3D Gun Site Shut Down Again

Is it time for Civil War? Are there mirrors/torrents of these files? I have two old HDs lying around and I think I have them on one of them. If I can find the files I want to start a mirror site hosted in Russia just for the lulz.

Attached: 130916131209-3d-printed-gun-story-top.jpg (640x360, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:




Attached: AR-15BlueprintDimensions.jpg (866x561, 56K)

And of course if you're skilled, you have the original gun and a micrometer you can just reverse engineer any one you want yourself.

Attached: AR-15Upper.jpg (887x685, 65K)

Thanks guys. I'm going to set up a mirror and call it RussianTrollFarm or some shit.

they are on the pirate bay
search DefCAD uploaded yesterday

Be carefull with the liberator, I hear it might blow up in your hands, very much a throw away.

Who stops you from modelling one yourself?

The liberator is only supposed to be a stopgap measure for the unarmed to take down an oppressor with a better gun, once a standard weapon is aquired the liberator is to be tossed

Files for a spring gun? Safer than blowing up in your hands.

Nothing like seeing a CNN article about how you can now print an AR15. Fucking fake news

The only people still watching it are the clinically retarded.

this thing sounds like a real piece of shit compared to the world war 2 liberator

heh, why wouldn't they just make tons of 30 round magazines and make some good profit? Seriously if you can make good cheap 30 round mags you could make banning them impossible. Also pic related. just make the damn things out of stamped metal. probably cheaper and more durable.

Attached: liberatorm1942.jpg (741x544, 30K)

It's a publicity gimmick because they know pantwetters will pearl-clutch and demand that cad files be outlawed.

2 reasons: 3D printing is cheap and anyone that can plot points can operate one. And, the art of metalworking has been lost on a generation because shop is the first thing schools cut when the budgets were fucked with back in the 90s.

Mold making isnt as easy as you think user.

>the art of metalworking has been lost on a generation
No, it hasnt. But, keep blaming young people for your failure to vote in practical policies.

>0.2456 foots and 12 BBC inches
Fuck your faggot ass measurement shit you mutts.

just a fantastic idea.
dont forget to decorate it with some choice memes.

Attached: mikepence9.jpg (273x249, 23K)

im surprised they arent more worried about 3D printed knives - you could get thru a metal detector with them

The post that gets 3D printers banned in UK

> the government wont let unlicensed, un-trained, actual retards build guns in their basements out of plastic molds.
> Now we must rise up and fight the entire country.
> this is our trail of tears

fucking disgraceful.

Attached: Don_Corneo.png (492x732, 141K)

>j-just let them keep encroaching goy

get the fuck out SJW reddit cancer

those have actually existed longer than 3d printers have.
the huge surprise here is...nobody is as good with a knife as they think they are. most crazies just open fire with some piece of shit gun, and run for it.

Attached: 770.gif (500x321, 56K)

It's not going to do much, it's not like they're going to be able to stop it at this point.

> SJW!
> Reddit!
> Jew!
Jow Forums is so fucking stale

Feel free to leave at any time.

speaking of guns, police have just shot and killed a veteran defending his 11-yr-old grandson in Colorado.


>"If you don't like it, LEAVE!"
You sound like a teenage vlogger.

just upload all the guns to various filehosts like , rapidgator, uploaded, mega, etc etc,

and then put them up on russian torrents too

Here, entire pack of gunz


Why are burgers obsessed with guns? It's an archaic tool designed to hurt people. Why do americans want to such to find themselves in a situation where they can kill somebody? Where does this obsession with murder comes from? is it brainwashing from TV?

>thot wife gets her zog fed hubby killed

Went better than expected

They're probably cracking down on this only because it will harm the domestic arms business. Maybe this gun could actually put an end to the NRA and its toxic influence on politics.

>police have just shot and killed a veteran
Why mention him being a veteran? Does it make any difference that he went overseas to shoot brown people that never threatened his country?

I really don't think lawmakers understand how the internet works. Remember the Mark Zuckerberg testimony?

Yeah, there will definitely be mirrors for it + a shit tonne of people probably just copied the blueprints. There is no getting rid of it.

This. The NRA is a lobbying firm for established gun manufacturers. Allowing indie anarchists to get into the business will only hurt the big names.

You should be donating to the GOA anyways

You whinge like a cunt.

prove it

Prove what? Go ask the NRA. They're the ones who think that

Why are the French obsessed with sucking dick and eating holistic food?

All I know is that when your pet Muslims rise up to overthrow white rule you’ll be begging for Americans and their guns to come and bail you out one more time.

That pacifist attitude has worked great for your country, hasn't it?

Meanwhile in paris, pic related.

Attached: paris.jpg (645x344, 91K)

the World Cup winning French soccer team?


By the time they become 51% of the population, they can just vote the native French/European population out.

He is right, only a handful of schools offer it. For the most part shop classes are none existent in public schools. Trade schools are the only option If your fortunate to have one in your area. Think outside of your area user. You may be fortunate to live in a freedom state. The rest of us don't.

The government belongs to the people its filled with the peoples servants. It doesn't get the right to decide what kind of weapons the people use to keep people in line.

Attached: 1532985336504.png (2140x1739, 3.89M)

Massachusetts is a "Freedom state"?
We have trade schools, but also, many schools are different. some are more 'creative and artsy' others are more technical and academic.
This is just another scary story from the right wing.
>BOO! they're gonna TAKE ALL THE GUNS!"
> they'll turn your kid gay!
> They want to ban red meat and change the National anthem to Spanish!

