Are we living in a simulation?
Are we living in a simulation?
Imagine being so disconnected with reality and so attached to technology that your only explanation for life is that it’s simulated by a computer
Sometime ago I perused one article a friend of mine shared with me, said article was about how to start lifting weights and it said something lile this:
"next time you have a mini life crisis and think we are living in a computer simulation, go and lift some weights, that will put you back in your place by remembering you the cold truth of your friend the iron."
You sure prbro? Without googling, what is the rock snake pokemon called?
we will never know
the end
If it's possible to program a computer that can create genuine artificial intelligence then yes we most likely are. Because we're one species and would create multiple artificially intelligent simulations. So the odds of ourselves being some extremely complex simulation would be very likely.
Pretty cool to imagine we're some aliens ph.d or some shit in a massive Dyson Sphere powered super computer.
Quantum physics = rounding errors.
Nice nihilism inducer. Wanna watch Rick and Morty?
This is “NEW” information for “scientists”. It was also new information when it was revealed to Adam.
For fucks sake not this shit again
>Are we living in a simulation?
Feminist driven PC simulation where niggers are invading Europe.
What a shit game, cant believe i paid for it.
If we're an ancestor simulation we're most likely not being simulated by aliens but instead ourselves. And if General AI is not possible it's actually a pretty solid proof that we're in one due to limitations in computing power as there would be an inherent limit of how deep the ancestral simulation can go as no one is stopping for one to appear in another other then computing requirements.
In satanic illusion.
More info.
no because we get toothache
You do w*te boi. Stay sleepin
Imagine being so retarded that you don't see how all natural processes are just computations, that, in theory, could be simulated by any Turing complete machine with enough memory and time.
Rule 34 metaphysics.
If we can conceive of it, its already happened to fullest possible extent.
Ramblings of a shizo
this isn't /b/ you fuckin faggot
Every day until you like it.
It's more likely than not that we are, but at that point you have to wonder what's considered "real".
We're in a simulation. Hitler won. This is what life would have been like had he lost. The entire simulation is designed to make sure that you're a model citizen when you get out.
>possibly possible
>no way to refute or verify
not an hypothesis, just a confusion
Imagine being brown
Nature is the only truth here.
The black guy who graduated from GIBS business school with a Masters of Engineering and Design in African Technology
It's definitely a simulation, and whoever is running it loves memes.
God is indistinguishable from science.
What fucking difference would it make?
I saw that recently and it made me question everything
Basically these two.
Fatigue is just chemical reaction in the brain and body, pain is literally an illusion as interpreted by our mind
>t. reductionist
>not realizing all possibilities occur on an infinite timeline
get on my level
possibly possible is not the same as possible
The odds are not likely yes than no