Black encounters thread

what real world experiences do you have with black people?

has Jow Forums changed the way you interact with them?

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nice try fbi but ive never committed a hate crime in my life and would never admit if i had

Worked with africans in Nigeria as part of volunteer work. I wasn't racist before but I think I am now. The majority of them are not capable of thinking more than 2 days ahead in time. Literally everything is now and now only. No concept of future planning whatsoever.

There are some africans however who were very intelligent but they literally only make up like 10% of the population while the rest are literally incapable of building a functioning society. Everyone is looking out for themselves and themselves only. Its never about the future, never about if you can actually afford the many kids you have, never about anything. I was so frustrated and wanted to just not believe that they are a different people. To this day I still can't really accept what I saw. The smart ones I did see give me.hope though.

I had never seen one except in Stockholm or at the beach in Spain until they started flooding my average sized northern town in 2014. Now they are EVERYWHERE, you probably see as many niggers as you see whites, atleast in the young ages. Add all the afghanis, arabs and other trash and Swedes are a minority. The genocide has been quick and effective.

i went to school to become a car mechanic and i was in a class with just me and a black guy. i had to work together with him. once we had to take apart an entire car and as soon as we took off the gas tank i found him sniffing the fumes to get high.

Black security guard would call me big dawg because he said I walked like a brotha. If I am walking outside they often just hustle me for some money which I decline. If it is at other places most experiences are more alright if I interact with them though if I don't I always keep a mental guard just in case.

At work there is a very cute and sweet black girl with some thick legs and ass. I've been trying to break into her but I don't have a subject to really talk about to her so I don't get to converse with her often. She did remember my name though.

It's because of their climate and evolution. Niggers don't have winters, so there is no need for foresight or planning ahead. Their jungles and deserts stay the same all year, and once they have found a modus to survive, they can just apply it individually each day. There's no real consequences if you don't plan ahead, so you don't. In Europe, all the short-sighted idiot people simply died during winter, while in Africa they flourished and produced more short-sighted offspring.

Stop fucking nigger gorillas you race mixing muttlet

Lived in Mocambique in 96-98.
Landmines, theives and corrupt police everywhere.
I wasn't allowed outside without 2 bodyguards (white) at all times.
I saw a lot of dead niggers though, so it wasn't all bad.

>Black security guard would call me big dawg because he said I walked like a brotha
kek that's what black people do to make you feel like they give a fuck about you before using you for some shit

Grew up in South Africa. Too many to mention. Our gardener was black, but he was genuinely a terrible gardener. He was enormously enthusiastic, but but he was well into his seventies and about all he could manage was to very slowly sweep up the leaves and put them in a big pile, and that would be what he did for a day. An hour after he left the wind blew the pile all over the garden again and my dad would get home, curse and sweep all the leaves up again in about 30 minutes and put them in the leaf bin he'd made, which Ben somehow never seemed to find out the existence of.
My parents were basically providing him with a semi-pension, I think because when he'd been a bit younger he'd actually been a decent worker. But like as I said, he was now well into his seventies. He used to complain about his "kittens" all the time, and it took us ages to work out he was talking about his kidneys and he'd got the words wrong.
When my parents decided to leave SA he actually bought them a going away present, which I thought was quite sweet, and definitely not a normal thing. We also used to collect 2l coke bottles full of seawater for him whenever we went to Durban and he would enthusisatially drink that and use as an emetic, and he claimed it weas excellent medicine. In retrospect all that unfiltered seawater he drank may have had something to do with his kidney problems.

Like seriously. Right now they are inviting Chinese to come in and take their minerals. Don't they realise that they stand to make even more money by mining their own minerals and processing their own minerals instead of relying on Chinese? A 5 year old white or asian kid can figure it out but a 50+ year old african struggles to.comprehend this. Its maddening. Insanity

I fucking envy you people who's interaction with blacks are so rare that you post in these threads like you encountered some sort of mythical creature.

No, not at all.
Was a lurker for a long time here while simultaneously maintaining friendships with asphalt black people (international students in the US so not really African American). Cool people. I am assuming they come from respectful families in their home countries and aren't retards like the stereotypical African American nigger.

I have a 1st gen African American friend born and raised in Chicago. He is your typical gamer. Doesn't actually have a broken English accent at all.
Stayed at his house for two nights before. He lives in a middle-class neighbourhood and has a decent house. Cool guy.

