Do Germans hate their culture?

I was told by a colleague to come here and drench myself in information and that I'd change my mind in a week or less. I hold the position that we Germans are proud of our race, culture and heritage... do any of you have proof of the opposite? Pictures, links, etc.

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Volkswagens are shit dude. All the proof I need.

Well you lost two world wars. You were however against most of the world, so I would say you guys are alright.

But this guy told me "Germans hate their race, country and culture" which I don't think is true.

Mostly shills or kanaken with german flags shitting on germany

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Its widespread. Funnily enough, the german selfhate confuses immigants a lot, because they are healthily pride of their country

Fuck off with your bait thread


How can you be proud of your country when you’re occupied by a foreign country, like a slave. If Hitler was alive he’d gas you for being so accepting of your submissive occupation.

Could you please provide examples? I can't find anything using search engines.
I don't see how I'm baiting. It's a legitimate concern. The worst I've "seen" online so far is that in Hamburg a proposal to make the country flag obligatory in all school was dismissed.

>Germans are proud of our race, culture and heritage... do any of you have proof of the opposite?
Could you please focus on this?

will be warming self with russian natural gas and mooslim love this winter?

Germans are scared of going right wing even though it's in their best interests.

Cute pupper, do high five!

You’re on my forum speaking my language, you fucking occupied Slavs nigger. You don’t tell ANYONE what to focus on. Focus on the fact you’re a nigger occupied slave.

Merkel throws away the flag.
Politicians want to disband the army.
Having 50% under 5s non German

You have no facts to prove it though. Why would I trust your bile-ridden opinion?

Show me a French movement named "Anti-French" or a Russian one named "Anti-Russians". Any country, I'm waiting.

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german shepherds are the only good thing to come out of germany

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Nobody with a brain likes Merkel. First time I read about army disbandment and the percentage, if true, is not direct proof that the average german is not "proud of our race, culture and heritage".

jesus fucking christ

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Had never seen this before, thank you very much. Finally a proper reply.

You’re on my forum speaking my language. Do you see anyone come into Kraut faggot nigger forum speaking your sub human retard ape language????
Sit down and keep your strudel nigger mouth shut before I stick another military base up your dirty whore ape mothers asshole.

Because you don't love your country as much as Americans love ours. Anything else is self-hatred in comparison

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your forum which is owned by a japanese. ahhhaaa.....

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This is not -your- forum because you haven't done anything for or by it, and the owner is not even American. You're nothing but a consumer. And I don't mind your senseless berating, since all it does is reveal how small and pathetic of a person you are, not to mention your "language" has been decimated and violated by the very people you claim to hate.
I don't see how you can claim to love your country when you don't even have an unified identity card. But anyway, this was never about rivalries between countries but the deficits of my own. So far only one person has even tried to be on-topic.

>have proof
some German women, students, told me they hate their language, that they sound like cows when speaking, so they rather want to learn some exotic language or just speak English

kanaken are Turks and other middle eastern invaders?

The literal concept of Volkstod and its popularity in the left scene.
It literally calls for a German suicide by interbreeding. You are fucked, my friend.

How is she ruling for 15 years? No one in Germany must have a brain so.

Not being proud of the wehrmacht. Great army, took on the world.

>Your own chancellor hates the sight of your flag
>is well aware about the inflation of crime from refugees, still imports more of them
>your Bundestag tried to hold a moment of silence for a raped and murdered German girl (migrant perpetrator) and it was immediately dismissed
>German citizens who oppose the influx of refugees are called less German than the refugees that are failing to assimilate.
>your public areas are being segregated by gender for the sake of sharia law.
>children are being bullied for not being Muslim

Need I continue op?

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you are a bunch of retarded gays who lives constantly in shame of yourself and spend your life to apologyzing for your past (hitler, the only good, great thing germany ever had.) you let niggers and shitskins run your country and mass-rape your women in new years eve. you watch your families being raped and you don't do nothing because without hitler you are simply a weak and soft race. very weak, wery soft, you are uncapable to be violent or alpha. uncapable to beat a nigger. you are scared. a nations of beta, cucked, soft, overeducated people, and more you educate yourself more you become liberal and gay.
please leave europe now, along with france and sweden.

You krauts are always all in autistically on whatever is trending. Now it's being ultra whacky left on the pendulum.

>unified identity card.
The fuck is that?

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>PJW video
you could've at least pulled up a molymeme video

>healthily pride of their country
They're invading a first world country and winning, they have a lot to be prideful of.


He did a good job with this one and it answers op’s question.

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Off topic, germans thots love spic dick

>Volkswagens are shit dude.
You crazy, they are awesome!

