jews
take satan's dick out of your mouth and pick one

He was claiming the Saudis run Hollywood a couple of years ago. Now he's saying the Chinese run Hollywood and the banking industry.

When the day muslim and globalist, they actually mean Jews. They can’t explicitrky say Jews because of the holocaust though. You can talk about the Quran but you cannot talk about the Talmud.

Rule number one of Infowars:
Call Jews "globalists" and say whatever the fuck you want about them.

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>When the day muslim and globalist, they actually mean Jews.

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We all know the jews are behind the anti alex jones posts

Get fucked

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