I have never befriended a lower class nigger but that's mostly because I don't think they make it to high school before dropping and joining a gang or going to jail.
I have been in ghettos with some white trash people that were acquaintances for some time. Meth heads. Met some cool people of different backgrounds. Native Americans, Latinos, and a bunch of white trash. You hear some interesting stories, and discover that there are people that can only access the internet for a couple gigs of data a month and only use that for apps. They instead spend time outside doing stuff and visiting people to hang out and do drugs.

It is Indiana, so that might explain the rarity of black ghettos, but you do find some occasionally.

Hi, nigger.

some nigger tried to ask directions. at least I think he did.

I told him "No! No! go away!"

>what real world experiences do you have with black people?
Lived around them for more than a decade.
Never again

I grew up with no black people around. Asians, and middle Asians, yes, but not blacks. Yes, of course i knew about them, because of movies and internet too.
I was really scared when i first time saw nigger in real life, he looked like bad CG.


>what real world experiences do you have with black people?
They've been mostly negative, some have been positive.
>has Jow Forums changed the way you interact with them?
No. I give people the benefit of the doubt if I don't know them, regardless of race or whatever, but I know how they are. They're typically racist and rude, and I avoid interacting with them if I don't have to.

They understand it just fine. What that 50 year old African understands is that as a government offical he can watch someone else get rich from the minerals. He can watch someone from his own country get rich for a small bribe, or he can watch someone from China get rich from a very large bribe.
They're not as stupid as you make out, but the thing is they have never had a tradition of public service. It's almost impossible to shame them into doing the public spirited because it's just not in their culture. Africans are highly individualistic whereas as Europeans are all about collective enterprise. Probably because of the harsh European winters as you pointed out. Then again most of China has a very warm and agreeable climate. On the other hand most of China's actual culture and civilisation seems to come from the Northern and colder areas of China. But then again places like Thailand and Vietnam have rich cultural and had highly developed civilisation.

went to school with one.
10 years out of graduation I see him in the paper arrested for robbing a car wash.. twice. looks to be addicted to some really hard drugs.

go to club, see a lot of shades of brown. The darkest of which are arguing and fighting quite often. Fights pour out onto the streets. Nobody actually throws hands just shoves and yells a lot. 15 minutes later a car full of niggers drives by and opens up with a 9mm.

work with a gaggle of migrants from idk like algeria or some french speaking shit. S'alright because they keep to themselves mostly. But they're dumb. Every manager in the place treats them like the whites treat borat. as though a caveman has stumbled into modern society. When they do something right they get a parade.

Thankfully he never used me for anything. If a nigger wants to use you they will straight up ask you for money, food, a cigarette, and so on, they often don't butter you up.
I haven't even gone after her yet, and she might only go for guys her own race. There are plenty of people out there, so it doesn't really matter.

I'm being sued by a nigger for 100 grand.
Couple years ago I got into a fender bender which did literally no damage to my car but this guy was in the backseat and he's complaint is that it gave him a stroke 6 months later.

>I give people the benefit of the doubt if I don't know them
Well. Aren't you extra super special.

I'm not sure if I wanna hug you, or reblog your fagggotry.

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>with some thick legs and ass.

Only a mutt woudl think / say that

I have a big loud Nigerian mate, he isn't too bad, you can see how he has picked up a few things from living in the West.. But when he is drunk he is just a straight up loud African.

>I saw a lot of dead niggers though, so it wasn't all bad.

Made me chuckle.

Makes no sense sorry. Take the Kuwait amd qatari for e.g. why didn't they go down the africa route? Why did they have the common sense and decency to start their own enterprise, and make trillions ? Why didn't they just settle for cheap bribes like africans? Those rich Arabs came from climates even hotter than.africans and they made it. Why cant africans? Why cant that 50 year old african realise that you can literally make trillions more by being legit and doing what qatar and UAE did than any cheap Chinese can bribe you? Can you answer that?

I saw one on the street maybe 3 years back. Pretty upsetting.
Other than that, absolutely none.


bet she was craving his bbc.... little man has a big package under that loin cloth.... you can see in her eyes how much she wants it.... mmmm....

I live in South Carolina, and haven't relaxed in years.
Fucking slider.

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>We also used to collect 2l coke bottles full of seawater for him whenever we went to Durban and he would enthusisatially drink that and use as an emetic, and he claimed it weas excellent medicine. In retrospect all that unfiltered seawater he drank may have had something to do with his kidney problems.

Holy shit lol

Probably because it is so hot. The climate is so harsh that collective enterprise of the whole tribe is neccesary to survive.

>Drinking sea water

I wonder how many Black's are going to resort to drinking sea water when the reservoirs are completely drained.

>I have a big loud Nigerian mate
This is why we kicked you out 240 years ago.
>I only act like a nigger on the weekends!