The most hurtful thing is how republicans just devour this shit, while simultaneously scoffing at people for being too gullible and easily swayed by their party
DIY guns with no serial number or instructions or training course, or ANY professional oversight what-so-ever. THIS is really an idea worth fighting for?
are you guys fucking high or something? I'm PRO gun control, and even I dont think this is gonna play well for gun advocates. It makes you look like fucking terrorists.

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Why do you need so much police force if you can defend yourselves. Something doesn't add up here. It's not about self defense it's about wanting to shoot people. That guy on the parking lot says it all, he did it several times, looking fro trouble on parking lots, starting a fight and they stand on the ground and shoot people in the back like a coward

Aren't these only one-shot guns? I mean the plastic it is made of is not so durable

>Las pajas! Eso es!

He's right. among all the other problems with this. the big one is that the NRA has like, a bazillion dollars and TRUMP power in Washington DC, so. they will die a million deaths before they let jackass civilians print free guns.
> remember Napster?
The NRA will personally outlaw 3D printers before they let that happen. and If you trust the NRA more than that? then your a fucking fool.

Obsidian bladed knives ftw.

dude, your ship set sail a looong time ago.

Yes. The liberator is good for one shot. Considering the expense of a 3D printer and availability, our media is being pants on head retarded.

Fuck off kike.

oi m8 pls no

Attached: sweatingbritishman.jpg (600x600, 37K)

This is why I have a policy to shoot and kill any cops in my home

I had the misfortune of visiting Paris recently, brown muslim trash have completely ruined their once great city, it might be better in rural France but Paris has become a dirtskin shithole.

Attached: Beautiful_Paris.webm (460x264, 2.01M)

I'm thinking about actually hosting a site in my name and waiting to see if the government comes after me so I can defend my rights in court.

Whatever happens keep us informed, burgeranon

The Brit with all the guns. Righteous.

It doesn't really make a difference with guns. Still going to be dealing with a lot of decimal places even if you go metric.

You're going to want premade cad files or just trace the blueprints and type in the numbers anyways. You can autoconvert all the units afterwards.

Eh, maybe way down the line with better printers/materials.

Currently, a shitty one-shot pistol isn't going to threaten the """gun lobby""" any more than a four winds shotgun made out of pipes from the hardware store does.


>inb4 arrested for not having a gun loicense

So in its core, it's not even good for self-defense, because you need a warning shot. Homocide isn't even an option with these guns.
Basically it doesn't fucking matter if it's banned or not. It's paperweight for all potential userbases.
It's just an attack on weapon bearers right?

The main question is why? Any second year engineering student should be able to reproduce the STL files to make that retarded joke just by looking at your picture.

Get a CNC machine. Why has nobody heard of these.

$500 bucks.

Attached: HomeCNCMill.jpg (996x1026, 371K)


I've shot guns all my life and never hurt people nor anything else with them.
You're just a brainwashed left wing nutbag

What is there to ban? You can make your own firearms, legally, whether it's made of plastic or plumbing pipe.

This was the case a hundred years ago. This is the case now. This has always been the case. It's a stupid argument to have.

Anyone who uses those pieces of shit deserves the shrapnel in the face

I bet you never handled one, they're just awesome... Literally toys for grown men

Apparently it is Illegal for me to save this

Illegal to own the blueprints to "guns"

>it's not even good for self-defense, because you need a warning shot.
nigga you stupid

Kike. I'll be glad to exterminate you like the fucking rat you are.

Building a gun on your workbench, and downloading one that pops out of a microwave in 15 minutes are two very different things.

No. I'm being rational. Here you have to warn-shot before you shoot somebody, so you will not get ass-raped in prison.

Yes. And on freedom of speech. Plans for making a gun have always been out there and have never been censored. This is just our media doing more panicking and wanting to gun grab and censor speech. We need another red scare to purge this commie scum.

Not really, the microwave costs 3000 dollars just like the workbench.

got a hundred grand to make that happen ?


you wouldnt do shit tough guy.

So a filed down toothbrush?

>What can I do if a nigger is in my house? D:>
You can't kill it in the garden 'cause niggas will say that he was just looking for the ball that dropped there or some nigga shit

You need to wait until he goes into your basement or the most recondite site in your house, empty all your gun in that fucking monkey (you were in a state of mentally unstable / crazy as fuck / terrified to death). Then you piss that nigger, piss yourself and then go SHAKING to the police station.

You'll be free in 10 days.

> 3D printers are EXPENSIVE!
so, spending money qualifies doing something dangerous?
A 'gun lover' wouldn't look at that as a perfectly acceptable price? huh?

They are all on the darkweb for free

I'm sure the police would understand why have I printed twenty guns in order to make my house safe.

> note to self: Paraguay is Florida

>I'm sure the police would understand why have I printed twenty guns in order to make my house safe.

They wouldn't know how many you printed

They count the bullets maybe?

>wastes it all on plastic printing

What do you mean?

You don't get it... We think the same way, these printable-guns are useless... I don't remember the name of the video but in Youtube I use to found tutorials on how to make semi-automatic .25mm all with steel and a semi-pro workbench

How so?

So this great moral panic over 3D printing is about convenience? What if I make the CAD drawings myself and print it?

If it's illegal for you to own a gun it's illegal for you to build a gun. Otherwise who gives a shit whether you made it, printed it, or bought it?
Hey, let's make it super duper double illegal, that'll help

My first comment on this tread was, that these printed guns are not durable. You have one (if you are lucky then two) shots.

Literally you can get rid of the evidence putting all of your X printable guns in a oven