Because she used to be the "lesser evil". As of 2015 not so much, but nobody even tried to step up. Sigmar Gabriel was supposed to rival her in the previous elections, but he dropped out and appointed someone who never stood a chance.
Thanks for the reply, I'll look into it.
Yes, but this time with links or pictures. Words mean nothing if I can't see at different angles to accrue their veracity.
All countries in the world, afaik, require its citizens to get and ID (which stands for (ID)entification) card, which you should carry around at all times for e.g. proving you're 18, signing contracts, etc. It's a legal document. In the USA each state has their own silly card, which you can get in trouble for in different states. You don't have all the same card, which you should, just for the sake of order. That's why you end up with millions of illegal votes.

kraut hiding behind eu memeflag.
we will not buy your crappy wolksjudenvagen.

The best part about the World Wars is that it wiped out all the men willing to fight. It’s left a german country and its people crippled soulless cowardly and afraid. There isn’t a real man left in your country, it’s full of cowards faggots and all the undesirables, which is why your strongest leader is a fucking WOMAN. Everytime you come onto OUR forums speaking OUR language it’s because you’re inferior, occupied, and a submissive slave living in acceptance of your occupation.

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absolutely this.
based smart burger.

Cute doggo I hope he gets the chance to bite the ever living shit out of some niggers when he grows up.

Do it for Diesel pupper

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Germans are a slave race.
They will feel however they are pressured to feel.

Anybody that is brown
>Mixed negers

the leading cuck of europe? germany or sweden?

It's not about hating the culture.

It's about not giving a fuck.

I for one am very proud to be German and treasure culture and heritage. I am not afraid to confront myself with the past but I am also able to let go of it.

My gf in the other hand is the other way around she always asks what is there to be proud of.

And that's the mentality with many millennials these days.

I don't really know though just a guess.

Ja kevin! Every german must always be able to be identified by the government at all times. Carry your ID or you'll be jailed!

Literally no other country than we do this. Sure you have ID cards in other countries, and yes you need them to vote, but no other country forces you to carry around ID and identify yourself. Unless you're a convicted felon or sex offender

Germans are autistic by nature and they hide their racism and hatred very good, now there is no reason for them to be concerned when they live in 4th Reich aka EU and when they suck all the money and people out of other countries but when the shit hits the fan they will strike when nobody expects it and they will leave no one alive, not an Anglo, not a Slav not a shitskin, not a Jew, not an American. Never trust and never relax around g*rm

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>treasure culture and heritage

what culture? germany has no culture.

what is german culture?

Are you fucking retarded you kraut? I posted a link that displays everything I claimed.

"Germany, you lousy piece of shit"

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Heres a video of your supreme leader dumping a german flag into the bin with absolute disgustment. This is the current state of Germany.

>I was told by a colleague to come here and drench myself in information and that I'd change my mind in a week or less. I hold the position that we Germans are proud of our race, culture and heritage... do any of you have proof of the opposite? Pictures, links, etc.

German men have been so feminized they no longer know what it is to be men.

sad, but true. I feel for them.

How many rapefugees are you importing this year Hans? What's the birth rate for the native population again?

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german media hates germn people

think about who owns these media cooperations



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> no other country forces you to carry around ID and identify yourself
Have you never traveled before? Everyone in the entirety of Europe (not just EU) has an ID, as well as every single country in central and south America. I know Russia, Japan, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korean and all Oceanic neighbours do it too. No clue about Africa, to be honest.

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t. Lived in Germany for two years
What the fuck happen? I lived their from 2004 to 2006. Yeah I was probably the first black/mixed person many saw over there but it was never negative. Talking with people about the issues of the past and all of them said that was history and they are willing to move forward. However I think the autistic nature of Germans pushed it too far.

Exactly that is what my gf always says but that's pretty much not true.

While Germany hasn't got 1 culture everybody follows there are many different things that's define culture in different parts of Germany.

E. G. The Kölner Karneval is part of the Rheinländischen culture. If it's Rheinland, Niederhein or Ruhrpott there is Karneval and it's celebrated only because other parts of Germany don't celebrate it doesn't mean it's not part of the German culture.

I think the largest issue with Germany is that after the world wars it was decidedly set to have a passive culture where even a spark of nationalism is automatically associated with Hitler. Now, I'm not entirely for Nationalism, when taken too far it only creates division which is difficult to balance in a globalized world where you need economic partners to compete. That being said, a love for your country above all others is a necessary trait for a successful nation - or you end up in your current position where you consider the needs of migrants over the health of your own country.

I have the feeling when Merkel is gone, the pendulum will swing back hard to counter the damage she's caused to your country, which will fix some things and destroy others. An extreme is almost always the answer to another extreme.