God save the qween, and all that other nigger garbage.
>First Lady of the Evening

Bim, bim, cheerio!
p.s. Fuck Canada

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i never knew how fucking anti social you fags actually are, i though it was just a meme.
Go outside for once hahahhahahaha

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I work with some in a factory. I'm huwhite and I can honestly say the black ppl there are good hard working ppl with the same needs, worries, joys as me. I watch them on break talk shit to their white buddies and the whites talk it right back. They smoke, eat lunch, and get back to work together with no problems. Some of the kindest interactions I've had there were from the blk women. There is a shared feeling of camaraderie amongst ppl when the work is that hard. There's no time to be stupid about race. This is the South.

Living with Black People from the age of 26-31 made me completely "Racist" undoing years of Indoctrination, awful, selfish and completely Racist stupid, unimpressive, insincere, two-faced. dishonest.

are the words I would use to describe Blacks.

Because you have countries with literal billions behind them seducing you into complacency.
>"We'll give you what you want (viagra/money/electronics/guns) if you let us do whatever we want."
It's basically the old saying - better to rule in hell than serve in heaven.
And if they tried to cut any number of countries out, you'll get assassinated via any number of ways.
Its first world strong arm tactics.

OK my 12 year old dude.

>good hard working ppl

>I believe in Global Warming, and Santa Claus
Good luck moving to a neighborhood without niggers.
Good Luck, user.

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>travel to the US on holiday
>have curly hair
>filling gas on rental car in arizona
>nigger comes up to me and says "ay, you a smallhat?"
>don't understand what the fuck he's talking about, so i ignore him
>"ayo, get the fuck outta here, smallhat"

Googled smallhat later that day, and found out it's what niggers call kikes.

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I lived in a bad neighborhood for a while.
on time I looked out the window and saw a nigger breaking a glass bottle on the pavement and trying to stab a couple that was walking by.
I witnessed multiple blacks assaulting women, blacks, selling drugs and stealing handbags and bikes. it's like a parody, but real.
i moved out of there, but this city is slowly turning into a shithole

Whatever, I have 3 dead niggers hanging from the rafters of my front porch right now. I change them out daily like fresh roses in a vase.

During masters in aerospace, advanced thermodynamics course. There was this congolese or cameroon or some other shithole in the back of the room taking his exam in regular thermodynamics (for Bachelors degree) the teacher wasn't even paying attention to him, was too busy working with us. The nigger was cheating, i could fucking make it out with my back turned to him could hear the cheat sheet rustling. 5 min latter,
>>"Professeur, j'ai fini l'examen" they comunicated in french because that was the only language it undestood. The teacher looks over his paper
>>"Quelle note donnez-vous?"
mfw the monkey didn't even know how to cheat and what to copy. I really chuckled, teacher saw
>> Africans are stupid.

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>OK my 12 year old dude.
>MUH London

240 years, bongfag.
>Smimbly din bimbly, old chap!!


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weird, yesterday i heard the word pygmy so i googled them to see how small they really are and i came across this picture and i laughed and laughed

Once they moved 5 "refugees" to my town in the middle of the appennines, they didn't make any trouble and they were generally respectful
Plus there is a negro woman and her mutt child who looks really white
So surprisingly no bad experiences as a whole

Think what you want but this is a reality in my area. The blk ppl I've encountered are not what I would classify as niggers. They work. These are the kind of ppl that would stop and help you if your car broke down. I don't have any problem with them. I don't believe in racemixing because it's hard on the children but that's the extent of my "racism" I guess.

It's a huge problem. They act cocky in August, but they never stop their bitching when December rolls around. They piss me off because it takes very little to notice that their confidence is not being drawn from within.

Its true because it rhymes.

>this is a reality
Tennessee is fine.

It's better to keep your reinforcements close to home anyways.

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Yep Its Tennessee. It's the "nigger culture" that is the problem not the regular blk ppl. Seems like the closer you get to a big city the worse it gets(Like Memphis). We are still pretty rural/small town here.

>leave Tennessee ALONE!!
You got it.
Have fun with all your "not-niggers".

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I appreciated this. May Ben and his kittens rest in peace.

None. I don't live in the faggots' place called the West.

Ι am a greek Cypriot , currently living in the beautiful sea-side town of Limassol in Cyprus . I used to work the Bar in a relatively " Clean " Lounge Bar near the old Castle Area. Sometime before the summer a US plane carrier docked in our town on their way to the middle east I think, so for that following week we had a large influx of american tourists throughout all of the town.

