More than 70% of racemixers in west are men

>more than 70% of racemixers in west are men
>Jow Forums only posts white women and foreign men couples

Men are the real race traitors

Attached: 20180801_102212.png (1080x1063, 795K)

Many white women still don't want babies - which is just as BAD as RACEMIXING. Click here to see why!

wtf i love white women now

It's mostly Jews on either side mate.

Yes goyim white women are racists who don't date enough niggers! Now cmon Stacy go and date a nigger to prove that you are not a racist

Men racemixing are irrelevant, because there is never not enough men. Women however is anothert story entirely - female is valuable resource, and loss of each one hurts whole group.

Women prefer money. It's a tiny minority of women that date poor third worlders.

Men fuck anything that have a pussy.

True. Jow Forums is dumb as fuck to notice this.

>no source
>feminist cuck snownigger shaming men

Attached: tradcuck homosexual.jpg (1655x1449, 265K)

>be me.
>Going to business school, getting degrees, CPA
>5'6" manlet, hair going away in 20's.
>dry spells measured in years
>put ad in cherry blossoms mag. Get letters. Marry pretty, slim, Filipino girl who was a virgin.
>everybody said it wouldn't work.
>tfw we just celebrated 15 year anniversary.
>daughter is attractive, has golden brown hair and light tan skin everyone desires.
Maybe it's not for everyone but it works for me.