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If you can stop your country from being given away you can be proud of that.
Get your country to stop trusting or apoligizing to the jews.

How much can you redpill her? If she is an open border SJW, you should break up.

A video of a shrill faggot that attaches videos of opinions isn't something I can share to other people and present it as undeniable facts.
Yes, yes, everyone knows that video and hates Merkel for it. One pandering idiot like 5 years ago doesn't represent 80+ million, specially since basically everyone hates her.

Germany perish

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wow, this really makes me angry. i hate what europe is becoming

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I'm going to get a Quadrifoglio one day. I'm surprised no one knows about them here, although I'm starting to see Alfa/Fiat dealerships pop up now that Fiat bought them. I also want one of these.

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me too brother. it's a fuckin jewish nightmare. stay strong there.

Anyone got the gif of merkel snatching the german flag from a german politician next to her? Only E.U flags are kosher and sheit.
That is clear self hate my kraut user.

hahahha proud of your race, culture and heritage
your own president freaked out when her party won the election and someone in her party was happy and waved a german flag high in the air

how about making pamphlets encouraging and teaching about how niggers can couple with german girls

>specially since basically everyone hates her.
Vote for her again and again and again and again ...
What you're saying does not hold up.

>That's why you end up with millions of illegal votes.
No, we have illegal voters because states don't check the IDs they issue. States handle the voting, not the federal government. They just get the results afterwards.

Also you missed my point, by comparison to Americans other nations patriotism seems poor in comparison. It's not that you hate yourself or your country, just that in comparison to how much Americans love our own nation it appears like other nationals don't feel the same about their nation. On this board anyways.

>thinking you need a piece of plastic in your pocket to allow you to love your nation

I'm sure this is not as bad as you make it seem. Though yes it is retarded that you're legally required to carry your ID, what's the point of the law? Not like they can check everyone to make sure they are carrying their ID at all times. Many Americans always carry their IDs anyways though, you're required to have it on you to drive.

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yes. find strenght in your friends my brother

any german human with an ounce of testosterone in his body was killed and had their children taken away to be brainwashed to be faggots and cucks their entire life and hate their country

you have one media hegamony that all rules and all think the same and there is no alternative news to them

and even then they are raised in school how to spot right wingers 100000 miles away and ignore them but not being critical of the cuck agenda and propaganda

>I hold the position that we Germans are proud of our race, culture and heritage... do any of you have proof of the opposite?

Is your position and question serious?

Because the successful Brainwashing into self-hate of Germans is very obvious when you see a large majority of the population voting for political parties that literally bring upon extinction to the white race, by FLOODING the country with all kind of 3rd world scum.

So yes, that is perfect proof of most Germans having been brainwashed into hating their race, culture and heritage.

Oh brother

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>Vote for her again and again and again and again ...
Nobody votes "for" Merkel, you ignorant fool.
I could post a Huffington Post article about France or USA and you wouldn't claim "Look all the Germans agree with this". Everyone knows Huffing Post is garbage.

Argentina doesn't

>le EU = 4th reich
ask me how I know you're a boomer

Of course the envelope is in English

shut the fuck up nigger he came here to talk about something not to listen to your drivel even if it may be true.

>Nobody votes "for" Merkel, you ignorant fool.

What? How is she still in power then? I think that there might be something wrong with your brain.

Sweden, but Germany is a close second.

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You're not required in Argentina to go to "El registro civil" and get an ID Card?
I know you morons can't comprehend systems different than your own, but all it takes is for you to google.

> Anything by Günther Grass

I'm German. And I think that you may be Autistic.

romans attack germans first
not only germans attacked constantinople
pretending the 30 year war wasnt about habsburg and french monarchy
germany is exclusivly to blame for the war yeah right
they didnt justify their invassion of poland they did it based on polish attrocities against germans living there. the anglos and amerimutts supported the communists who also invaded poland yet you pretend like the war was about the allie standing up to the rights of poland to be a independent country even though in hitlers peace proposals poland must be a free country

lel, still angry because of 1866? Get fucked, do it again Bismark.

That's even worse then. You don't even know how the Parliament works? Are you 12?

You're a very autistic german, typical.

Voting for CDU equals voting for Merkel. Have you been diagnosed with Autism?

Yes, but Merkel can get elected with coalitions, which do not accurately represent the voters. If the CDU wins e.g. 30% of the vote, that -shouldn't- be enough for Merkel to get elected.At best they should hold national reelections (which they won't because they know AfD will come on top), and at worse hold parliamentary elections instead of coalitions.

None of those technicalities matter.

The fact that the majority of Germans voted for a Government that is actively working on their destruction and replacement remains.

You really do seem to live in your own little world.

You're retarded. Unsurprising you hide behind a crypto-communist flag.