Marines , Soldiers , Seamen and Civilians were amongst the customers we had . So basically a bunch of Blacks , Chicanos and White people .

I worked the bar so naturally I had plenty of conversation with the Americans . The whites were cool , generous ( they tipped a lot ) they had manners and behaved accordingly.

The blacks hanged out with each other and the Mexicans with their posse. Mexicans kept trying to change the music we had playing ( we had a laptop in the back of the staff area that played music ) they kept leaving their glasses everywhere and were generally rude and cheap .

Then at one point , the group of blacks and mexicans disappeared . They didnt pay the fucking bill . I ran out the bar and they were gone . I told my boss and he was visibly pissed. I asked the other groups of white people but they said they did not know them but they were willing to help me find who they are and that they would tell their superiors about it. 1 hour passes and what do you know. The dumb-fuck niggers and spics strolled down our street eating ice cream so I obviously I told them they shouldn't have left without paying their fucking bill and the niggers tried to start shit with me . It was funny because The regulars were waiting for the chance to jump them at a moments notice . They realized that , paid their fucking bill and got the fuck out .

And that is my first real experience with blacks and mexicans.

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My worst interaction with a nigger was when I visited USA (Utah). Real dumb and hostile shit going on with niggers over there.

I am brazilian and legally
Immigrated to the US when I was 14 with my family. I grew up in southeast Brazil and had seen plenty of mulattos and some midnight dark nigs.

My parents were clueless about school districts and bought a house in a nice development full of whites and some hispanics but adjacent to a black area. I ended having to go to school in my first year in America to a 95% black school(30% Caribbean nigs).

Nothing could’ve prepared for what I experienced. Fights everyday, drugs, students with babies, total absolute lack of interest in school work. The whole place was basically a daycare/jail. I became extremely depressed and skipped at least two months of school that year. I saved money and built my first PC that year and dove deep into the webs. I became isolated socially and developed mental disorders which I’ve never fully recovered from. I went from a straight A student to F’s which fucked up my GPA. Which fucked up my college application. I’ve been basement dwelling and living off of parents handouts ever since. Suicide will probably happen soon. All because i was sent to a nigger school which triggered a series of problems that compounded.

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Yeah, the other thing was when when we left my dad actually arranged a genuine pension for him, paid out of our investment portfolio. Not much of a stipend, maybe like a hundred pounds a month? But enough for him to get food and stuff in South Africa.
Liberals in the west get very angry about south african whites having domestic servants, but I bet they don't know that arrangements like this were fairly common. Another family I know of simply paid the medical bills of their maids son when he had a motorcycle accident.
I've often thought if someone could compile these tales into a book it would make interesting reading.
We weren't monsters, white south africans you know.

No thanks

>be me visiting Washington D.C. in 2013
>book cheap hostel
>trying to navigate my way through the autistic but useful American grid system
>end up crossing over into the bad side of town
>black people loitering around everywhere
>police cruiser shows up and approaches me
>"sir are you familiar with D.C.?"
>"uhh yeah sure why"
>"this is not a safe neighborhood and you look like a target"
>"thanks but no worries officer"
>go on my way but notice the cruiser follows me until i'm in a better neighbourhood


>next few nights book a room at a better hostel but have to go back to cheap one again soon due to lack of rooms
>didn't have internet on phone and someone gave me wrong address
>walk through d.c. again at night
>in an okay neighborhood and see a couple of negros approach me
>i smile but they quickly surround me and throw a few punches
>i'm not really hurt out of shock
>turn around and they already ran off
>i yell "come back here then you fucking pussies"
>one of them continues but one stops
>realize that i'm alone, not knowing where the fuck i am, with all my valuables on me and im outnumbered
>swallow my pride and continue looking for hostel
>at the next intersection another negro approaches me
>i immediately form a fist and get ready to punch him
>he just walks by and says "good night :)"

thats it

I saw a black at the shops the other day.
Thus my day was ruin.

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Stabbed in the back once, knocked out from behind another time(lost about 10 seconds).

Didn't see either coming or expect it.

Never had a nigger threaten me face to face.

you were along with rhodesians the best the continent had to offer.

No experiences because I live in a normal country where it's hard to find a nigger.

>be me
>born in bundy
>raised racist like my parents
>happy that my parents taught me segregation and racial standards
>move to city for good career opportunity
>find rental share house for a decent price
>same day that I move in this nigress moves in that came to australia from baltimore for a working holiday
>a few weeks pass
>she begins walking around in leggings like pic related (I guess she just felt more comfortable around the house)
>walks around the kitchen like that while I make coffee most mornings
>pop boner while looking at her 10/10 ass
>walk away always facing away from her so she doesn't notice
What the fuck is wrong with me I used to have standards, I was raised better than this. I am seriously considering making moves on her but I will be betraying everything I do. Fuck my life.

