Capitalism is a creative race to the bottom, appealing to the lowest common denominator

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You're right that's the problem here.

I want him to look around and look directly at modern cars, airplanes, skyscrapers, internet, smartphones, etc and say that. Dumb commie scum. I wouldn't say those words to him. Commies get swift execution and nothing else.

...and in so doing delivers goods and services at the lowest possible price. Only a retard sees this as a bad thing.

Capitalism rewards creative innovations

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he's right, adam sandler movies prove capitalism is a bad economic system. I'm communist now.

What's with this trend of trendy commies on Twitter saying 'look at x, now say x'? Don't tell me what to do you creepy faggot

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hmm hes making a valid point

Adam Sandler earned every fucking cent. This faggot is just mad he'll never be worth as much as a shitty Adam Sandler vehicle. Happy Gilmore is fucking GOAT material.

Adam Sandler makes absolute shit by scamming studios out of money. You may not like it, but he makes a product that a lot of people are willing to spend money to see. That's capitalism.

capitalism reward ingenuity, cunt.

>lots of people watch his movies
>even netflix said lots watch the movies
>why is he getting paid!

Is that mutually exclusive with rewarding uncreative drivel, you fucking brainlets? No.

Because the USSR was a utopia of cultural creativity right? Pretty sure they would have lined up round the block for Adam Sandler, if they hadn't already spent the day lining up around the block for thier ration of bread.

>people liking Sandler's work is not proof of its value
>if I don't like it, it's valueless

Your issue is the moral fabric of society that they would go to his movies to make him rich. Don't hate the system hate the people

>Adam Sandler earned every fucking cent
Woah now I hate commies as much as everyone else but lets not say things we can't take back.

using a computer powered by electricity connected to the internet on a social media website to complain about a bland actor as a proof capitalism dose not work, even bullets are too expensive to waste on lefties, they should be crushed under boulders

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>durr I don’t like those shitty movies, that must mean everybody is simply being enslaved to watch them
>I’ve never once thought others might enjoy things that I don’t
>I don’t even consider all of the creative and innovative things capitalism does find support for

Have an upboat.


Capitalism don't care what retarded teenagers think about it.

that's a nice statement Timmy. Run along now and play with your sister.

Capitalism rewards people who can market their product successfully. Sometimes you need to innovate in order to get that product to begin with, other times you can market your steaming shit through connections, be they earned ones or inherited. It does reward creative innovation, but it also rewards bad shit too, the 2 arent mutually exclusive.

Based chink

not capitalism, it's just what happens when we produce entertainment for 350 million people//the world

people are unique in their refined tastes, people are relatively the same in their basic ones, i.e. lowest common denominator shit is sold to the masses because the most people will watch it

not exactly "capitalism" as much as it is globalism

I don't get it. How does Adam Sandler making money harm me in any way at all?

Just because I dont like his movies, doesn't mean I'm on board with mugging him via the state.

The system selects the people. Look around you, those untermensch fat dumb mutts are the individuals selected by capitalism. Its literally a race to the bottom.

I think most of these uneducated mutts that defend capitalism never read marx, because he outright states that capitalism is the precursor of communism and just looking at the current liberal globalist doctrines is hard to say he was wrong.

He made a lot of shit but Happy Gilmore and The Wedding Singer were great. Even Waterboy and 50 First Dates weren't bad.

>modern cars, airplanes, skyscrapers, internet, smartphones,
implying that any of this has actually improved the human condition or added to our understanding of humanity.

This argument basically boils down to
>capitalism is bad because it lets people spend their money on what they like

i want you to look directly at adam sandler, and then look back at me and say the words "there is no problem with Jews controlling the media" straight to my face

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who is this faggot on twitter and why will he never get a job on SNL and a free post-SNL career?

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You should try watching old soviet movies.

Stupid people spend their money in less than beneficial ways. Should not there be recourse?

Are you arguing against having the freedom to choose what you want to buy? Are you even a real American?

sandler had some great movies in the 90's/late 2000's

big daddy?
billy madison?
mr deeds?

You dumb ass. Capitalism is private ownership of your business, not controlled by the government. Karl Marx was a failure, a racist, a Jew and a Freemason. Communism is a creation of the 'elite' to turn people against each other and further world government.


>i want you to look directly at the niggers in sports and the entertainment industry, and then look back at me and say the words "capitalism rewards hard work and innovation" straight to my face

Not to say capitalism doesn't have its faults but the cuck would explode when confronted with this.

Actually, it has greatly.

>Only people like me should decide where money goes

this, the only way to understand humanity is to be about to starve to death
but no prohibited thoughts, mkay?

Was going to attack your leftist comment, but then
>Adam Sandler

slowly i began to realize people dont like freedom

>everyone except me is an idiot
Imagine being as myopic as OP.

slowly I began to realize that people are driving the train into the ground...and they don't care

Yeah. Capitalism has absolutely nothing to do with the device you just posted on.
People would have designed that if they had been getting free money from the start, right?
Get a helium bag, faggot.

