Is fluoride in toothpaste bad ?

Is fluoride in toothpaste bad ?

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Not if you don't swallow it

there are blood vessels all over your gums

I brush my teeth with melted butter mixed with egg-whites

Gave up the fluoride jew a month or so ago, now use euthymol which is easy to get, it's more expensive but goes further and I believe it healthier, persistent gum infection now gone

Yes, just take a simple look into studies that explain the effects of too much fluoride in the human body.

For reference, fluoride from toothpaste and from water supplies is too much fluoride.

Trader Joe’s has really good non-fluoride toothpaste. Peppermint and xylitol are the obvious good ingredients.. what’s most important is flossing

Buy nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste and chew gum with recaldent if you aren't comfortable with fluoride in your mouth

Yeah but the teeth whitening agents have fluoride in them

what's toothpaste?

It’s good for whitening your teeth but is hateful inside your body.

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I used the overpriced stuff without fluoride for years and recently started using cheap shit again. I did not notice any difference desu.

i haven't brushed my teeth in like 2 months lol

...quantity, if that was the case every time i swallow water from a pool i would die from clorine(Cl ), if i smoke a cigarette i would die from cianide poisining fluor is safe as long as you don't swallow it in fact toothpaste was discovered because some amerimutts were drinking contaminated water and having weird headache,etc... They also had weird tooth but their dental hygiene was the best one

Anybody else regurgitate when using toothpaste? Always put me off brushing. Switched to baking soda mixed with coconut oil.

Just don't swallow it.
It's fine for topical use. TOPICAL
Don;t ingest that toxic shit. It shouldn't be in our drinking water.
Bentonite clay is much better.

No that's what you need into your body and mind to function like you should.

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stop believing empiricism is at work, it's not. Everything is compromised, fluoride is a by product of aluminium production and they found a way to give it value. Statistics are selectively and erroneously produced to serve a narrative

>all this heat and poisoned sheeps who smell like chemical waste couple hour after shower. Worst smell ever. SAD.

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>then they use other chemicals to hide it. KEK

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No, if you squeeze it into your anus.