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Kys Faggot . Not welcome in bunds again

She wants the dick.

Kill yourself

I don't hang out with niggers any more than I hang around animals in a zoo.

Worked at a church in downtown Orlando during college. I was poor as shit, but I'd drive out there twice a week. Once, I'm driving home, on empty as usual and decide to stop for gas. I've got $25, two tens and a five. Right as I'm about to go in and pay, this fat black piece of shit and his sheboon pull up in a beat up Dodge neon. "Hey man, we on empty, you got any money at all?". Having just come from church, and being a good goy, I hand them a $10. I can relate to having no money for gas, and they have, after all, probably had a tougher life than me. Feels good to help someone too. Well, as soon as I hand them the 10, they say "thanks bitch" and leave the gas station. And that's the day I began to hate black people.

You don't have to get her pregnant, user

This, excuse my eternally faggotised untermencsh fellow bong men, we weren't always like this.

Grew up in a declining city that was gradually overcome by nogs.

Some seemed cool but slightly dumb, but we're nonetheless not trustworthy. A few were fairly smart (average white IQ). Most we're dumb as rocks, would rap and dance randomly in class, fought, stole, did drugs.

For the most part they kept to themselves and hated whites. A few we're smart, open minded or mixed race enough to fraternize with both groups. The schools were naturally segregated. Whites on one side, blacks on the other.

I used to make excuses for them, but now that there are no longer any nogs in my life to feel sorry for I'm just happy they're gone and don't ever want to live near them again. I'm in an all white hippie City and they preach diversity nonstop. Totally naive.

The next city over is a nog Haven. They take the bus over here and cause crime. 99% of crimes are some nig from the next city. And they want to import these retards into low income housing they didn't earn. Meanwhile whites pay out the ass because property values are inflated.

I am beginning to see packs of black youths in Sydney now, the way they dress is cringey as fuck, they all look like second rate rappers.

Same here. Whatever you learn them over the week, after the weekend everything is erased and you have to start from scratch again.
They are also just not interested in improving themselves on a skill level or social level.
That's why almost every society there is failed if it even ever existed per definition.
They rob, steal, cheat and lie to each other and don't give a shit about the future of their kids, their families or their society.
And you can watch them flock like shimpanzees when something happened as a reason for violence, aggression or chimping out.
Pretty sad but 100% their own fault.

She could rape him with a stick and without any problem, hot

why do they all have pot bellies? do they drink alot of jungle beer or something?

>go to katowice
>go to mcdonalds because hungry
>see two black people
they did nothing but talk and eat, Jow Forums lied to me not every black person is evil

What city?

Don't suicide you retard. Go out fuck some nigger girls and have fun.

Nigger and amerimutts should stay in their cucked countries.

wait till you see how they look at white women

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I always saw maymays, that black people smell.
Last month a monkey sat beside me on a bus, his smell reminded me of iodine, fucking strange.
Sidenote, he was watching Joe Rogan stream on his phone, i guess he was somewhat magentapilled.

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The smart ones are immigrating here (making the situation there even worse)
I work with two of them and they're better than most whites (not exceptionally smart but hard working and very focused on what's right).

A few details on blacks I've known

* Avg intelligence kid interested in computers. Spoke well and hung with good crowds. Liked Vidya. Eventually started UFC fighting, I believe he has no real professional career now.

* Geeky looking black girl interested in art. Deluded enough to think she had talent and ended up wasting money on art school. Not very smart despite geeky looks.

* Twins with weird head shapes and names that rhymed. Had bad attitudes in school, but are super nice and courteous if you meet them now.

* Skateboarder kid who hung with whites in middle school, then completely switched teams in HS. Not sure why, probably peer pressure and racism from other blacks.

Saffa story user had mad kaffers encounters. Quality greentexts.

there was a black guy visiting my village for some basketball tour or some shit
he started shouting curses at our women so 3 villagers came out and said if he doesemt kiss their feet, he will go back to america in a box.
one of my cousins started recording on a shitty phone. it was the funniest shit ever. "lol kees my feet neeger"

Colonize her

I was one of the only White kids in a school in North Charleston, SC. Not sure why they were bussing us there, when there were better schools nearby. Now I work in a job that has me near Niggers. It turns out that for the most part, Niggers never change. We should have killed them all as soon as slavery was ended.

I must see this recording

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user. Please fuck her. Do it for me.