People don't really appreciate what they have until they lose it.

Anyone looking for Innovation in entertainment is fucking stupid.
There are constants in entertainment not only in culture, but across the human race as a whole. As juvenile as it is, laughing at others pain/misfortune is inherent in the human condition, and derives from are natural expectations being subverted.
When you look at a Chris Farley movie (Black Sheep in particular) as he tumbles down a mountain for 5 minutes and bounces up completely unscathed, but frustrated and confused it's funny. If he went unconscious after the first 30 seconds and then landed at the bottom of the hill in a mangled corpse of broken bones like would be the case in reality, it would elicit a feeling of sadness and empathy to see someone legitimately in pain. It's a combination of his stupid decisions mixed with over-exaggeration and lack of consequence that make the situation humorous.
Body humor is also fairly consistent across cultures, as most fat and fart jokes often exagerate how uncomfortable it makes the individual and those around them. This also falls back on empathy, as there has always been a moment with in someone's life where they felt that socially they stand out and feel uncomfortable. Reflecting on that misery and seeing others in that position is what drives comedy. This is why race jokes land nearly 100% of the time as well
This theory is not universal however, as following this same process, women are not inherently funny to men. Being instinctively something coveted by males, seeing them in pain or uncomfortable makes men uncomfortable. It's only when all feelings of attraction has been Shed from these women does the general audience find them funny (think Melissa McCarthy.
The last true "innovation" in comedy was the acceptance of homosexuality, and using jokes that would highlight the uncomfortable scerarios it elicits in normal society, but then this faggot would probably try to say that's problematic, so there's no helping him really.

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Thing is people don't realize what they have...they think they can design a system that involves people.

who said "capitalism ONLY rewards creative innovation" though? who said any of this shit

The fact that he built happy gilmore is proof capitalism works.

He even made that transvania series which isn't disney or pixar owned yet the animation is on par with theirs.

Ironically internet was a government funded initiative and even the Soviet Union has a ton of skyscrapers

happy madison*

Fucking lolbert. If we had true freedom of choice we'd all be drug and gambling addicts. The point of regulation is to limit choices to only include positive outcomes and limit bad decisions.

Exept America isn't a capitalist country.
We have an interventionist system made to prop up multinational corporations.

Tweets like this is why i devote so much of my savings to crypto nowadays eventually these people will run for office or positions of power and destroy the entire economy

Communist achieved;
>first man and woman in space
>first satellite in space
>first animal in space
>first space craft to land on venus

Nationa Socialism achieved;
>first jet powered fighter
>first ever guided balistic missile
>first jet powered bomber

Capitalism does not hold a monopoly over human inventions and human technology you stupid african refugee subhuman nigger

Hence why you need national socialism.

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Did she just inadvertently ask the JQ?

lmao, you mother fucker, thanks for the lols user

>lowest common denominator
the simplest definition of unadultered communism

Well it's not perfect, but it's not Communism. So it automatically wins by default. A straight up Monarchy is preferable to absolutely any Communist shithole.

Creation of the “elite”? I think you’re giving them too much credit. It’s far more likely that the conniving bastards simply saw the potential for subverting everything that’s good and just in the world and then adopted it.

And which of these nations still exists today Kiwi?

This is why retards who say 100% capitalism or 100% communism is the solution.
Governments can afford to spend money on things that don't turn a profit but are beneficial to society as a whole. Then the private sector can come in and build on the work already done to turn it into a marketable product.

Synergy. It's a beautiful thing.

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Kiwi commie dreams of the day that African nigger in Sweden comes to rail his ugly wife.

I liked Hotel Transylvania.
I liked a lot of Adam Sandler's early works.
I don't like the communist.

pic of socialism rewarding innovation

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Everything he said was based on the retarded labor theory of value.

Sure. Provide something better that they can spend their money on instead if they choose. Don't use the state to enforce taste.

>those untermensch fat dumb mutts are the individuals selected by capitalism

You mean the ones that could not feed themselves if it weren't for Marxist wealth redistribution from those who actually participate in civilization and contribute to society.

Typical memeflag post.

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Whereas the socialists and every other brand of collectivist would rather shove their impotent will down the throat of everyone they don't like through an intermediary overwhelming force (the government, the state etc) who should act on their impotent behalf as their personal bulldog to bully and annoy anyone who doesn't behave the way they want them to.

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Sandler haters are a special kind of despicable fucker that I have a personal vendetta against.

Pretty much this.

If people didn’t like Sandler’s work, they wouldn’t be giving him money. I watched Grown Ups with my girlfriend and it licked ass. Not once did I laugh. I stopped watching his movies after that.

>spend decades undermining social values like decency, modesty, taste
>spend decades promoting hedonism and uncontrolled satisfying of most basic urges
>spend decades "deconstructing" existing social structers that held everything together
>wtf why is shit appealing to idiots being rewarded???

I agree that capitalism helped innovation in the past but how about the notion that now capitalism is actually holding back progress and new technological advancements im the name of profit and the fact that it had outlived its usefullness? Does Jow Forums agree with that?