Does anyone really believe this kid wasn't a government operative?

Does anyone really believe this kid wasn't a government operative?

The Manchester Arena suicide bomber was rescued by the Royal Navy from the civil war in Libya three years before he killed 22 people at a pop concert, it has emerged.

Salman Abedi was 19 when he boarded the HMS Enterprise in Tripoli in August 2014 with his younger brother Hashem and more than 100 other British citizens.

It is understood Abedi’s name was on a list of stranded citizens handed to the crew in charge of the evacuation. The vessel took them to Malta where they caught a flight back to the UK.

In May last year, he killed 22 people, including seven children, at an Ariana Grande concert with a homemade suicide vest.

A government spokesman said: “During the deteriorating security situation in Libya in 2014, Border Force officials were deployed to assist with the evacuation of British nationals and their dependants.”

Abedi was being monitored by security services when he travelled to Libya, but his case was closed a month before his rescue.

The Anderson review into the Manchester attack found that the decision to close Abedi’s case as a “subject of interest” was sound, based on the information available to security services at the time.

Salman Abedi once called RE teacher an 'Islamophobe' for asking his opinion of suicide bombers

Manchester attacker also called Brits 'infidels' who were 'unjust to Arabs'

Attached: MI5Manchester.jpg (989x742, 145K)

Pol is really not interested in this?

Not even a sage.... Sad.

Attached: Sad.jpg (474x355, 22K)

We found this dude. From Libya. He appears at least part human. So we had to take him in cause Libya 'n sheit, nikkah. You know what I'm sayin'?

How can he pass a security check? Especially with his past history of statements in school? Why was he in Libya right before the allied assault?

most terror attacks are faked to stoke hatred for Muslims and keep support for war and israel high. the Military Industrial Complex is the machine that just wont stop chugging

Oh so he wasn't born in Libya?

mate, have you ever worked with Muslims. A lot of them openly support these ideas that the media would have us believe are just extremists beliefs

>lets help these rats who hate us.

Stupid cunts, its war for 1400 years, every muzzie must die.

yeah i have worked with a Palestinian guy and a Lebanese women. Both were pretty chill and only ever spoke badly about Israel and the US. the Palestinian dude always told me terror attacks wouldn't happen in the west if they never destroyed the middle eastern countries. and considering which countries these attacks happen in, i kind of believe him

Nice Taquiya brother, inshallah!

He was a British citizen. He was even supposedly put on watch lists for traveling to Libya and then was removed prior to the British Navy ferrying him back to England.

Luigi please, i'm not a Islamist apologist. fuck those guys. i just see through the bullshit and know whats really going on in the background

I find the Left's (non) reaction to these things amusing. He basically attacked a temple of contemporary Leftism, an all ages-welcome leather show the likes of which only "Madonna" (not the mother of Christ one) could hold a candle to.

It's an Irish flag. They really should redo the image to bring out the orange. I get fooled too before I hover over.

fuck, now i look retarded. It really does look red if your not paying attention

At least some truth in this in that likely all you need to do to assure attacks is keep importing them.

>"civil war" in Libya

What civil war? It was just Obama bombing the shit out of Gadaffi because his muslim bosses in the CIA told him to. Based Gaddafi stood in the way of having millions upon millions of negroes pour into Europe.


>always told me terror attacks wouldn't happen in the west if they never destroyed the middle eastern countries.

I'm not saying all Muslims hold these views or even what you said about the industrial complex is wrong, but Isis and these extremists have repeatedly said what motivates them and it is not attacks on those countries. They have even asked for it in some cases.
In this case his family even left Libya because of Gaddafi and he returned after he was toppled.
They have said time and time again that their main motivation is that we are infidels and they don't like how we live. It's also the reason they attack other Muslims

Also was going to tear down the petro dollar.
So he was raped to death with a rusty bayonet to discourage other Arabs from trying to stabilize economies or populations.
They got the message and started shifting all their surplus males to Europe.

>Attacking these countries (was/is arguably evil)
>Allowing mass migration from said countries (is clearly stupid)
Evil and stupid is a dangerous combination. As many are finding out *right now*. Hopefully the Trumpwave is in the process of changing that direction.