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Other urls found in this thread:

Do a search next time


>Imagine being so pathetic that you celebrate that a loser you will never know has been freed

If no compensation and apology then your legal system is still shit, also Tommy is far from the only one. Good step, but nowhere close to being free

> Flag
> Benign statement
Opinion discarded.

Use a meme flag next time.

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Thats the biggest meme flag there is

I can't believe it honestly

>Robinson, 35, admitted the charge and received a 13-month jail term in May after he filmed outside Leeds Crown Court during a trial.

>At the Court of Appeal, Lord Chief Justice Lord Burnett ruled there had been technical flaws by the judge who jailed him.

When you see an oven does your genetic post traumatic stress disorder get triggered?

Israel will reign forever
I will never be embarrassed about my flag no matter what



I wonder if he will know about how we messed with the polices tip lines , kek

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Imagine being so pathetic you larp as being one and the same as the ancient Jews of the middle East but you are actually a Khazar.

And yet this wont shake the retarded belief of MAGApedos that Robinson was the target of some deep state hit.

If Israel is so great, why do most of the world's Jews live in the USA?

You should be

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If anyone has recording or chatlogs of us trolling their retarded police racism tip lines plz post 'em

He was
Oh you're retarded

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The same judge gave pedos light sentences didnt he?

to benefit Israel
we work there and send money back home

White nigger

Let's have a minutes silence everyone for the anuses of the alt-left. There's going to be some intense butthurt. Looking forward to the inevitable salt mining threads. JIDF on suicide watch.

Lel, the American intelligence serices may be shit, but I promise you the British ones are practiced enough at murder that they could pull it off and make it look like an accident.
It was the basis of the special relationship during the cold war. After Kennedy the CIA wouldn't touch assassination jobs, so they farmed that out to MI6. Seriously read the books about it. The main orchestrator of American aid to afghanistan during the soviet era said something like "The Brits were hugely important, they took jobs my guys couldn't touch."

Well thank goodness that rape migrant thing is over. : )

jews are superior to whites
you are lucky there are only 15 million of us
we would have genocided all other races by now if we had the numbers even half of whites

how does it feel like to being an inferior being?

>>Imagine being so pathetic that you celebrate that a loser you will never know has been freed
I know, right. Loved how that freak from the Netherlands Wilders was actually able to stoop even lower and be actively involved in the spastic rallies for the criminal tanning bed salon owner lol

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Spastics like you believe the state is powerful enough to frame a man for a crime, set up a rigged trail to convict him and send him to a dangerous enough prison to have him killed. And yet they're stupid enough to fail at having him killed, and then stupid enough to be allowed appeals and finally be stupid enough to have 3 judges free him after a couple of months. You're a faggot.

This bong gets it.

>German trying to be funny
you should stop trying

yes he was also present at the arrest.
whats up my slave.

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It is going to be a giggle in 20 years time when no one supports Israel, you lose your overseas welfare and we watch your iron dome get overrun. People sharing ideas on the internet will be your countries undoing, and no amount of government funded kike students posting on Jow Forums will stop it. There is no putting the genie back in the lamp now. You are physically and metaphorically surrounded by enemies.

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I wouldn't know, I'm not a Jew.

People like Johnny Gat will be frothing at the mouth.


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>meme state
With all the money sent home, how come the % of jews in Israel is shrinking?

>implying he isn't just another zionist shill

Have you summerfags not seen the Johnny Gat Tommy Robinson Exposed youtube vid yet?

What sentence did he give the pedos?

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Hey rabbi, whatcha doing?

Based Mick

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These working class bong memes are highly underrated kek.

I heard the implosion of leftists and rape gang sympathisers from here.

Admitting the charge under duress and without due process vitiates the guilty plea

quiet mongrel
ashkenazi jews have the highest iq
irish have insignificant achievements compared to jews
only thing you are known for is red haired whores

Another slav in israel detected

Hi Maltabro, are you religious?

Are British expats hated in Malta?

still a civnat cuck. has a nice right hand tho.

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>Imagine being so pathetic that you mourn that a loser you will never know has been gassed

Yes really the finest minds in Britain
Your country is a bad joke bruv

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classic leaf reply

Sending him sum kekistani nrg. Amirite Q team

>superior to anything

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another subhuman with meme flag

Words of the Judge
>It was unclear what conduct was said to comprise a breach of that order and the appellant was sentenced on the basis of conduct which fell outside the scope of that order.

