Discord : 9MEZcKU

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Attached: Flag_of_French_Sudan_(1958-1959).svg.png (1200x800, 7K)

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>culture générale et histoire
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Venner : Histoire et tradition des Européens, 30000 ans d'identité
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Saint Thomas d'Aquin : oeuvres majeures
Rattier : encyclopédie politique française
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MacDonald : The Culture of Critique
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Bardeche : Nuremberg ou la terre promise
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De Villiers : les mosquées de Roissy
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Barrès : trilogie le roman de l'énergie nationale
Gomez Davila : Les Horreurs de la démocratie
Camus : abécédaire de l'in-nocence
(((Winnykamen ))) : grandeur et misère de l'antiracisme
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Dard : la nouvelle droite et la société de consommation
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>connaître l'ennemi
(((Hertlz))) : l'État juif
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Smith : la richesse des nations
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Hayek : essais de philosophie, de science politique et d'économie
Joule et Beauvois : petit guide de manipulation à l'usage des honnêtes gens
Le Bon : psychologie des foules
Bernays : Propagande

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>Acte raciste ou règlement de comptes ? Les enquêteurs n’excluent pour l’heure aucune hypothèse
It will turn out that the "youth" didn't dindu nuffin and made up a cute story to avoid explaining to the cops that they got shot at over some shady business

Attached: bienvenue en Côte d'Or.jpg (1824x920, 436K)

The worst part is how these scum end up reporting you to the police if you fight back. There isn't even any basic pride left and consistency in the criminal world.

Recently the DGSI arrested a group in France, AFO, far-right "terrorists", prepping to act violently according to them. Today a French news article interviewed the original founder of the group after being released

The name of the guy is Guy Sibra, I'll let you dig on that and where it originated, I believe he's a shephardic jew.
The picture in the article is cropped at the bottom the original newspaper have it uncropped I read it today, you can clearly see a ring with masonic compass and square and he has a necklace with a jewish pendant, pic attached

Just to let you know, go buy aujourd'hui or le parisien if you don't trust me

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>watcha doin' rabbi
if someone doubted memes aren't real we have a live one over here

>Qui compose l’AFO ?
>Nous avons des mélenchonistes, des centristes, des juifs, des chrétiens, des musulmans et même un imam ! Nous ne sommes pas islamophobes.
into the trash it goes, also this

>I believe he's a shephardic jew.

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