TOMMY IS FREE!~!~~!~!~

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Is the UK uncucking itself?

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this is the worst thing that could happen to our movement now we can't join in with muh oppression of free speech anymore

Doubt it

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>Jew gets a slap on the wrist

That's a charge to do with encryption, you can take a 3 year jail term or give them the keys, nearly all countries have a similar law.

Not in real countries

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Oi you got a loicense for that freedom?

You say that but there is a case of a guy in the US who is/was in jail for refusing to hand over his decryption key. He was suspected of having CP but the police had nothing else against him and he was thrown in jail anyway. Don't have time to find the story but it's been posted quite a few times on Jow Forums and shouldn't be hard to find.

Judges have forced Americans to give the keys up, and if you do something in America you get 4/5 x the sentence of anywhere else so hardly something to brag about.