>rural retard trying to cope and pretend like jews are not the smartest race in the world

potato niggers btfo

>a ball bat in a park

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Jewboy can't handle the leaf bantz, topest of keks

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it doesn't matter. At the end of the day, you hate your ancestry, and you know it. You're ashamed of who you are, that's why you're so narccisitic, this is known to be the mechanism behind narccicism.

You, or any jew, in a cage fight, with a mick. You know it would make a complete laughing stock of you and your lot, the ultimate humilation showing you to be a pathetic excuse for a "mensch". Fucking weasel

Everyone knows bongs don't play baseball. That's an American thing.

Circumcision is evil

For once I kinda agree with the kikes.

The absolute state of brit bongs is pathetic. Start learning how to actually revolt like your little brother you nasty toothed sacks of shit.

If your so smart why do you get genocided every 50 years?

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Get fucked Pablo/Jamal

don't you have to suck another kid's foreskin you faggot rabbi

user you hit the spot

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I can't believe you are all this stupid.

Robinson is a proud Zionist.

All of this is a farce.

>convicted of contempt of court
>freed by contempt of court

none of the things you are saying is true
the only ones who hate themselves are whites
they can't even say I am proud of being in public without being called racist
your whorish women keep inviting 3rd word subhumans to your country and what do the so called white men do? cry about it on internet

I am a recovering ex-atheist.

And... not really?

Filthy jew.

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I have an IQ of 127 which is more than the average Yid.

We're known for red haired people alright despite the fact that fewer than 6% of us have some variation of red hair but that's mainly because your slimy brethren in Hollywood and the USA entertainment industry have pushed the stereotype of us being red haired. Your own people are well known for your shady, backhanded ways and love of money above all things. We use the word Jew as an insult where I'm from despite no new ever stepping foot in this place or anyone having ever met a Jew, but your reputation goes before you and even in this corner of the world you're known for what you are and what you can't escape being and that is filthy money loving, devious and insidious people.

you know what, you're right, but the cage fight part was true.

of course I don't agree with him on everything
pretty fucking stupid metric if you ask me

also, you're throwing stones from a glass house by calling other people's women whores. And you are gingers yourselves, all the back to king david. Not that that's a bad thing

>tribe of shameless liars and usurists praying on the good will of whites for all of history
>continually get pogrommed in each host nation after a few centuries of not being able to control your bestial hunger for foreskins and child blood
What you fail to realize is that this is the last chance. America is your last set of legs. Once we're done with you, it's over. Nowhere left to go, unless you find a way to charge space bacteria ridiculous interest rates.

whites are the ones being genocided now

a guy calling himself a Zionist?

you do know what that means right?

they are actively taking the piss at us. Robinson has been a part of them.

at this rate probably everyone is controlled, they certainly have the ressources for this.

of course he is right. we truly deserved to be called goyim

talk to me when your disgusting whorish irish race
achieves anything close to jews

We as a people managed to vote Britain out of the world's largest political union, a seemingly impossible and unthinkable task, with all odds stacked against us. You elected Trump but only with Russian aid. We revolted against our establishment and turned domestic politics on its head perhaps for decades. I'm not saying there isn't more to be done but we're doing better than anyone else in Europe and at least as well as the US.

Tommy is and example of your hard headed British man. He is a cuck to Jews and basically a race traitor him self but he doesn't deserve the treatment he was receiving.

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>it makes you all even more pathetic
you are inferior to even a race like that


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We are loved, Jews are not.

Nothing else needs to be said.

Robinsons garbage. Focuses exclusively on Muslims whilst claiming to be a Israeli 1st Zionist. Its just a continued scam to get us to hate all Muslims so we keep on fighting wars for Greater Israel whilst Jews with the actual power in the UK keep on importing immigrants on mass.

well at least they aren't muslims

Says the minority White hellscape.

get that stick out of your ass

you achieve things through guilt tripping whites and judging from developments you will split into different factions and have in fights.

>cares if we are an useless whorish irish race
atleast men of other races like us because of our hot women

absolutely right

really puts a nice spin on Lauren Southern, Molymeme and the rest right